i can't be the only one who was disappointed in the released version of minecraft, i mean seriously? that's what we've been waiting for? they threw minecon for that? that was nothing...
the only thing that changed was now it said 'MineCraft 1.0' instead of "minecraft beta xxx"
very disappointing release, the villages & villagers are still useless (keep in mind, THIS IS THE RELEASED GAME THAT IS WORTH $30 TO BUY)
not only is the released version of minecraft disappointing but also minecon, lol...
so you're telling me notch didn't even bother to speak about the future of minecraft? what is to come & what we should expect?
so who is on the minecraft dev team now? jeb only? while notch has been on "vacation" since minecraft was released, wow that is nice, 4 million people bought a game and only 1 person working on it, awesome stuff mojang.
Good job smart one, you do know that Mojang is a COMPANY, not a one man job like it used to be. It's not just jeb, but he is the lead producer now. And coding takes alot of time and effort, why don't you go make a damn game that will satisfy millions.
A man cant be critical of the product he paid good money for? I agree with the OP. Considering how much was promised, very little of it came into fruition.
Notch provided the basis for the game, but its been the community thats really provided the attention, content, and care to make Minecraft what it really deserves to be.
Good job smart one, you do know that Mojang is a COMPANY, not a one man job like it used to be. It's not just jeb, but he is the lead producer now. And coding takes alot of time and effort, why don't you go make a damn game that will satisfy millions.
Jeb is the only one in charge of development of MineCraft, while notch is on vacation playing video games.
I can see how it looks disappointing and a bit anti-climatic if you played every one of the pre-releases. I didn't play any of the pre-releases for more than 5 minutes total, so I couldn't be happier now that the full release of Minecraft has finally come.
A man cant be critical of the product he paid good money for? I agree with the OP. Considering how much was promised, very little of it came into fruition.
Attacking force here; Do realise that coding is not an easy job, even if you have experience in it. Errors and malfunctions all over the place, loads of testing, and many people to satisfy. Also, considering you bought MC in beta/alpha, you got a great deal. Tons of features, a great game, and for only about 20 bucks. Pay 60 for a mainstream game and get a fraction of the enjoyment you would get from MC. Just sayin.
Anyone disagree? Please, I wanna hear your thoughts.
A man cant be critical of the product he paid good money for? I agree with the OP. Considering how much was promised, very little of it came into fruition.
I know right, just because these are MINECRAFT FORUMS doesn't mean people aren't allowed to speak on the negative aspects of the game.
these forums seem to be like North Korea, where Notch is Jim Jong-Il & the users seem to be brainwashed.
When MineCraft was released, the only thing that changed was the price.
The only change was the name difference? Oh please god don't tell me you honestly thought the pre-releases counted as official updates D:
1.0 was the official release of everything done from 1.9pre1 to RC2. That's a absolutely huge amount of content right there . . .
The only thing that really helps minecraft continue on is the mod community. Textures and mods can keep the game interesting and add even more playability (other than the "limitless construction" which becomes tedious without a little action).
Yogbox for instance, with the addition of a HD texture pack actually gives you an example of what minecraft should have been. I am not saying that it has to have the same content that the yogbox gives, im just giving one example of what we could have gotten on release day.
The full game has been released. To the people saying it is still being updated, that argument really only had merit during beta when it was expected to be unfinished and would need updates. Bugs are one thing, I honest can handle bugs they are a part of gaming. But what I cannot handle is someone wrapping up dog doo doo and saying it is a polished product. This game is still beta, with a new price tag and title of "release".
- The villages included in the game generate nicely, the villagers are garbage.
- Strongholds generate nicely, and are absolutely pointless to go to unless you want to get to the hurried so called ending of the game. I mean how can you not say that notch didn't throw together some POS craptastik ending with some goof ball credits about it all being a dream and just slopped it in to the game. When the end was added it felt like a joke from the developers to get us all riled up, hahaha... oh wait, they are serious?
Just these two examples alone not to mention the countless posts I read on these forums with legitimate complaints about an unfinished product riddled bugs give merit to what the OP has to say. I find it troubling that so many are accepting of the unfinished product that we have.
If we did not have the modding community this game would would have lost a lot of interest for a lot of people. There are those die hards that defend it to the bitter end, but lets be honest... this entire minecon release version is a joke. People are now expected to pay full price for an unfinished game that will be "updated". This is not good business and this is not how a developer should treat its fan base.
It was near expectations, would liked to have a few extras in 1.0
the real letdown was the pocket edition, my fault for not reading reviews before purchase, but IMHO its the most boring minecraft clone ive come across.
oh my go-READ TWITTER WILL YOU?Notch is taking a break until next mouth.Anyway about the game...
If you follow Notch,he said that this is just a stable release,not really a full release.
And Jeb is just doing some things,not really focusing on fixing too many things untill Notch gets back.
So why call it a full release if it's not actually a full release? That's kind of the point here. Notch is calling the game complete, while it clearly is not. No one is saying that development can't continue and have new features added, but the features in the game should have at least be finished before calling it a full release.
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the only thing that changed was now it said 'MineCraft 1.0' instead of "minecraft beta xxx"
very disappointing release, the villages & villagers are still useless (keep in mind, THIS IS THE RELEASED GAME THAT IS WORTH $30 TO BUY)
not only is the released version of minecraft disappointing but also minecon, lol...
so you're telling me notch didn't even bother to speak about the future of minecraft? what is to come & what we should expect?
so who is on the minecraft dev team now? jeb only? while notch has been on "vacation" since minecraft was released, wow that is nice, 4 million people bought a game and only 1 person working on it, awesome stuff mojang.
A man cant be critical of the product he paid good money for? I agree with the OP. Considering how much was promised, very little of it came into fruition.
Notch provided the basis for the game, but its been the community thats really provided the attention, content, and care to make Minecraft what it really deserves to be.
Jeb is the only one in charge of development of MineCraft, while notch is on vacation playing video games.
Attacking force here; Do realise that coding is not an easy job, even if you have experience in it. Errors and malfunctions all over the place, loads of testing, and many people to satisfy. Also, considering you bought MC in beta/alpha, you got a great deal. Tons of features, a great game, and for only about 20 bucks. Pay 60 for a mainstream game and get a fraction of the enjoyment you would get from MC. Just sayin.
Anyone disagree? Please, I wanna hear your thoughts.
I know right, just because these are MINECRAFT FORUMS doesn't mean people aren't allowed to speak on the negative aspects of the game.
these forums seem to be like North Korea, where Notch is Jim Jong-Il & the users seem to be brainwashed.
When MineCraft was released, the only thing that changed was the price.
Key words: Only, One, In, Charge. That doesnt mean he is the only one working on it.
and i don't mean the people who work on the website or the servers
EDIT: LOL guy doesn't reply as fast as he was before, probably out googling all he can, i rest my case.
1.0 was the official release of everything done from 1.9pre1 to RC2. That's a absolutely huge amount of content right there . . .
Yogbox for instance, with the addition of a HD texture pack actually gives you an example of what minecraft should have been. I am not saying that it has to have the same content that the yogbox gives, im just giving one example of what we could have gotten on release day.
The full game has been released. To the people saying it is still being updated, that argument really only had merit during beta when it was expected to be unfinished and would need updates. Bugs are one thing, I honest can handle bugs they are a part of gaming. But what I cannot handle is someone wrapping up dog doo doo and saying it is a polished product. This game is still beta, with a new price tag and title of "release".
- The villages included in the game generate nicely, the villagers are garbage.
- Strongholds generate nicely, and are absolutely pointless to go to unless you want to get to the hurried so called ending of the game. I mean how can you not say that notch didn't throw together some POS craptastik ending with some goof ball credits about it all being a dream and just slopped it in to the game. When the end was added it felt like a joke from the developers to get us all riled up, hahaha... oh wait, they are serious?
Just these two examples alone not to mention the countless posts I read on these forums with legitimate complaints about an unfinished product riddled bugs give merit to what the OP has to say. I find it troubling that so many are accepting of the unfinished product that we have.
If we did not have the modding community this game would would have lost a lot of interest for a lot of people. There are those die hards that defend it to the bitter end, but lets be honest... this entire minecon release version is a joke. People are now expected to pay full price for an unfinished game that will be "updated". This is not good business and this is not how a developer should treat its fan base.
/agree with OP
the real letdown was the pocket edition, my fault for not reading reviews before purchase, but IMHO its the most boring minecraft clone ive come across.
So why call it a full release if it's not actually a full release? That's kind of the point here. Notch is calling the game complete, while it clearly is not. No one is saying that development can't continue and have new features added, but the features in the game should have at least be finished before calling it a full release.
Locking as redundant.
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