I'm doing a top 10, just because I'm a top 10 list addict...
10. Drowning- It doesn't happen often, but when you can't get back to the surface in time and the screen starts to show flashes of red... you can imagine what that does to someone deathly afraid of drowning.
9. Zombie Pigmen horde- Only really a surprise at first, but who doesn't remember (and regret) the first time they pissed off a horde? Usually it resulted in me walking off a cliff.
8. Ninja spiders- Just when you think you're in clear, they'll either scale whatever you've built, drop right down on you in the middle of a ravine, or simply outrun you in the case of cave spiders.
7. Walking around lava- As hard as you mash that crouch button, you still know something is about to go wrong. Usually it does, in the form of some punk skeleton who shows up as soon as you round a corner.
6. Anything in hardcore mode- Pure and utter paranoia will turn every bump in the night into something that could potentially ruin everything you've worked for. The hiss of a creeper fuse in the mode is known to cause strokes.
5. Cave-ins- You get that moment of pure horror when you realize you can't dig your way out, no matter what you do. Sleep tight, claustrophobics like myself.
4. Trapped with a creeper- The quintessential "gotcha!" Minecraft moment, though you could argue that it's a cheap shot or more shocking than outright scary. Still, it never loses it's staying power after all these years of Minecraft.
3. Silverfish- The walls disintegrating into a swarm of insects that attempt to consume you? Sounds like something out of The Mummy.
2. Battling an enderman- Everything from the alien sound effects to its silhouette against the night, surprising speed, the teleportation, frantic searching, and open mouth as it tears into you... it's all mined for maximum horror. And you'll never fully have control over this fight.
1. Ghast cries- Oh hell no. Are you kidding me? The distorted voices of children condemned to the netherworld emanating from massive, crying ghosts? No.
10. Drowning- It doesn't happen often, but when you can't get back to the surface in time and the screen starts to show flashes of red... you can imagine what that does to someone deathly afraid of drowning.
9. Zombie Pigmen horde- Only really a surprise at first, but who doesn't remember (and regret) the first time they pissed off a horde? Usually it resulted in me walking off a cliff.
8. Ninja spiders- Just when you think you're in clear, they'll either scale whatever you've built, drop right down on you in the middle of a ravine, or simply outrun you in the case of cave spiders.
7. Walking around lava- As hard as you mash that crouch button, you still know something is about to go wrong. Usually it does, in the form of some punk skeleton who shows up as soon as you round a corner.
6. Anything in hardcore mode- Pure and utter paranoia will turn every bump in the night into something that could potentially ruin everything you've worked for. The hiss of a creeper fuse in the mode is known to cause strokes.
5. Cave-ins- You get that moment of pure horror when you realize you can't dig your way out, no matter what you do. Sleep tight, claustrophobics like myself.
4. Trapped with a creeper- The quintessential "gotcha!" Minecraft moment, though you could argue that it's a cheap shot or more shocking than outright scary. Still, it never loses it's staying power after all these years of Minecraft.
3. Silverfish- The walls disintegrating into a swarm of insects that attempt to consume you? Sounds like something out of The Mummy.
2. Battling an enderman- Everything from the alien sound effects to its silhouette against the night, surprising speed, the teleportation, frantic searching, and open mouth as it tears into you... it's all mined for maximum horror. And you'll never fully have control over this fight.
1. Ghast cries- Oh hell no. Are you kidding me? The distorted voices of children condemned to the netherworld emanating from massive, crying ghosts? No.
Especially in Hardcore mode/
I tried to escape him by jumping into my pool, but it didn't work
Don't have anything indicating that it's actually that, but that's sure as heck what it sounds like to me.
it saced the heck out of me!