Oh dear. 75 pages and counting. When do you people find the time to actually play the game ? And, as a a matter of fact, could some nice soul in this nether-y thread explain to me why this little incident is so fascinating ? (Not that I'd like the controversy to stop, this is delightful to read, in a slap-stick comedy way).
Don't be fooled, a lot of people have been contributing to this discussion. We aren't stalking the thread to hurl insults or anything.
It's fascinating because it's drama, and the kind that everyone feels the need to form a hasty opinion of because it came from Notch.
Congratulations on making the dumbest post in the thread! YouTube is a business. Their partners create videos which drives traffic and ad revenue. That's real money. It's a real business.
I don't know why this is so confusing for some.
Congratulations on being ignorant. Just because the "HOST" of social media is a business, doesn't mean it's participants are paid employees you ignorant fool.
Trying to argue against what I posted by saying YouTube is a business, is a lot like saying that because I play Minecraft, I am an employee.
Alright, rabid NDFer or a troll. Either way, I get to have fun with this one...
Who says this is what happened? No one. This is a non-point.
No, but I do see where you're going with this and it is one hell of a stretch, even for making a straw-man argument, but I will get to that.
Irrelevant. You are effectively equating a series of crimes with arrogant (but perfectly legal) behavior. Try again.
And it is your assumption that this happened. There is zero evidence of this.
Um, no. Notch used his social media outlet to level (thus far) baseless accusations against Yogscast. Notch used his social media outlet as a weapon to defame and possibly commit libel. Yogscast merely used the stage at Minecon to poke a bit of good-natured fun, something which anyone with a sense of humor would have found funny, or at the least, good-naturedly satirical.
This is perhaps the only sensible thing you say in this post.
Okay, again you are assuming that events occured that there is no evidence of. Moreover, it is starting to become evident that you haven't even watched the panel. I suggest you go and do that.
I am starting to think you're just a troll, but just in case you really do believe what you say, I have this. You are making the assumption that Yogscast chose to attend Minecon without pay for the sole purpose of insulting the Minecon, Mojang and fans of both. Wow, that is pretty low. Good thing there is zero evidence of that being the case.
Actually, no. He could have handled the thing quietly and not made a big deal out of it. Yogscast simply would not have had a panel at the next Minecon (assuming there is one) and this could have been handled professionally and with class. Notch could have put himself on a level above the perceived wrongs of Yogscast. Instead he chose to go down to that level.
Yup, Yogscast made a bunch of assumptions, just like you are assuming that Notch's tweets are 100% accurate.
Now, either you are doing one hell of a job trolling or you've got blinders the size of sails over your eyes. Either way, that post deserved to be picked apart.
Wow, I feel so picked apart and defeated. Basically, you leveled your assumptions that Notch's tweets aren't true, against my assumptions that they are. Yet your argument is some how more valid?
Look, I destroyed your post without using multiple quotes, or a huge post. Do I win an internet now?
Wow, I feel so picked apart and defeated. Basically, you leveled your assumptions that Notch's tweets aren't true, against my assumptions that they are. Yet your argument is some how more valid?
Alright, first, the presumption of innocence is the way things work. In courts, in science, basically everywhere, when one makes claims, they must back them up with evidence. Notch has not done so. Ergo, the assumption must be made that Notch's tweets aren't true until we see more evidence. All we have to go on is Notch's tweets, which are a very biased source. So yes, the assumption that the tweets aren't true, by method of not only science and law, but COMMON ****ING SENSE, is automatically more valid than the assumption that they are true. This may change as we get more evidence, but not until then.
Not only that, learn to tell the difference between someone who is trying to point out how stupid your posts are and someone who actually opposes your point of view.
Look, I destroyed your post without using multiple quotes, or a huge post. Do I win an internet now?
Ooh, I am so ****ing scared. You used sarcasm without substance to destroy my post! Oh God what do I do now?
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
All moderation on forums is biased. Mods and admins do play favorites. Thus there is truly no point in "playing by the rules" since enforcement of said rules is subjective. That is why I refuse to censor my speech and will call things exactly as I see them without reservation.
I hope you people realize that when/if Yogscast releases their "statement" it will be a video that makes them money. So if you don't want them making money off this then don't watch any of their videos.
I hope you people realize that when/if Yogscast releases their "statement" it will be a video that makes them money. So if you don't want them making money off this then don't watch any of their videos.
I don't think matters. Blind Yogscast supporters and those who are wanting to hear all sides will watch it regardless and blind Notch supporters have already made up their mind on Yogscast's guilt, so they probably won't.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
All moderation on forums is biased. Mods and admins do play favorites. Thus there is truly no point in "playing by the rules" since enforcement of said rules is subjective. That is why I refuse to censor my speech and will call things exactly as I see them without reservation.
I love how people just jump to conclusions when just hearing a single side to a story
I am glad I am not on trial for murder with a jury made up of those assholes.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
All moderation on forums is biased. Mods and admins do play favorites. Thus there is truly no point in "playing by the rules" since enforcement of said rules is subjective. That is why I refuse to censor my speech and will call things exactly as I see them without reservation.
I hope you people realize that when/if Yogscast releases their "statement" it will be a video that makes them money. So if you don't want them making money off this then don't watch any of their videos.
OK, it's OFFICIALLY d-day for this thing, right? I can look forward to some juicy vlog statement and the Internet as we know it will end later today, yeah?
Seriously, this is the best entertainment I've had for my Thanksgiving week. I want my Internet to go boom.
Last tweet of theirs: "just woke up after about 14 hours sleep, horribly jetlagged, will try and record something about this tonight - Hannah"
Whoo. Is it sadistic that I'm getting pleasure and fun out of this?
PROTECT THE CHILDREN, OH GOD THE HUMANITY. I knew plenty of swear words by grade 2-3, as I'm sure most people do. It's impossible to protect your children from these words (nor should you). As long as you teach your children to respect others, these words are fine.
Seriously tho there is no conclusive evidence proving this tweet is directed at yogcast, but since we have so little to go on (common notch!), they are the most likely suspect.
Kids know swear words. It doesn't mean you should talk like a trucker around them. Have some respect for other people's children & talk like an intelligent adult around them. It's not that hard.
Do we need to post the Stephen Fry video about swearing again?
Also people who watch the Yogscast will know they swear, we have no idea how old this kid was, and it isn't too hard to explain to kids those are words only grownups can say.
Again, your ignorance is just amazing. The partner program is a means of using ads in your content, that generates revenue for the owner of the content as well as YouTube. Explain to me how this has anything to do with a business arrangement between Yogscast and Mojang?
Alright, first, the presumption of innocence is the way things work. In courts, in science, basically everywhere, when one makes claims, they must back them up with evidence. Notch has not done so. Ergo, the assumption must be made that Notch's tweets aren't true until we see more evidence. All we have to go on is Notch's tweets, which are a very biased source. So yes, the assumption that the tweets aren't true, by method of not only science and law, but COMMON ****ING SENSE, is automatically more valid than the assumption that they are true. This may change as we get more evidence, but not until then.
Not only that, learn to tell the difference between someone who is trying to point out how stupid your posts are and someone who actually opposes your point of view.
Ooh, I am so ****ing scared. You used sarcasm without substance to destroy my post! Oh God what do I do now?
So, let me get this straight, you think that the minecraft forum is a court of law, and not a place to express ones own opinion?
Definition of OPINION
a : a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter b : approval, esteem
a : belief stronger than impression and less strong than positive knowledge b : a generally held view
a : a formal expression of judgment or advice by an expert b : the formal expression (as by a judge, court, or referee) of the legal reasons and principles upon which a legal decision is based
Hmm, I guess if you believed that minecraft forums were based on definition 3, I could be wrong. But if you have any ****ing sense at all, I'm guessing that definition, and the "COMMON ****ING SENSE" you claim, will tell you that the minecraft forum is a place to express opinion in the mindset of the first two definitions.
Or did you think everyone who came on the forums was trying to write the laws of the universe?
Pardon my logic, I'm sure it's getting in the way of your ignorant dribble.
Sorry, but your ******** deserved to be called out.
So, let me get this straight, you think that the minecraft forum is a court of law, and not a place to express ones own opinion?
Yes, it is a place to express one's opinion. However, when one touts their opinion as fact, then they deserve to be called out on it and evidence should be demanded. Why should a forum board be any different than a court in this regard? If you make a claim, back it up or admit that it is your opinion. You have expressed your opinion as fact and therefore I have called you on it. You didn't like that my view was different than your own, so you proceed to insult me and make lame attempts to throw out red herring arguments.
Definition of OPINION
a : a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter b : approval, esteem
a : belief stronger than impression and less strong than positive knowledge b : a generally held view
a : a formal expression of judgment or advice by an expert b : the formal expression (as by a judge, court, or referee) of the legal reasons and principles upon which a legal decision is based
Hmm, I guess if you believed that minecraft forums were based on definition 3, I could be wrong. But if you have any ****ing sense at all, I'm guessing that definition, and the "COMMON ****ING SENSE" you claim, will tell you that the minecraft forum is a place to express opinion in the mindset of the first two definitions.
Deliberately attempting to skew my point to add strength to your own argument? I see how this works.
Anyway, what I was saying is that it is only common sense to expect someone who makes a claim to back it up with evidence. No one on any side of this argument has done so, least of all Notch. However, idiots like you defend him in spite of the fact that there is a glaring lack of evidence, making your opinions on the matter your opinions. Nothing more. No amount of aggrandizement by bringing red herrings and straw mans, nor insulting those who do not buy into the ******** will change that. Again, you have zero evidence that any of Notch's claims are true, so that by definition makes your personal judgment a biased opinion. You cannot escape that fact.
Or did you think everyone who came on the forums was trying to write the laws of the universe?
Pardon my logic, I'm sure it's getting in the way of your ignorant dribble.
Circular logic? Okay, I guess I can pardon that so long as you know it's an intellectual fallacy.
Sorry, but your ******** deserved to be called out.
And pray tell, exactly what is it that I have said that is ********? Or is it the fact that you simply don't like what I have to say?
All moderation on forums is biased. Mods and admins do play favorites. Thus there is truly no point in "playing by the rules" since enforcement of said rules is subjective. That is why I refuse to censor my speech and will call things exactly as I see them without reservation.
Don't be fooled, a lot of people have been contributing to this discussion. We aren't stalking the thread to hurl insults or anything.
It's fascinating because it's drama, and the kind that everyone feels the need to form a hasty opinion of because it came from Notch.
Currently down for updates, will be back up soon.
Notch - FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!! >:sad.gif:((
Please Visit my YOUTUBE CHANNEL!!!!! ZxsmellmydutyxZ
Congratulations on being ignorant. Just because the "HOST" of social media is a business, doesn't mean it's participants are paid employees you ignorant fool.
Trying to argue against what I posted by saying YouTube is a business, is a lot like saying that because I play Minecraft, I am an employee.
Wow, I feel so picked apart and defeated. Basically, you leveled your assumptions that Notch's tweets aren't true, against my assumptions that they are. Yet your argument is some how more valid?
Look, I destroyed your post without using multiple quotes, or a huge post. Do I win an internet now?
Dear idiot:
Alright, first, the presumption of innocence is the way things work. In courts, in science, basically everywhere, when one makes claims, they must back them up with evidence. Notch has not done so. Ergo, the assumption must be made that Notch's tweets aren't true until we see more evidence. All we have to go on is Notch's tweets, which are a very biased source. So yes, the assumption that the tweets aren't true, by method of not only science and law, but COMMON ****ING SENSE, is automatically more valid than the assumption that they are true. This may change as we get more evidence, but not until then.
Not only that, learn to tell the difference between someone who is trying to point out how stupid your posts are and someone who actually opposes your point of view.
Ooh, I am so ****ing scared. You used sarcasm without substance to destroy my post! Oh God what do I do now?
I don't think matters. Blind Yogscast supporters and those who are wanting to hear all sides will watch it regardless and blind Notch supporters have already made up their mind on Yogscast's guilt, so they probably won't.
I am glad I am not on trial for murder with a jury made up of those assholes.
You and me both.
Currently down for updates, will be back up soon.
Yes and stay ignorant forever being a fool.
imagine if half of them were old enough to vote in elections *sudder*
oh wait nothing would change there...
He goes "they said a bad word!"
Seriously, this is the best entertainment I've had for my Thanksgiving week. I want my Internet to go boom.
Last tweet of theirs: "just woke up after about 14 hours sleep, horribly jetlagged, will try and record something about this tonight - Hannah"
Whoo. Is it sadistic that I'm getting pleasure and fun out of this?
Kids know swear words. It doesn't mean you should talk like a trucker around them. Have some respect for other people's children & talk like an intelligent adult around them. It's not that hard.
Do we need to post the Stephen Fry video about swearing again?
Also people who watch the Yogscast will know they swear, we have no idea how old this kid was, and it isn't too hard to explain to kids those are words only grownups can say.
Again, your ignorance is just amazing. The partner program is a means of using ads in your content, that generates revenue for the owner of the content as well as YouTube. Explain to me how this has anything to do with a business arrangement between Yogscast and Mojang?
I'll wait, I'm sure you'll have something.
So, let me get this straight, you think that the minecraft forum is a court of law, and not a place to express ones own opinion?
Definition of OPINION
a : a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter b : approval, esteem
a : belief stronger than impression and less strong than positive knowledge b : a generally held view
a : a formal expression of judgment or advice by an expert b : the formal expression (as by a judge, court, or referee) of the legal reasons and principles upon which a legal decision is based
Hmm, I guess if you believed that minecraft forums were based on definition 3, I could be wrong. But if you have any ****ing sense at all, I'm guessing that definition, and the "COMMON ****ING SENSE" you claim, will tell you that the minecraft forum is a place to express opinion in the mindset of the first two definitions.
Or did you think everyone who came on the forums was trying to write the laws of the universe?
Pardon my logic, I'm sure it's getting in the way of your ignorant dribble.
Sorry, but your ******** deserved to be called out.
Yes, it is a place to express one's opinion. However, when one touts their opinion as fact, then they deserve to be called out on it and evidence should be demanded. Why should a forum board be any different than a court in this regard? If you make a claim, back it up or admit that it is your opinion. You have expressed your opinion as fact and therefore I have called you on it. You didn't like that my view was different than your own, so you proceed to insult me and make lame attempts to throw out red herring arguments.
Deliberately attempting to skew my point to add strength to your own argument? I see how this works.
Anyway, what I was saying is that it is only common sense to expect someone who makes a claim to back it up with evidence. No one on any side of this argument has done so, least of all Notch. However, idiots like you defend him in spite of the fact that there is a glaring lack of evidence, making your opinions on the matter your opinions. Nothing more. No amount of aggrandizement by bringing red herrings and straw mans, nor insulting those who do not buy into the ******** will change that. Again, you have zero evidence that any of Notch's claims are true, so that by definition makes your personal judgment a biased opinion. You cannot escape that fact.
Circular logic? Okay, I guess I can pardon that so long as you know it's an intellectual fallacy.
And pray tell, exactly what is it that I have said that is ********? Or is it the fact that you simply don't like what I have to say?