i found one with only 1 road and 5 buildings 3 were houses and 2 of them were libraries. i was wondering if there is a minimum number of buildings in a village or if there could be a villae that spawns with only 1 building? so whats the smallest youeve ever seen?
heres a video with the village in it for those people who will say pics or it didnt happen. its near the end of the video but theres some other cool stuff in there too.
I found a seed with a well, 2 libraries, and a church.
Also only one road.
I can't find anything smaller then that, though I have saw one nearly the same size as the one above.
i tried to look on the wiki and all it says is that all villages have a well.so maybe there could be one with just 1 building and a well. idk... but the other thing is there r no farms in this one and its in a desert... the poor testificates will starve! also off topic but in the video theres a half flooded village and a village with cows on one roof :laugh.gif: i thought these were pretty good.
heres a video with the village in it for those people who will say pics or it didnt happen. its near the end of the video but theres some other cool stuff in there too.
Also only one road.
I can't find anything smaller then that, though I have saw one nearly the same size as the one above.