Honestly, I feel like these people have 20 minute workdays, or they code like slugs. I have NEVER seen a developer code this slowly. It's unbelievable.
To my shame, sometimes I develop as slow as Mojang:D
You are right about workdays in these cases:)
On a side note. If some time after release they will make minecraft opensource, development speed will rocket up. We already have a lot of modders who make new features faster than mojang does; if they will be able to access source code of the game... Well, possibilities will be endless.
I hope you guys realize that this game hasn't even been fully released yet. The game is still in beta for gosh sakes!!! No one ever said that their would be frequent updates when you bought. I know it is hard to deny all the stuff that Notch has done wrong. But, I don't see any of us in his shoes, so how would we know. When Minecon rolls around we will see what he is actually made of with his full release.
I hope you guys realize that this game hasn't even been fully released yet. The game is still in beta for gosh sakes!!! No one ever said that their would be frequent updates when you bought. I know it is hard to deny all the stuff that Notch has done wrong. But, I don't see any of us in his shoes, so how would we know. When Minecon rolls around we will see what he is actually made of with his full release.
Dude, its due to be released in a month and a half... you really think its gonna be any different than it is now?
Dude, its due to be released in a month and a half... you really think its gonna be any different than it is now?
I do not believe that I ever said it would be different. I have a good feeling that many bugs will be ironed out between now and then, which seems to be a hot topic. You never know what a month and a half could bring.
I do not believe that I ever said it would be different. I have a good feeling that many bugs will be ironed out between now and then, which seems to be a hot topic. You never know what a month and a half could bring.
I just don't think its gonna be the full featured release that everyone's holding their breath for.
Well first off [ rage ] that post on the front page that's got +5 rep stating that """that most modders versions of many things are absolute crap. Mo' Creatures? Almost all the animals do the same thing. Nothing original there.""" is complete BS and that guy has absaloutely no idea what he's talking about and should steer clear of ever speaking of subjects he knows nothing about again. /rage
I apologise for my apparently "ill-informed comment". I was in a rush and I forgot to go through my post a couple times before posting it. And the reputation points are only gained for the harshness of the post, not the intelligence, not that I wanted the rep anyway. But read through the next few pages, people elaborated what I said. I kinda have a difficulty explaining what I mean, and that is apparent with that post.
Thanks for the people who made my comment make sense:
While it's true that many mods are nearly bug free, the balance of the game is rarely maintained in a mod, unless it's a no-content mod like Dynamic Lights. (And lighting engines are rather complicated, so that has a few bugs occasionally.) I've tried major mods like Mo' Creatures, Millenaire (I think that was the name of it.), and collabs like the YogBox. Most of the time, they changed the game in a way that made it less enjoyable in the long run, though they're fun to try.
In this case, you're more than likely to have a wrong opinion. Have you ever played the Millénaire mod? It causes Minecraft to lag excessively at times. If you want, I can go through each mod on the forums and provide a time when bugs rendered it unplayable. Your assertion that all mods have always been free of the sorts of bugs Minecraft experiences is simply untrue, and I have evidence aplenty to prove it.
Modders can never be compared to Mojang devs, for the simple reason they're modding, not programming. They're taking the code already created and proved to work and tweaking it at most, but many many modders simply create alternative skins and pixels, while the few dozen true 'mods' that add extra gameplay are specifically add-ons and don't actually out-perform Mojang, but add to it.
My mistake was that I shouldn't have started dissing the modding community and the mods they make. I just got a little frustrated at the OP's aggressive and cynical stance on the topic.
Alright, all argumenting aside- can't we all agree that Mojang shouldn't be currently working on a new game already if Minecraft is nearing it's Official release date? They got a month and a half to get their **** straight. and at this point, i honestly don't think they'll make the deadline.
I mean really, what do these people do all day other than spin around in office chairs and make gigantic, unnecessary blog posts about random crap no one cares about? Modding groups can and have done what Mojang does in MONTHS in literally a week. How long did it take Mojang to put out broken, incompelete villages? Months? Took modders a few weeks tops, and their villages had fully interactive NPC's that fought, mined, collected resources, etc. How many animals does Mojang offer after a year? Less than 10? Modders have tripled that within days.
Honestly, I feel like these people have 20 minute workdays, or they code like slugs. I have NEVER seen a developer code this slowly. It's unbelievable.
Replying to JrvUnleashed is the most inefficient troll in existence (I spelled it correctly as well).
I mean really, what does this guy do all day other than slap around @#$% and make gigantic, unnecessary blog posts about random crap no one cares about? Effective trolls can and have done what JrvUnleashed does in MONTHS in literally a week. How long did it take JrvUnleashed to put out broken, mis-spelled post? Months? Took trolls a few weeks tops, and their posts had fully interactive posts, mined, collected resources, etc. How many spam-posts does JrvUnleashed offer after a year? Less than 10? Real trolls have tripled that within days.
Honestly, I feel like JrvUnleashed have 20 minute workdays, or they type like slugs. I have NEVER seen a troll spell like crap and this slowly. It's unbelievable.
If he just works on Minecraft, he will run out of imagination, get bored of it, and find an excuse to end the game.
With other games, he can take a break and let MC imagination recover while he creates for his other games.
I mean really, what do these people do all day other than spin around in office chairs and make gigantic, unnecessary blog posts about random crap no one cares about? Modding groups can and have done what Mojang does in MONTHS in literally a week. How long did it take Mojang to put out broken, incompelete villages? Months? Took modders a few weeks tops, and their villages had fully interactive NPC's that fought, mined, collected resources, etc. How many animals does Mojang offer after a year? Less than 10? Modders have tripled that within days.
Honestly, I feel like these people have 20 minute workdays, or they code like slugs. I have NEVER seen a developer code this slowly. It's unbelievable.
No, he isn't. YOU are the most inefficient game developer in existence. You see, Mojang has gotten one well received game to beta stage (not sure if he has any other game related accomplishments to speak of). You have exactly no games released as of yet. Thus, his productivity per hour is infinitely greater than yours no matter how slowly he works.
Take solace in that you are tied for worst with many other people, myself included.
I mean really, what do these people do all day other than spin around in office chairs and make gigantic, unnecessary blog posts about random crap no one cares about? Modding groups can and have done what Mojang does in MONTHS in literally a week. How long did it take Mojang to put out broken, incompelete villages? Months? Took modders a few weeks tops, and their villages had fully interactive NPC's that fought, mined, collected resources, etc. How many animals does Mojang offer after a year? Less than 10? Modders have tripled that within days.
Honestly, I feel like these people have 20 minute workdays, or they code like slugs. I have NEVER seen a developer code this slowly. It's unbelievable.
I remember someone else saying something like this a while ago. The best response I heard was that "In Europe, we don't live to work... we work to live". That little word-play means that Mojang aren't workaholics and aren't 100% dedicated to Minecraft. Minecraft is their job at the moment, but that doesn't mean they spend every available instant on it. They'll code as fast or slow as they want, and only do it for the fun of it. If people like you start getting aggro because they're not workaholics, they could stop development completely.
Simply put, they like to have fun just like I'm sure you do. They are smarter than you are, because they understand that just because people want them to work on minecraft, they don't have to spend every waking instant coding for it. They know that they have the liberty to have some fun (I think Notch said they "hired" @MinecraftChick as "Director of Fun" -- stated on his Twitter, probably as a half-joke, but it shows he's not completely dedicated to minecraft.
Any person who is 100% dedicated to their job is an imbecile. You gotta have some free time to wind down and have some fun. Mojang are probably the best workers I've ever seen. They're not stupid enough to work themselves enough to grind their bones to dust just because a bunch of young kids are gonna go crazy if they don't update Minecraft often enough. They know how to have fun, lighten up and THAT is probably why minecraft is a good game int he first place. They're game developers that have fun more than anything else. That provides inspiration and allows them to properly see what parts of Minecraft need work in making more fun.
People like you obviously have not thought about it properly. No offence intended, but your argument shows just how ignorant you are and how little thought you've actually done before putting some flaming against Notch and the team up on the interwebs.
I just don't think its gonna be the full featured release that everyone's holding their breath for.
Of course it's not. It's just the point where they're going to say it's out of beta. One of the biggest draws for me is that they've said the release doesn't mean they'll stop updating. In essence, it will be a very long time until it's "finished", and then the modding community will be able to add to the game more easily in their own ways.
If any senator wishes to read this, I suggest a SUSA bill. Stop United States Act. If the internet needs to babysit your lawmaking, Then there's something wrong.
Guys, modders,I am one of you, but we use the variables and methods their team has created, so please stop this. Mojang is fine, but I agree that they are a little lazy after they got the money. Tell me if you agree.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Haters gonna hate, Hades gonna hade, But creepers gonna creep.
Guys, modders,I am one of you, but we use the variables and methods their team has created, so please stop this. Mojang is fine, but I agree that they are a little lazy after they got the money. Tell me if you agree.
I don't agree actually. The development cycle of the game seems to be on par or better than mainstream industry games. Considering staff levels, this makes them more efficient than the norm.
As for the efficiency of non-programmers, while it's true that anyone who has truely never ever made any start at any aspect of game development can be excluded, as soon as you start the planning/idea phase, you have started. Hence, virtually everyone has in some way started a game design process. Hence, anyone with no substantial progress would be the least efficient.
Mojang is the most innefficient developer in existance.
"Intended to be groundbreaking, Duke Nukem Forever became a notable example of vaporware due to its severely-protracted development schedule; the game was released in 2011 but had been in development since 1996."
It was initially developed by 3D Realms (the original creators) along with another company and then development was handed over to two other different companies.
And after 15 years in development...? They managed to push out a hunking pile of crap, wherein the box it came in was physically worth more than the game itself. DNF is the modern version of Atari's E.T. And that's not just my opinion. Most professional game reviewers/mags/etc. also rated this game sub-par at best.
I agree that Mojang definitely has some focus issues. Minecraft is their moneymaker and they should pretend that they actually care about it still. Notch doesn't barely seem to care about minecraft anymore. Most of his posts to things are minor mentions of minecraft or how excited he is about working with another game. Not at all how it used to be. I personally want minecraft to be their focus again. Seems like the right thing for them to do. I even started a blog for it. Sign the petition on there and maybe Notch and Mojang will agree and switch things back to the way they should be.
To my shame, sometimes I develop as slow as Mojang:D
You are right about workdays in these cases:)
On a side note. If some time after release they will make minecraft opensource, development speed will rocket up. We already have a lot of modders who make new features faster than mojang does; if they will be able to access source code of the game... Well, possibilities will be endless.
Dude, its due to be released in a month and a half... you really think its gonna be any different than it is now?
I do not believe that I ever said it would be different. I have a good feeling that many bugs will be ironed out between now and then, which seems to be a hot topic. You never know what a month and a half could bring.
I just don't think its gonna be the full featured release that everyone's holding their breath for.
I apologise for my apparently "ill-informed comment". I was in a rush and I forgot to go through my post a couple times before posting it. And the reputation points are only gained for the harshness of the post, not the intelligence, not that I wanted the rep anyway. But read through the next few pages, people elaborated what I said. I kinda have a difficulty explaining what I mean, and that is apparent with that post.
Thanks for the people who made my comment make sense:
My mistake was that I shouldn't have started dissing the modding community and the mods they make. I just got a little frustrated at the OP's aggressive and cynical stance on the topic.
Replying to JrvUnleashed is the most inefficient troll in existence (I spelled it correctly as well).
I mean really, what does this guy do all day other than slap around @#$% and make gigantic, unnecessary blog posts about random crap no one cares about? Effective trolls can and have done what JrvUnleashed does in MONTHS in literally a week. How long did it take JrvUnleashed to put out broken, mis-spelled post? Months? Took trolls a few weeks tops, and their posts had fully interactive posts, mined, collected resources, etc. How many spam-posts does JrvUnleashed offer after a year? Less than 10? Real trolls have tripled that within days.
Honestly, I feel like JrvUnleashed have 20 minute workdays, or they type like slugs. I have NEVER seen a troll spell like crap and this slowly. It's unbelievable.
Chariots Chariots
If he just works on Minecraft, he will run out of imagination, get bored of it, and find an excuse to end the game.
With other games, he can take a break and let MC imagination recover while he creates for his other games.
Finally, you can't rush a masterpiece!
No, he isn't. YOU are the most inefficient game developer in existence. You see, Mojang has gotten one well received game to beta stage (not sure if he has any other game related accomplishments to speak of). You have exactly no games released as of yet. Thus, his productivity per hour is infinitely greater than yours no matter how slowly he works.
Take solace in that you are tied for worst with many other people, myself included.
I remember someone else saying something like this a while ago. The best response I heard was that "In Europe, we don't live to work... we work to live". That little word-play means that Mojang aren't workaholics and aren't 100% dedicated to Minecraft. Minecraft is their job at the moment, but that doesn't mean they spend every available instant on it. They'll code as fast or slow as they want, and only do it for the fun of it. If people like you start getting aggro because they're not workaholics, they could stop development completely.
Simply put, they like to have fun just like I'm sure you do. They are smarter than you are, because they understand that just because people want them to work on minecraft, they don't have to spend every waking instant coding for it. They know that they have the liberty to have some fun (I think Notch said they "hired" @MinecraftChick as "Director of Fun" -- stated on his Twitter, probably as a half-joke, but it shows he's not completely dedicated to minecraft.
Any person who is 100% dedicated to their job is an imbecile. You gotta have some free time to wind down and have some fun. Mojang are probably the best workers I've ever seen. They're not stupid enough to work themselves enough to grind their bones to dust just because a bunch of young kids are gonna go crazy if they don't update Minecraft often enough. They know how to have fun, lighten up and THAT is probably why minecraft is a good game int he first place. They're game developers that have fun more than anything else. That provides inspiration and allows them to properly see what parts of Minecraft need work in making more fun.
People like you obviously have not thought about it properly. No offence intended, but your argument shows just how ignorant you are and how little thought you've actually done before putting some flaming against Notch and the team up on the interwebs.
Thought. You need some.
Donate to help me buy people Minecraft accounts!
Of course it's not. It's just the point where they're going to say it's out of beta. One of the biggest draws for me is that they've said the release doesn't mean they'll stop updating. In essence, it will be a very long time until it's "finished", and then the modding community will be able to add to the game more easily in their own ways.
I don't agree actually. The development cycle of the game seems to be on par or better than mainstream industry games. Considering staff levels, this makes them more efficient than the norm.
As for the efficiency of non-programmers, while it's true that anyone who has truely never ever made any start at any aspect of game development can be excluded, as soon as you start the planning/idea phase, you have started. Hence, virtually everyone has in some way started a game design process. Hence, anyone with no substantial progress would be the least efficient.
"Intended to be groundbreaking, Duke Nukem Forever became a notable example of vaporware due to its severely-protracted development schedule; the game was released in 2011 but had been in development since 1996."
It was initially developed by 3D Realms (the original creators) along with another company and then development was handed over to two other different companies.
And after 15 years in development...? They managed to push out a hunking pile of crap, wherein the box it came in was physically worth more than the game itself. DNF is the modern version of Atari's E.T. And that's not just my opinion. Most professional game reviewers/mags/etc. also rated this game sub-par at best.
When Notch scales the mod support new content will come pouring in, as well as being more accessible on the client side.