1. Animation- statues lined up so that walking sideways in front of them looks like they're moving.
2. Empire state building. Screw it, make a model of new york, with the ESB and SoL and everything. But at least the empire state building and statue of liberty.
3. When you say "we", is it like the royal we or something? Who are you actually refering to?
For the animation can you do nyan cat and mario plz?
There are many ways you can show off your build skill eg youtube or a minecraft pic gallery. I just saying in seems a waste if you going to take 50% of the fun out of this game. I don't think this is going to be a success :tongue.gif:
Look, they're not offering to build the things you want so you can be lazy. Obviously if you don't like building then you should just stop playing minecraft and go back to CoD. They're trying to show off their building skills and just want some ideas. You don't have to make a suggestion if you don't want to, and in fact, them doing something isn't really a reason for you to not do it. Think about this. If you and your friends all had crazy build skills and wanted to show them off but had absolutely no idea what do build, what would you do? Because I'd ask people. And what kind of forum has lots of creative people who play minecraft?
[size="7"]1. Build everything
2. Stuff the world into a .rar file
3. Put it on download availability
That's pretty much it. so reccomend stuff here!
Beefie! Yay!
i need requests. i dont want complaints and i dont want to hear them :sad.gif:
i just want requests so we can show off our building skills
it kinda hurts to know that people dont take things seriously when people seriously want requests...
Beefie! Yay!
Empire state building. Screw it, make a model of new york, with the ESB and SoL and everything. But at least the empire state building and statue of liberty.3. When you say "we", is it like the royal we or something? Who are you actually refering to?
For the animation can you do nyan cat and mario plz?
Look, they're not offering to build the things you want so you can be lazy. Obviously if you don't like building then you should just stop playing minecraft and go back to CoD. They're trying to show off their building skills and just want some ideas. You don't have to make a suggestion if you don't want to, and in fact, them doing something isn't really a reason for you to not do it. Think about this. If you and your friends all had crazy build skills and wanted to show them off but had absolutely no idea what do build, what would you do? Because I'd ask people. And what kind of forum has lots of creative people who play minecraft?
The catch? Build it out of nothing but Gravel.
They can't have roofs/ceilings then
the gravel part might be impossible in some ways, but I'll build a mansion! with the town.
Beefie! Yay!