Cubeaism – A Minecraft Religion
While day dreaming at work I created a fictional “religion” for the minecraft world. Play testing turned out to be fun in terms of role-play so I thought I would share. The religion of minecraft – Cubeaism – has three gods each representing different aspects of the world.
Terrae, is the female god of nature and is represented via trees, grass, mushrooms, lakes and rain. Also her eye is the sun, and it is said the day is actually her keeping an “eye” on the world. While she does, her creations prosper and grow.
Roki, is the male god of the deep and is represented via stone, minerals, lava and bedrock. His eye is the moon, and the night is the time he watches the world. While he does, it is a sign to take shelter or mine in the depths of the world.
Net, is the younger sibling of the two and is represented by mobs both evil and good. As he matured he created the various mobs of the world. But having created the evil mobs, Terrae and Roki banished him to the Nether as punishment.
The three working together created the minecraft world. Read the full creation story here:
In the time before there were 3 siblings; Roki, Terrae, and Net. They were bored with all that they had in their own dimension so pooling together their powers they decided to create a world to entertain them. Roki acted first, cutting off his finger and using it to build the bedrock core of the world. Then cutting off the rest of his arm he layered the world in smoothstone. Gathering his remaining energy, he struck the world as hard as he could with his right arm. The force of the blow created massive amounts of pressure causing diamonds, gold, iron and coal to form at different layers of the world. The resulting earthquakes created great chasms and cave openings leading deep into the earth.
Terrae, looking upon Roki's work said "It's a good start, buts it’s hard and cold. This world needs beauty and softness as well." And with that she reached down and picked up chunks of smoothstone and ate them. Chewing and melding them with her delicate tongue she turned the stone to dirt and spat it back up covering the world. Then she ran her hand over it and layered the dirt with grass short and tall. With great care she pushed 4 of her fingers into the earth. Removing each of them one by one; from the holes the first oak, birch, pine and spruce trees were born. She then cut her arm, and bled out onto the world creating the oceans.
Net, the youngest of the three was impressed with what the other siblings had done. But he had not yet fully realised his powers and became sad. He shed a tear and it fell onto the world the brothers had created, from the tear a tiny retarded chicken was born. Net was overwhelmed with joy at his creation, even though it had zero survival instincts and would aimlessly wander off cliffs as often as anything else, he still loved it. Over the years as Net further realised his power he created pigs, sheeps, cows, wolves and squids. The other brothers were proud of him and having watched him developing decided to teach him how to focus his power. With this, Net was able to create the first human.
The humans of the world prospered, and adored their creators. Terrae and Roki took shifts to watch the world, Terrae's eye was bright like fire and caused all her creations to prosper as she watched them. Roki's eye was white and cold, signalling the time for the humans to rest. Many ages past as the world prospered, Roki and Terrae were finally content and continued to watch over it. Net however, became bored and restless again. Using his power he created the first slime for his amusement. While mostly harmless, the slime had the power to hurt the other beings of the world. When Roki and Terrae looked upon it they were upset, and banished it to only live in the very depths of the world, away from the humans.
This infuriated Net and he demanded the brothers allow his creation room on the surface. The two refused, and having seen the brothers make sacrifices to enhance their powers he did the same. He cut off his ear, and used it to create the first zombie. Terrae and Roki were unable to banish this creature and it quickly began to decimate the humans that the pair loved so much. Seeing the progress of this monster made him want to create more, he pulled a bone from his arm to create skeletons and a 8 of his toes to create the spiders. Terrae, seeing Net's growing insanity cut out an eye and used it to curse his monsters with fire whenever she looked upon them. Roki and Terrae then turned to Net furious with him and pooled their powers together to banish him to a world of suffering and pain; The Nether. In his last defiant act before his banishment, Net tore his heart out and created the mighty creeper. This creature will stalk the land, immune to the powers of Terrae's eye, and would be a great calamity on the world
The humans of the world wiped out, their structures now overrun with creatures and slowly growing moss. Terrea and Roki turned to one another, and using all the energy they had left, they summoned one final human. Spent, the 2 gods are now only able to take turns passing there eye across the world, keeping close watch on their last creation. Steve
How to play Cubeasim!
Simply pick your favorite god from one of the three posts below. Follow the guide to work your priest through the various levels of that path. I found it fun to make separate worlds and have that world devoted to a particular god. I would be in essence a priest of that god and follow the rules and rites of passage that apply to that faith. At differing levels of each path there are different challenges and build requirements.
When you have finished a path in full come here and post pictures! I would love to see them
There is another "game" based on restrictions to enhance game-play created by Iamchris27 that centre's itself around building a city through a number of stages. Worth checking out. Link here.
Other Gods / Figures / Lesser Gods Penna: A peaceful path concerned with building in the sky. Fairly easy and is a different approach to most traditional building methods.
Glueco: Glueco loves cake. Build cakes for him. Cakes as far as the eye can see. A light hearted and more humorous take on the Paths. Very easy (except for level 4 haha)!.
Poise: A Cthulu inspired lesser god. Extremely difficult path. Still a WIP. Horror inspired ocean building path. If you can't handle it stick with Glueco...
Notch: A mysterious figure little is known about. He is rumoured to be the creator of the 3 known gods and to have a beard that is the very definition of manhood. It is said appropriate prayers to Notch will allow the player to remove all evil from the world via quoted: “peaceful mode”. Any ancient texts found in relation to this omniscient and omnipotent figure should be submitted to me immediately.
ArchebuS: A devout priest of Roki who went beyond his duties as one of the faithful. This figure was chosen by the 3 gods to act as the metatron or “voice”. The gods imparted their knowledge’s and wisdom onto him and he spreads the word to new potential priests. He is said to appear as a humanoid/crow creature in a black suit.
HerobrinE: Appears in almost human form but with hollow empty eyes. Even followers of Roki are afraid of this being. Nothing is known of his habits, goals or his purpose. It is unknown whether he is the creation of one of the three gods... or a product of something even more sinister.
Acolytes Dbone5100 - SAINT - Ascended 9:14 AM on 27th March 2012 Gideon_Seymour - SAINT - Ascended 12:08 AM on 17 January 2012 devonbot - SAINT - Ascended 1:00 AM on 17 January 2012 Wendingo/DarthBayne - Scribe (Heavily influenced Penna's Path) Tigerjt - Scribe (Created Penna's Lore, Page 7) Sealystar - Scribe (Post's help inspire various lores) AbysmalNinja - Scribe (Helped Create Poise's Lore, Page 7) WhisperingSiren - Scribe (Discovered Penna's Shrine, Page 7) Alpha2Digamma - Scribe (Helped with Cryona's lore and path) MarginallyDwarven - Scribe Fifedrum2 - Scribe engie_ninja - Scribe Rlack - Scribe AbysmalNinja - Acolyte of Terrae Allison3 - Acolyte of Terrae Empire - Accolyte of Terrae Darkshied001 - Accolyte of Terrae K1dsta - Acolyte of Roki MarginallyDwarven - Accolyte of Roki Gideon_Seymour - Accolyte of Roki Holy_Molez - Accolyte of Roki BlueRedstoneGuy - Accolyte of Roki Latrommi - Accolyte of Net iceyy981 - Accolyte of Net
Path of Terrae – The Gentle Faith
Being a priest of Terrae is probably the easiest, as you start on the surface and build on the surface. Most of her favourite building materials are easily obtainable and also nice to build with. Just play minecraft as normal until you want to start tackling this path. In comparison with western fantasy troupes Terrae’s followers would closely resemble Elves.
Materials: Planks, Logs, Fences, Sand, Glass, Brick, Water, Dirt, Snow, Leaves and Wool. Colours: Green, Brown, Blue. Foods: Mushroom Soup, Fish, Bread. Biomes: Rain Forest, Seasonal Forest, Forest, Taiga Armour: Leather Weapon: Bow Shrine: A 3x3 or 5x5 pool of water. With a single log surrounded by 6 leaves on each of its sides.
-- Level 1 – Initiate of Terrae -- Forest Haven: Build a simple 1 room structure made only from materials listed above, in the biomes listed above. The structure must have a bed, workbench and a double storage chest. Out the front of your structure build a small shrine to Terrae. Woodland Warrior: Now that you are an initiate you must dress as an initiate. You must acquire and maintain a full outfit of leather armour at all times. You may never be without your leather armour at any time. Also you must acquire a bow and carry it with you at all times.
-- Level 2 – Tree Shepard -- The Watchful Eye: Your structure must be extended by adding a tower to the roof that continues above the tree tops. This will give you a good overview of the forest surrounding your building. Tree Herder: You must replant all the saplings you have stored around your building. This will create a thick forest around your structure. Build another shrine to Terrae on the roof of your tower. Cleansing the Body: A tree Shepard may never eat pork or beef, you may only eat fish, bread or mushroom soup.
-- Level 3 – Druid -- The Sacred Grove: You must now establish a sacred grove around your structure. This grove is usually circular in nature and must surround your structure. The larger the grove the happier Terrae is, but the harder it is to maintain and protect. Mark out your grove with flowers. Druids Wrath: Every morning you must cleanse your grove of all evil mobs and throw the collected resources into the pool of your shrine and wait for them to despawn as a tribute to Terrae. Untouched: A druid’s grove is sacred. From now on anything natural within the grove cannot be destroyed. You may not damage the trees, dirt, tall grass etc… within. You may still farm but only a small 4x4 area.
-- Level 4 – FeyChild -- The Child’s Path: You must go on a pilgrimage to prove you are fully committed to Terrae. Build a map, and gather appropriate supplies. Walk directly North to the edge of the map and establish a tower and grove here. If the biomes is inappropriate find the most appropriate spot. Do the same heading east, west and south. Looking at the map with your main grove in the centre you should see you have formed the symbol of Terrae on a world scale. You are now a fully anointed FeyChild and your name can be added to the Terrae’s Faithful list. Congratulations on completing the challenge! Terrae is proud of you. Freeing the Body: Only raw food may be consumed during the pilgrimage.
Path of Roki – The Deep Faith
Being a priest of Roki is a tad more difficult as Roki must be worshipped from deep underground and his shrines and challenges are more expensive in terms of resources and healing. Again play minecraft as normal until you are ready to make the transition to an initiate of Roki. In comparison with western fantasy troupes Roki’s followers would closely resemble Dwarves.
Materials: Stone, Sandstone, Gravel, Cobblestone, Bedrock, Glass, Pistons, Iron/gold/diamond blocks and Wool. Colours: Grey, White, Orange, Red Foods: Minimal. Roki would say “Food for little girls only!” Biomes: Savannah, Shrubland, Desert Armour: Iron Weapon: Diamond Sword Shrine: A single square of lava surrounded by iron blocks as below:
-- Level 1 – Initiate of Roki -- Into the Deep: You must leave the surface for your new home in the deep. Dig to bedrock starting from one of the above biomes. The entrance to the deep must be inconspicuous and hidden as best as possible. Hall of Kings: Locate layer 11 or 12 and carve out a throne room above this layer as large as you please. In the centre of the hall you must place a shrine to Roki. Your starting hall must have a workbench, double storage chest, bed and infinite spring. Make a second room that leads into a mining operation. Table, throne and carpet optional. Iron Man: Now that you are an initiate you must dress as an initiate. You must acquire and maintain a full outfit of iron armour at all times. You may never be without your iron armour. I can Slice through Stone: The next 2 diamonds you encounter must become a diamond sword. You must carry this sword with you at all times and if it is ever destroyed it is to be replaced immediately.
-- Level 2 – Forge Lord -- It’s hot down here: A new room is to be built off the side of your entrance hall. This will become the forge; the walls are to be flanked with furnaces and you are to create a lava disposal pit in your own particular style. Life Line: A second room is to be created and floored with dirt, plant a SINGLE tree here so your dependence on the surface is lessened (for best results make the room 6+ blocks tall). Food is for little girls: You may now only eat the minimal amount of food to keep yourself alive. You may only eat when your hunger bar is about to hit 0.
-- Level 3 – StoneHeart -- Anybody Home?: You must now fortify the entrance to your deep palace. Wall off the entrance on the surface | place booby traps around the area | the entrance to your main hall should be redesigned to be vault tight | Utilise pistons as doors | lava pits falls | moats | mazes. Get creative. Roki smiles upon good defense. Diamoneer: Forge lords work with inadequate tools! StoneHearts do not! If you do not yet have a diamond pick, shovel and axe acquire them. If they are lost or spent you must replace them immediately.
-- Level 4 – Dwarf -- The Mighty Plinth: The final test is the creation of the mighty plinth. A grand temple is to be built in Roki’s name underground with stone steps leading up to the plinth. The plinth is to be built by layering the various levels of resources granted by Roki. Stone > Lapis > Iron > Gold > Diamond. [PICTURE BELOW] The Plinth can be only 1 block wide to save resources, but the better the plinth the better the Dwarf. No blood spilt: Dying during the creation of the plinth is considered a failure. Tear down the current blocks and break them back down into their base form. You must mine fresh minerals for the use in the new plinth.
Path of Net – The Lost Faith
Being a priest of Net is a more … strange … path then the other 2 siblings. Again play minecraft as normal until you are ready to make the transition to an initiate of Net. In comparison with western fantasy troupes Roki’s followers would closely resemble anything Chaotic or Evil.
Materials: Netherack, soulsand, cobblestone, mossy cobblestone, obsidian, fire, redstone, lightstone and Wool. Colours: Purple, Pink, Magenta, Red Foods: Pork Biomes: Any Armour: None Weapon: Flint&Steel / Bucket of Lava Shrine: Netherack in the shape below with each tip on fire.
-- Level 1 – Slight Psychosis -- Abandoning Reason: As logic leaves your mind you decide that you would be better off living in a hole than in anything you could build. Find a cave, and live in it. Put your workbench, storage chest and furnace there. You may not alter the cave in any way except for adding torches. Chicken Saviour: You may never harm a chicken. And if you see one wandering into danger you must do everything you can to save it or push it out of harm’s way.
-- Level 2 – Completely Psychotic -- Needs more fire: You and nature don’t really agree anymore. Burn down anything flammable in view from your cave. Laugh manically as you flee the destruction. I'm Coming Master: Build an obsidian portal so you can get to the nether! Dance upon arrival. Fortress of DOOM: After arriving in the nether using only the material listed for Net; build yourself a fortress worthy of only the most truly deranged mind. I hate you tree: Plant a single tree in the nether that you can grow for creating tools. Avoid the tree as much as possible. If you do have to cut it down insult the tree loudly in garbled incoherent speech.
-- Level 3 – Transcended Reality -- Return to the Surface: Having been to the nether and hung with Net. You had tea and biscuits with him and everything it was ****ing awesome because you remember it clearly. You must return to the surface world and spread the word of your faith…. by burning things. Burn everything. Everywhere. Everytime you fully burn a forest down build a shrine to Net so the cows know you were there. Waste not the flesh: Your fascination and connection with Net is growing. You may no longer harm mobs that can harm you. You instead must flee and find a way around them.
You can make as much cake as you like. You can still do everything you like doing within minecraft unless it is specifically stated as against the rules for that god. And even then it isn't a huge deal haha. It's more about adding some flavour to minecraft.
Pictures to come soon that are missing in the main posts.
And yes, the paths are made to conflict with each other. Which is why I think this would work very well as a survival RP server. The priests of Net and the priest of Terrae really really don't like each other. While the priests of Roki keep to themselves in there halls underground.
If i undrstood correctly, Net is basically the god of nether..., which i presume used to be a world of emptyness...
they isolated him there..., he created a whole "world" in his anger
Pretty much yes. Net didn't create the dimension. It was an empty void when it was created by Terrae and Roki, but when Net arrived he filled it with all his anger. The ghasts make sense since they sound like crying children ... in a very bad way ... cause that's all net really is; a child.
The pigmen could be net trying to make up for his mistakes. Trying to rebuild the human race. But he is too insane now, and the pigmen were the result of a failed attempt.
Sounds like a really interesting idea, so many Minecraft religions now though
The lore is an optional component.
It's mostly about the paths -> which are basically just games.
And these games are mostly for giving people some new inspiration or some cheap fun =P
Cubeaism – A Minecraft Religion
While day dreaming at work I created a fictional “religion” for the minecraft world. Play testing turned out to be fun in terms of role-play so I thought I would share. The religion of minecraft – Cubeaism – has three gods each representing different aspects of the world.
Terrae, is the female god of nature and is represented via trees, grass, mushrooms, lakes and rain. Also her eye is the sun, and it is said the day is actually her keeping an “eye” on the world. While she does, her creations prosper and grow.
Roki, is the male god of the deep and is represented via stone, minerals, lava and bedrock. His eye is the moon, and the night is the time he watches the world. While he does, it is a sign to take shelter or mine in the depths of the world.
Net, is the younger sibling of the two and is represented by mobs both evil and good. As he matured he created the various mobs of the world. But having created the evil mobs, Terrae and Roki banished him to the Nether as punishment.
The three working together created the minecraft world. Read the full creation story here:
Terrae, looking upon Roki's work said "It's a good start, buts it’s hard and cold. This world needs beauty and softness as well." And with that she reached down and picked up chunks of smoothstone and ate them. Chewing and melding them with her delicate tongue she turned the stone to dirt and spat it back up covering the world. Then she ran her hand over it and layered the dirt with grass short and tall. With great care she pushed 4 of her fingers into the earth. Removing each of them one by one; from the holes the first oak, birch, pine and spruce trees were born. She then cut her arm, and bled out onto the world creating the oceans.
Net, the youngest of the three was impressed with what the other siblings had done. But he had not yet fully realised his powers and became sad. He shed a tear and it fell onto the world the brothers had created, from the tear a tiny retarded chicken was born. Net was overwhelmed with joy at his creation, even though it had zero survival instincts and would aimlessly wander off cliffs as often as anything else, he still loved it. Over the years as Net further realised his power he created pigs, sheeps, cows, wolves and squids. The other brothers were proud of him and having watched him developing decided to teach him how to focus his power. With this, Net was able to create the first human.
The humans of the world prospered, and adored their creators. Terrae and Roki took shifts to watch the world, Terrae's eye was bright like fire and caused all her creations to prosper as she watched them. Roki's eye was white and cold, signalling the time for the humans to rest. Many ages past as the world prospered, Roki and Terrae were finally content and continued to watch over it. Net however, became bored and restless again. Using his power he created the first slime for his amusement. While mostly harmless, the slime had the power to hurt the other beings of the world. When Roki and Terrae looked upon it they were upset, and banished it to only live in the very depths of the world, away from the humans.
This infuriated Net and he demanded the brothers allow his creation room on the surface. The two refused, and having seen the brothers make sacrifices to enhance their powers he did the same. He cut off his ear, and used it to create the first zombie. Terrae and Roki were unable to banish this creature and it quickly began to decimate the humans that the pair loved so much. Seeing the progress of this monster made him want to create more, he pulled a bone from his arm to create skeletons and a 8 of his toes to create the spiders. Terrae, seeing Net's growing insanity cut out an eye and used it to curse his monsters with fire whenever she looked upon them. Roki and Terrae then turned to Net furious with him and pooled their powers together to banish him to a world of suffering and pain; The Nether. In his last defiant act before his banishment, Net tore his heart out and created the mighty creeper. This creature will stalk the land, immune to the powers of Terrae's eye, and would be a great calamity on the world
The humans of the world wiped out, their structures now overrun with creatures and slowly growing moss. Terrea and Roki turned to one another, and using all the energy they had left, they summoned one final human. Spent, the 2 gods are now only able to take turns passing there eye across the world, keeping close watch on their last creation. Steve
Simply pick your favorite god from one of the three posts below. Follow the guide to work your priest through the various levels of that path. I found it fun to make separate worlds and have that world devoted to a particular god. I would be in essence a priest of that god and follow the rules and rites of passage that apply to that faith. At differing levels of each path there are different challenges and build requirements.
When you have finished a path in full come here and post pictures! I would love to see them
There is another "game" based on restrictions to enhance game-play created by Iamchris27 that centre's itself around building a city through a number of stages. Worth checking out. Link here.
Other Gods / Figures / Lesser Gods
Penna: A peaceful path concerned with building in the sky. Fairly easy and is a different approach to most traditional building methods.
Glueco: Glueco loves cake. Build cakes for him. Cakes as far as the eye can see. A light hearted and more humorous take on the Paths. Very easy (except for level 4 haha)!.
Poise: A Cthulu inspired lesser god. Extremely difficult path. Still a WIP. Horror inspired ocean building path. If you can't handle it stick with Glueco...
Notch: A mysterious figure little is known about. He is rumoured to be the creator of the 3 known gods and to have a beard that is the very definition of manhood. It is said appropriate prayers to Notch will allow the player to remove all evil from the world via quoted: “peaceful mode”. Any ancient texts found in relation to this omniscient and omnipotent figure should be submitted to me immediately.
ArchebuS: A devout priest of Roki who went beyond his duties as one of the faithful. This figure was chosen by the 3 gods to act as the metatron or “voice”. The gods imparted their knowledge’s and wisdom onto him and he spreads the word to new potential priests. He is said to appear as a humanoid/crow creature in a black suit.
HerobrinE: Appears in almost human form but with hollow empty eyes. Even followers of Roki are afraid of this being. Nothing is known of his habits, goals or his purpose. It is unknown whether he is the creation of one of the three gods... or a product of something even more sinister.
Further reading can be done on the fan maintained wiki:
(created and supported by Dbone5100)
Dbone5100 - SAINT - Ascended 9:14 AM on 27th March 2012
Gideon_Seymour - SAINT - Ascended 12:08 AM on 17 January 2012
devonbot - SAINT - Ascended 1:00 AM on 17 January 2012
Wendingo/DarthBayne - Scribe (Heavily influenced Penna's Path)
Tigerjt - Scribe (Created Penna's Lore, Page 7)
Sealystar - Scribe (Post's help inspire various lores)
AbysmalNinja - Scribe (Helped Create Poise's Lore, Page 7)
WhisperingSiren - Scribe (Discovered Penna's Shrine, Page 7)
Alpha2Digamma - Scribe (Helped with Cryona's lore and path)
MarginallyDwarven - Scribe
Fifedrum2 - Scribe
engie_ninja - Scribe
Rlack - Scribe
AbysmalNinja - Acolyte of Terrae
Allison3 - Acolyte of Terrae
Empire - Accolyte of Terrae
Darkshied001 - Accolyte of Terrae
K1dsta - Acolyte of Roki
MarginallyDwarven - Accolyte of Roki
Gideon_Seymour - Accolyte of Roki
Holy_Molez - Accolyte of Roki
BlueRedstoneGuy - Accolyte of Roki
Latrommi - Accolyte of Net
iceyy981 - Accolyte of Net
Being a priest of Terrae is probably the easiest, as you start on the surface and build on the surface. Most of her favourite building materials are easily obtainable and also nice to build with. Just play minecraft as normal until you want to start tackling this path. In comparison with western fantasy troupes Terrae’s followers would closely resemble Elves.
Materials: Planks, Logs, Fences, Sand, Glass, Brick, Water, Dirt, Snow, Leaves and Wool.
Colours: Green, Brown, Blue.
Foods: Mushroom Soup, Fish, Bread.
Biomes: Rain Forest, Seasonal Forest, Forest, Taiga
Armour: Leather
Weapon: Bow
Shrine: A 3x3 or 5x5 pool of water. With a single log surrounded by 6 leaves on each of its sides.
-- Level 1 – Initiate of Terrae --
Forest Haven: Build a simple 1 room structure made only from materials listed above, in the biomes listed above. The structure must have a bed, workbench and a double storage chest. Out the front of your structure build a small shrine to Terrae.
Woodland Warrior: Now that you are an initiate you must dress as an initiate. You must acquire and maintain a full outfit of leather armour at all times. You may never be without your leather armour at any time. Also you must acquire a bow and carry it with you at all times.
-- Level 2 – Tree Shepard --
The Watchful Eye: Your structure must be extended by adding a tower to the roof that continues above the tree tops. This will give you a good overview of the forest surrounding your building.
Tree Herder: You must replant all the saplings you have stored around your building. This will create a thick forest around your structure. Build another shrine to Terrae on the roof of your tower.
Cleansing the Body: A tree Shepard may never eat pork or beef, you may only eat fish, bread or mushroom soup.
-- Level 3 – Druid --
The Sacred Grove: You must now establish a sacred grove around your structure. This grove is usually circular in nature and must surround your structure. The larger the grove the happier Terrae is, but the harder it is to maintain and protect. Mark out your grove with flowers.
Druids Wrath: Every morning you must cleanse your grove of all evil mobs and throw the collected resources into the pool of your shrine and wait for them to despawn as a tribute to Terrae.
Untouched: A druid’s grove is sacred. From now on anything natural within the grove cannot be destroyed. You may not damage the trees, dirt, tall grass etc… within. You may still farm but only a small 4x4 area.
-- Level 4 – FeyChild --
The Child’s Path: You must go on a pilgrimage to prove you are fully committed to Terrae. Build a map, and gather appropriate supplies. Walk directly North to the edge of the map and establish a tower and grove here. If the biomes is inappropriate find the most appropriate spot. Do the same heading east, west and south. Looking at the map with your main grove in the centre you should see you have formed the symbol of Terrae on a world scale. You are now a fully anointed FeyChild and your name can be added to the Terrae’s Faithful list. Congratulations on completing the challenge! Terrae is proud of you.
Freeing the Body: Only raw food may be consumed during the pilgrimage.
TEXTURE PACK = DokuCraft: High Elven
High : High elven theme, ornate decoration with gold plating and blue gemstones.
Being a priest of Roki is a tad more difficult as Roki must be worshipped from deep underground and his shrines and challenges are more expensive in terms of resources and healing. Again play minecraft as normal until you are ready to make the transition to an initiate of Roki. In comparison with western fantasy troupes Roki’s followers would closely resemble Dwarves.
Materials: Stone, Sandstone, Gravel, Cobblestone, Bedrock, Glass, Pistons, Iron/gold/diamond blocks and Wool.
Colours: Grey, White, Orange, Red
Foods: Minimal. Roki would say “Food for little girls only!”
Biomes: Savannah, Shrubland, Desert
Armour: Iron
Weapon: Diamond Sword
Shrine: A single square of lava surrounded by iron blocks as below:
-- Level 1 – Initiate of Roki --
Into the Deep: You must leave the surface for your new home in the deep. Dig to bedrock starting from one of the above biomes. The entrance to the deep must be inconspicuous and hidden as best as possible.
Hall of Kings: Locate layer 11 or 12 and carve out a throne room above this layer as large as you please. In the centre of the hall you must place a shrine to Roki. Your starting hall must have a workbench, double storage chest, bed and infinite spring. Make a second room that leads into a mining operation. Table, throne and carpet optional.
Iron Man: Now that you are an initiate you must dress as an initiate. You must acquire and maintain a full outfit of iron armour at all times. You may never be without your iron armour.
I can Slice through Stone: The next 2 diamonds you encounter must become a diamond sword. You must carry this sword with you at all times and if it is ever destroyed it is to be replaced immediately.
-- Level 2 – Forge Lord --
It’s hot down here: A new room is to be built off the side of your entrance hall. This will become the forge; the walls are to be flanked with furnaces and you are to create a lava disposal pit in your own particular style.
Life Line: A second room is to be created and floored with dirt, plant a SINGLE tree here so your dependence on the surface is lessened (for best results make the room 6+ blocks tall).
Food is for little girls: You may now only eat the minimal amount of food to keep yourself alive. You may only eat when your hunger bar is about to hit 0.
-- Level 3 – StoneHeart --
Anybody Home?: You must now fortify the entrance to your deep palace. Wall off the entrance on the surface | place booby traps around the area | the entrance to your main hall should be redesigned to be vault tight | Utilise pistons as doors | lava pits falls | moats | mazes. Get creative. Roki smiles upon good defense.
Diamoneer: Forge lords work with inadequate tools! StoneHearts do not! If you do not yet have a diamond pick, shovel and axe acquire them. If they are lost or spent you must replace them immediately.
-- Level 4 – Dwarf --
The Mighty Plinth: The final test is the creation of the mighty plinth. A grand temple is to be built in Roki’s name underground with stone steps leading up to the plinth. The plinth is to be built by layering the various levels of resources granted by Roki. Stone > Lapis > Iron > Gold > Diamond. [PICTURE BELOW] The Plinth can be only 1 block wide to save resources, but the better the plinth the better the Dwarf.
No blood spilt: Dying during the creation of the plinth is considered a failure. Tear down the current blocks and break them back down into their base form. You must mine fresh minerals for the use in the new plinth.
TEXTURE PACK = DokuCraft: Original
Light : The original pack, rich in colour and detail.
Being a priest of Net is a more … strange … path then the other 2 siblings. Again play minecraft as normal until you are ready to make the transition to an initiate of Net. In comparison with western fantasy troupes Roki’s followers would closely resemble anything Chaotic or Evil.
Materials: Netherack, soulsand, cobblestone, mossy cobblestone, obsidian, fire, redstone, lightstone and Wool.
Colours: Purple, Pink, Magenta, Red
Foods: Pork
Biomes: Any
Armour: None
Weapon: Flint&Steel / Bucket of Lava
Shrine: Netherack in the shape below with each tip on fire.
-- Level 1 – Slight Psychosis --
Abandoning Reason: As logic leaves your mind you decide that you would be better off living in a hole than in anything you could build. Find a cave, and live in it. Put your workbench, storage chest and furnace there. You may not alter the cave in any way except for adding torches.
Chicken Saviour: You may never harm a chicken. And if you see one wandering into danger you must do everything you can to save it or push it out of harm’s way.
-- Level 2 – Completely Psychotic --
Needs more fire: You and nature don’t really agree anymore. Burn down anything flammable in view from your cave. Laugh manically as you flee the destruction.
I'm Coming Master: Build an obsidian portal so you can get to the nether! Dance upon arrival.
Fortress of DOOM: After arriving in the nether using only the material listed for Net; build yourself a fortress worthy of only the most truly deranged mind.
I hate you tree: Plant a single tree in the nether that you can grow for creating tools. Avoid the tree as much as possible. If you do have to cut it down insult the tree loudly in garbled incoherent speech.
-- Level 3 – Transcended Reality --
Return to the Surface: Having been to the nether and hung with Net. You had tea and biscuits with him and everything it was ****ing awesome because you remember it clearly. You must return to the surface world and spread the word of your faith…. by burning things. Burn everything. Everywhere. Everytime you fully burn a forest down build a shrine to Net so the cows know you were there.
Waste not the flesh: Your fascination and connection with Net is growing. You may no longer harm mobs that can harm you. You instead must flee and find a way around them.
-- ןǝʌǝ4ן – ʍɥǝɹǝ ɐɹǝ ɯʎ sɥoǝs --
oqsǝssıʌǝ ʇǝupɐuɔıǝs: oqʇɐıu ouǝ oɟ ǝʌǝɹʎ ıʇǝɯ ɐʌɐıןɐqןǝ ןǝbıʇıɯɐʇǝןʎ ıu ʇɥǝ ǝuʇıɹǝ bɐɯǝ. ıuɔןnpǝ ʍooן qןoɔʞs. ɔɐnsǝ ʇɥǝ ʍoɹןp ʍıןן soou ǝup. ʎon uǝǝp ʇo qǝ dɹǝdɐɹǝp.
TEXTURE PACK = DokuCraft: Gloomy
Dark : Gloomy and desaturated with demonic decoration.
Edit: Saw your sig. Anathema, eh? Win. Just sayin'.
If you need, i can try to make temples for the gods, using materials the god represents?
jk, it seems interesting but a bit complicated
Do you like mmmmbananas?
But..can we eat Cake..? xD
Cake IS from,
BTW, SOMEONE! Make this a RP Server! It would be so awesome!!!
Go nuts. I shared this to inspire. You can take whatever you like from it. And do whatever you like with it :smile.gif:
If you like. Again I am not to hung up on the rules. Just have fun with it.
Yes I wasn't sure about the mushrooms. But I like the idea of Roki not allowing you to eat at all...
You can make as much cake as you like. You can still do everything you like doing within minecraft unless it is specifically stated as against the rules for that god. And even then it isn't a huge deal haha. It's more about adding some flavour to minecraft.
they isolated him there..., he created a whole "world" in his anger
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
Was there really a need for it to be upside-down AND backwards?
And yes, the paths are made to conflict with each other. Which is why I think this would work very well as a survival RP server. The priests of Net and the priest of Terrae really really don't like each other. While the priests of Roki keep to themselves in there halls underground.
Pretty much yes. Net didn't create the dimension. It was an empty void when it was created by Terrae and Roki, but when Net arrived he filled it with all his anger. The ghasts make sense since they sound like crying children ... in a very bad way ... cause that's all net really is; a child.
The pigmen could be net trying to make up for his mistakes. Trying to rebuild the human race. But he is too insane now, and the pigmen were the result of a failed attempt.
The lore is an optional component.
It's mostly about the paths -> which are basically just games.
And these games are mostly for giving people some new inspiration or some cheap fun =P
I have thought of a few things in regards to herobrine. He may be added in the Other Gods section if I ever think up something I like.
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