I mostly tend to build by necessity, I want to explore, but only 10 minutes of sunlight means I need to build bases along the way so I have a safe place to sleep, craft stuff, store stuff, fend off baddies from a balcony with a bow and arrow etc. and then that of course necessitates building roads between those bases... and now I'm to a rail system. Not to mention everywhere I've built has been close to some resource, one base as a trap built around what was once a dungeon, one was near a wolf-spawning forest which I'm also growing mushrooms in, one was near a ton of sugar cane, nearly all of them have a fairly rich or even epic mine nearby.
It seems every time I almost become bored with Minecraft I think of something else my world could use.
now this is pretty awesome.
You may not be too good with pistons, but if you have a fair knowledge of redstone then you should be alright. Basically, you dig a moat around your house, fill it with lava, and then put some sticky pistons underneath the lava with a NON FLAMMABLE MATERIAL and then wire the restone underground to a lever that you pull, and the pistons rise up, and your NON FLAMMABLE MATERIAL will rise out of the lava to make a bridge. theres a youtube vid here: keep watching till you see the lava bridge (This was done with piston mod, but the pistons in the lava still work) Great way to keep griefers, mobs, and annnoying people out. (Of course the sand wont fly in the air)
I'm sorry, but if you want to get your server known, you will need to spend countless hours on your server creating zones: such as cities, landscapes, and even something most servers don't have, like Space :smile.gif:
thx for idea :biggrin.gif: