Before Christ I guess... it's just because in the weapons.. swords,pickaxes,hatchets.. Technology is commonly used now like.. Rifles,Bobcats or other mining vehicles,and chainsaws... Do you get my point? So I think its like... 500 years before christ
Now the chicken was more crafty than any of the wild animals the lord notch had made. He said to the woman, “Did notch really say, ‘Thou must not walk next to the Lava lest thee fall in’?”
The woman said to the chicken, “We may harvest the lava from the lava pools with buckets, but notch did say, ‘Thou must not walk too close to the lava, and thou must not touch it, or you will die.’”
“You will not certainly die,” the chicken said to the woman. “For notch knows that when you touch it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like notch, knowing Java and Swedish.”
When the woman saw that the lava of the pool was bright and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she reached out to touch it. It was then that the chicken bumped her from behind, and thus did Eve fall fully into the fires of the forbidden lava and die. The chicken did clucketh to itself in glee then did seeketh out Adam to provide him consolation and advice.
In his loneliness did Adam listen to the advice of the chicken and did lay with the swine of the earth and begot the Nepigilim, the race of accursed Pigmen. For this was he chased out of Eden, chased by notch's holy servants the Creeper Angels which arose from the creeper vines of Eden itself to enact notch's RageQuit.
Said notch unto Adam, "Thou shalt forever more be known as Steve, and cursed to roam the lands Forever alone and fleeing the consequences of your actions until the end of time."...
* Story Copyrighted by MineCrak @ 2011
See people? This is why we can't have anything good. Damned chickens! :wink.gif:
when did notch add day/night cycle?
how long does the cycle take?
now do the time of one day/night cycle x the time it has taken since that update
you now have the number of days
do it :365 an BAMM you got the exact date!
How do you know to multiply by 365? The Minecraftian orbital period could be shorter or longer than the Earth's. That could be used to recreate an Earth model of Minecraftian orbit but it wouldn't provide a solid answer from Minecraftia's perspective. (If the planet is a cube, does the mean the rotation is sqaure-ish?
I'll go with the whole fantasy/other reality option and suggest years there probably aren't numbered, but named. It might be the Year of the Charged Creeper, or possibly the Year of the Saddled Pig.
has set out to prove everyone else wrong by circumnavigating the cube(?). Is that even possible?
No, because it's really an 8th dimensional mobius strip wrapped around a donut rotating counterclockwise while also moving backwards at the speed of light. :biggrin.gif:
Now the chicken was more crafty than any of the wild animals the lord notch had made. He said to the woman, “Did notch really say, ‘Thou must not walk next to the Lava lest thee fall in’?”
The woman said to the chicken, “We may harvest the lava from the lava pools with buckets, but notch did say, ‘Thou must not walk too close to the lava, and thou must not touch it, or you will die.’”
“You will not certainly die,” the chicken said to the woman. “For notch knows that when you touch it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like notch, knowing Java and Swedish.”
When the woman saw that the lava of the pool was bright and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she reached out to touch it. It was then that the chicken bumped her from behind, and thus did Eve fall fully into the fires of the forbidden lava and die. The chicken did clucketh to itself in glee then did seeketh out Adam to provide him consolation and advice.
In his loneliness did Adam listen to the advice of the chicken and did lay with the swine of the earth and begot the Nepigilim, the race of accursed Pigmen. For this was he chased out of Eden, chased by notch's holy servants the Creeper Angels which arose from the creeper vines of Eden itself to enact notch's RageQuit.
Said notch unto Adam, "Thou shalt forever more be known as Steve, and cursed to roam the lands Forever alone and fleeing the consequences of your actions until the end of time."...
* Story Copyrighted by MineCrak @ 2011
See people? This is why we can't have anything good. Damned chickens! :wink.gif:
OMG just saw this following a tweet. ROFLMAO. Priceless!
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I think it's a time of it's own. I mean, there's electricity and automatic roads (basically) and TNT but there are pigs! We all know pigs are extinct and have been for hundreds of years.
Pigs can grow biger then cows, around 7 feet tall. They can kill a person. (There known to eat people to)
as for was a terrible lava accident :sad.gif:
Genesis 3:1 (The New Minecraftia Edition)
Now the chicken was more crafty than any of the wild animals the lord notch had made. He said to the woman, “Did notch really say, ‘Thou must not walk next to the Lava lest thee fall in’?”
The woman said to the chicken, “We may harvest the lava from the lava pools with buckets, but notch did say, ‘Thou must not walk too close to the lava, and thou must not touch it, or you will die.’”
“You will not certainly die,” the chicken said to the woman. “For notch knows that when you touch it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like notch, knowing Java and Swedish.”
When the woman saw that the lava of the pool was bright and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she reached out to touch it. It was then that the chicken bumped her from behind, and thus did Eve fall fully into the fires of the forbidden lava and die. The chicken did clucketh to itself in glee then did seeketh out Adam to provide him consolation and advice.
In his loneliness did Adam listen to the advice of the chicken and did lay with the swine of the earth and begot the Nepigilim, the race of accursed Pigmen. For this was he chased out of Eden, chased by notch's holy servants the Creeper Angels which arose from the creeper vines of Eden itself to enact notch's RageQuit.
Said notch unto Adam, "Thou shalt forever more be known as Steve, and cursed to roam the lands Forever alone and fleeing the consequences of your actions until the end of time."...
* Story Copyrighted by MineCrak @ 2011
See people? This is why we can't have anything good. Damned chickens! :wink.gif:
- The Cubic Chunks Mod is back! Be a part of it's rebirth and Development.
-- Robinton's Mods: [ Mirror ] for some of his Mods incl Cubic Chunks Mod, due to DropBox broken links.
- Dungeon Generator for the Open Cubic Chunks Mod
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How do you know to multiply by 365? The Minecraftian orbital period could be shorter or longer than the Earth's. That could be used to recreate an Earth model of Minecraftian orbit but it wouldn't provide a solid answer from Minecraftia's perspective. (If the planet is a cube, does the mean the rotation is sqaure-ish?
^only answer.. DEAL WITH IT!^
Besides... The inhabitants *cough*Steve*cough* still believes the world to be flat...
My Steve is enlightened (or very stupid) and has set out to prove everyone else wrong by circumnavigating the cube(?). Is that even possible?
No, because it's really an 8th dimensional mobius strip wrapped around a donut rotating counterclockwise while also moving backwards at the speed of light. :biggrin.gif:
- The Cubic Chunks Mod is back! Be a part of it's rebirth and Development.
-- Robinton's Mods: [ Mirror ] for some of his Mods incl Cubic Chunks Mod, due to DropBox broken links.
- Dungeon Generator for the Open Cubic Chunks Mod
- QuickSAVE-QuickLOAD for the Open Cubic Chunks Mod
- The Cubic Chunks Mod is back! Be a part of it's rebirth and Development.
-- Robinton's Mods: [ Mirror ] for some of his Mods incl Cubic Chunks Mod, due to DropBox broken links.
- Dungeon Generator for the Open Cubic Chunks Mod
- QuickSAVE-QuickLOAD for the Open Cubic Chunks Mod
Wait, why not the 4th age? :wink.gif:
- The Cubic Chunks Mod is back! Be a part of it's rebirth and Development.
-- Robinton's Mods: [ Mirror ] for some of his Mods incl Cubic Chunks Mod, due to DropBox broken links.
- Dungeon Generator for the Open Cubic Chunks Mod
- QuickSAVE-QuickLOAD for the Open Cubic Chunks Mod
Finished CTM maps: Lethamyr
Think ya made a mistake there friend. (stone tools belong in the stone age, friend).
Maybe a wood age. :wink.gif:
Pigs can grow biger then cows, around 7 feet tall. They can kill a person. (There known to eat people to)