A creeper was running down a hill at me. i tried to switch to my sword but i accidentally nudged the inventory button and all i could remember was a creeper blowing up. I was unable to get away. + =
A few server frequents and myself decided to make a huge minecart track that went from a mine, to the the middle base we have, to the beach base. We finish the build and try to test it out, but one of the guys didn't hop in his minecart fast enough, so it took off on the booster rail. We didnt think much of it. Well, for whatever reason, were cruising along near the 75% point, and I see his cart coming back - we kinda joke about it, up until we realize that carts just dont reverse directions. Worse, a creeper was in it. We feverishly try breaking our carts to get off the track and run, but alas, as I broke my cart and got off, the creeper sizzled on by, not blowing me up, but the other guy behind me wasn't so lucky...
I could barely breath because it was so friggin funny... Nothing like seeing a creeper looking appeased in a minecart, then fly by: "ssssssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssss BOOM" - I think the cry of terror on our TeamSpeak from the guy when he saw the creeper coming was the best part...
I run a server and one of my most hated pet peaves are creeper craters in town. One of my server rules is to cover those things up, and not to lead creepers into town. But as we all know "mistakes' happen. Dont you just love hearing "boom!" "Blam!" "kablooie!" every time the sun rises up?
To be fair though... there have been many times when I see the sunrise and I open the door. As soon as I step outside I die to the sweet sound of "SSSsssssss"
Probably either my first night where 3 creepers blew up on me or a few days ago. I was returning from a successful mining trip with quite a few diamonds and other ores. The route back was through a cave system that I previously explored and lit up. As I was heading up a passage, I saw something green in the corner of my screen. I thought it was a slime, and turned to kill it. It turns out that two creepers had somehow spawned in a side branch of my cave system that was lit up. Fortunately, I was carrying my diamond sword and was able to safely get rid of the creepers. (But the sight of creepers leaping down from what should have been a safe area was very surprising.)
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My youtube channel: contains Terraria and Minecraft videos (especially Minecraft).
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To search these forums: go to google, and type in "site:minecraftforum.net [search parameters]." It works.
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Posting that you don't know the answer serves no purpose besides making you look like an idiot.
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Bands I listen to: Brain Drill, Decapitated, Beneath the Massacre, The Faceless, Impending Doom, and Becoming the Archetype. If anyone knows of clean (lyrics-wise) technical death metal bands, please let me know.
Now, now, children, your uncle DethPotato is here to tell you to be nice to each other regardless of each others' opinions. He is also coming here to tell you to either make a new thread regarding this topic, or get back on the main topic of this thread. Or, you could slightly change the topic of this thread so that your current discussion fits.
Everyone has seen the very numerous threads bashing the various features of 1.9, Notch, Mojang, etc. Can we turn down the hating? Just a little bit? Sure, everyone may not be pleased with enchanting, or potions, but really, is it at all realistic to expect that Notch will undo his work from the past several weeks and take these features out? One, that would infuriate far more players than it might pacify, and two, something like that is completely unprecedented in a game as popular as Minecraft. Complete feature removal? Forget about it. Nobody is forcing you to use enchantments and potions.
Adding an XP bar does NOT, I repeat NOT turn Minecraft into an RPG. An RPG, to quote the dictionary, is a game in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting and take those characters through a structured narrative or structured decision making.
Fantasy elements are often found in RPGs, but the reverse is NOT true. Fantasy != RPG. XP bar + minor fantasy elements does not and WILL NEVER equal an RPG in Minecraft, since Minecraft is completely devoid of a plot whatsoever.
Finally, at the end of the day, you have to give Notch and Mojang some credit for what they have accomplished. Minecraft has over 3 million users. If Mojang was making bad gameplay decisions, why is Minecraft one of the most popular video games of all time? Because Mojang knows what they are doing. The success of Minecraft is testament to it.
tl;dr: If you cannot come up with a completely valid reason for claiming that 1.9 ruins Minecraft, please keep your mouth shut.
on our smp server my bro put a spawner in my house when i came in boom 20 blew up.
The next day while my bro was out of the server i put and a spawner in his house when he came to the server he was finished and i grabed all his goodies. now i feel sorry for him his castle was very epic.
It was daytime, and like an idiot, I dug into a mountain for a home. I opened my door, closed it, went to the sand mountain to mine some sandstone when I heard a SSSSSS.... BOOOOM. That isn't the worst part. With half a heart left and pork inside my house, I run back inside, turn around, and before I can close the door, Mrs. Creeper walks in and proceeds to give me a hug and remodel my house.
My first wolf and i were mining really deep underground when I inferred there was a dungeon or at least a cave above us. Not thinking, I dug up only to have a creeper drop from the ceiling and kill Baxter.
Later that day, I built a little grave for Baxter, and I planted trees on both of its sides. I wanted them to grow, so I used the bonemeal for instant results.
The next morning, I was walking in the direction of the grave when 2 creepers, one from each tree, attacked rendering the gravestone a pit in the sand.
I have only died by creeper one time. That was when i was experimenting with my "run with a diamond sword and spam left click like a *****" tactic. I missed and it exploded.
But my worst memory is when I was venturing through a cave i had already lit up. Appearently there was a huge hole in the ceiling i hadn't noticed. para-creepers how do they work.
Burned to death in a cave. Memorized the coordinates, invaded one of my outposts which I have layed around and stocked with torches, leather armour, and stone tools for just this situation, and dug straight down over the coords.
Broke through, landed ontop of most of my stuff (all but my record disc and 15 diamonds), then the creeper right next to me went off and blew up all 15 diamonds, and left me with 1 heart left.
I was exploring a small cave. I had completely illuminated it so no Mobs could spawn. after I finished exploring it I waited by the cave's pit-like entrance for the sun to come back up, and suddenly without warning a creeper went flying over the edge of the pit and blew up in my face.
my worst creeper memory was when i just got a huge army of wolfes (5) then sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss they all were dead and there was a hole in my house so a spiderjocky came in i needed a lot of from that dam
My worst Creeper memory wasn't bad, just terrifying.
After getting very well established in my lakeside home, I decided to create a second home quite a ways away, at bedrock level, at the bottom of a 2x2 mine shaft that started at sea level. At the bottom I had this nice little ring of Ladders that allowed me to jump from sea level to bedrock, and survive (in addition to one corner being covered in ladders so I could climb up). After hollowing out a nice room at bedrock, I brought some cobblestone up to the surface to make a little shed to hide the mine shaft. I thought 64 blocks of cobblestone would be enough, yet I was wrong. It was midday, so I jumped back down into my mine shaft to get some more cobblestone I had left in a chest at bedrock. As I climbed up, a blur of green shot passed me. I looked down to see a Creeper, who had just impaled himself on the top edge of one of the ladders near bedrock. In fright, I released my grip on the ladder, fell, and nearly suffered the same fate as the creeper (lost 3/4 of my health by hitting the same top edge of a ladder).
My second worst memory was when I was mining. It was a massive cave, and it was the first cave I had every found with lava. I was excited, and was running around poking obsidian, grabbin' Redstone (for it was the first time I had ever seen Redstone) and all sorts of stuff. Suddenly, I rounded a corner and saw a Skeleton. I ran back, and fell into a current of water. Said current threw me down a small river. At the end of this river there was a single stone block that stood above the current... this very block had a single Creeper on it. I didn't notice this and smash into the Creeper. The Creeper blew up and blew up the walls around me. Turns out, said walls were very thin, and I found myself at 1 heart (Leather armor doesn't seem to resist Creeper explosions), sliding down a river that was being formed before my eyes to an unknown destination. Before I could react, Water hit Lava, and I got stuck in obsidian somehow. As I was trying to break the obsidian block with an Iron Pickaxe, the Skeleton from earlier noticed how fun that river ride was, and came down to join me. He shot me executioner style.
Offtopic: Now my BEST memory I have had with a Creeper was when I was hollowing out a mountain. Outside of my window, I saw bobbing up and down. I walked over, and the Creeper turned to me. He stopped jumping, and we both stared at each other. After about 3 minutes of silence, my clock was telling me day was almost here. I walked away from the Creeper to get my axe (in preparation of going outside) and noticed, to my horror, my first Spider Jockey climbing one of my walls, and sticking his head in a window. To draw out the situation:
(Spider Jockey)
[] [] [] [] []
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] (windows)
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
At the time, my windows had no fancy glass. They all were just a block missing in a wall. The Spider Jockey shot, and I sidestepped out of the way. However, the arrow flew into the open window beside me, and hit my new Creeper friend. He ran around my house, and charged the Spider Jockey. Stunned, the Spider Jockey fell off the wall, and the Creeper detonated, killing the two of them, as well as a good portion of my wall. I sat there in shock, as the sun was just turning the sky from a dark blue to a nice golden-orange. I made a little grave in commemoration to my short-lived Creeper friend... RIP buddy
You wanna hear about the worst creeper screw ever? Alright.
During the downtime after the 1.5 patch while waiting for Bukkit to update, I loaded up a barebones copy of the server and hosted up the very first SMP map I ever ran. This map had a giant Spleef arena that someone built a huge zeppelin over the top of. The zeppelin was probably about 50-75 blocks long. My co-admin and I spent about 30-45 minutes cleaning the inside of the zeppelin free of mobs, lighting it, then loading it down with TNT. The plan was to rig the thing up to explode, and I would use Fraps to record the explosion from the Spleef arena below. It would be a great Black Sunday type of movie. Since I had copied out the world file from backup just to do this, it wouldn't even harm anything.
We were just placing the last few boxes of TNT and I see a creeper face pop around the side of my screen...
Needless to say we didn't get the footage. I kicked myself over and over for not turning off mobs when I started the server up.
So i finished mining a huge cave system that took over an hour and i return to the surface. I find myself running from a creeper or two and i run straight off a small cliff into an above ground lava pool. Hiss goes my stack of 20 diamonds. Sizzle goes my 300 iron ore. Not to mention diamond sword and pick. Most expensive death ever....
I could barely breath because it was so friggin funny... Nothing like seeing a creeper looking appeased in a minecart, then fly by: "ssssssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssss BOOM" - I think the cry of terror on our TeamSpeak from the guy when he saw the creeper coming was the best part...
To be fair though... there have been many times when I see the sunrise and I open the door. As soon as I step outside I die to the sweet sound of "SSSsssssss"
The next day while my bro was out of the server i put and a spawner in his house when he came to the server he was finished and i grabed all his goodies. now i feel sorry for him his castle was very epic.
Later that day, I built a little grave for Baxter, and I planted trees on both of its sides. I wanted them to grow, so I used the bonemeal for instant results.
The next morning, I was walking in the direction of the grave when 2 creepers, one from each tree, attacked rendering the gravestone a pit in the sand.
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But my worst memory is when I was venturing through a cave i had already lit up. Appearently there was a huge hole in the ceiling i hadn't noticed. para-creepers how do they work.
Broke through, landed ontop of most of my stuff (all but my record disc and 15 diamonds), then the creeper right next to me went off and blew up all 15 diamonds, and left me with 1 heart left.
Open door.
Halfway through doorway.
Never found house again.
Rage Quit.
Ragekill world.
You sir, deserve an award.
After getting very well established in my lakeside home, I decided to create a second home quite a ways away, at bedrock level, at the bottom of a 2x2 mine shaft that started at sea level. At the bottom I had this nice little ring of Ladders that allowed me to jump from sea level to bedrock, and survive (in addition to one corner being covered in ladders so I could climb up). After hollowing out a nice room at bedrock, I brought some cobblestone up to the surface to make a little shed to hide the mine shaft. I thought 64 blocks of cobblestone would be enough, yet I was wrong. It was midday, so I jumped back down into my mine shaft to get some more cobblestone I had left in a chest at bedrock. As I climbed up, a blur of green shot passed me. I looked down to see a Creeper, who had just impaled himself on the top edge of one of the ladders near bedrock. In fright, I released my grip on the ladder, fell, and nearly suffered the same fate as the creeper (lost 3/4 of my health by hitting the same top edge of a ladder).
My second worst memory was when I was mining. It was a massive cave, and it was the first cave I had every found with lava. I was excited, and was running around poking obsidian, grabbin' Redstone (for it was the first time I had ever seen Redstone) and all sorts of stuff. Suddenly, I rounded a corner and saw a Skeleton. I ran back, and fell into a current of water. Said current threw me down a small river. At the end of this river there was a single stone block that stood above the current... this very block had a single Creeper on it. I didn't notice this and smash into the Creeper. The Creeper blew up and blew up the walls around me. Turns out, said walls were very thin, and I found myself at 1 heart (Leather armor doesn't seem to resist Creeper explosions), sliding down a river that was being formed before my eyes to an unknown destination. Before I could react, Water hit Lava, and I got stuck in obsidian somehow. As I was trying to break the obsidian block with an Iron Pickaxe, the Skeleton from earlier noticed how fun that river ride was, and came down to join me. He shot me executioner style.
Offtopic: Now my BEST memory I have had with a Creeper was when I was hollowing out a mountain. Outside of my window, I saw bobbing up and down. I walked over, and the Creeper turned to me. He stopped jumping, and we both stared at each other. After about 3 minutes of silence, my clock was telling me day was almost here. I walked away from the Creeper to get my axe (in preparation of going outside) and noticed, to my horror, my first Spider Jockey climbing one of my walls, and sticking his head in a window. To draw out the situation:
(Spider Jockey)
[] [] [] [] []
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] (windows)
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
At the time, my windows had no fancy glass. They all were just a block missing in a wall. The Spider Jockey shot, and I sidestepped out of the way. However, the arrow flew into the open window beside me, and hit my new Creeper friend. He ran around my house, and charged the Spider Jockey. Stunned, the Spider Jockey fell off the wall, and the Creeper detonated, killing the two of them, as well as a good portion of my wall. I sat there in shock, as the sun was just turning the sky from a dark blue to a nice golden-orange. I made a little grave in commemoration to my short-lived Creeper friend... RIP buddy
During the downtime after the 1.5 patch while waiting for Bukkit to update, I loaded up a barebones copy of the server and hosted up the very first SMP map I ever ran. This map had a giant Spleef arena that someone built a huge zeppelin over the top of. The zeppelin was probably about 50-75 blocks long. My co-admin and I spent about 30-45 minutes cleaning the inside of the zeppelin free of mobs, lighting it, then loading it down with TNT. The plan was to rig the thing up to explode, and I would use Fraps to record the explosion from the Spleef arena below. It would be a great Black Sunday type of movie. Since I had copied out the world file from backup just to do this, it wouldn't even harm anything.
We were just placing the last few boxes of TNT and I see a creeper face pop around the side of my screen...
Needless to say we didn't get the footage. I kicked myself over and over for not turning off mobs when I started the server up.