it just occurred to me that there's currently no way to distinguish between a group of tamed wolves according to the preview. They all look identical. Now, dogs are far too loveable for anyone to expect us to not name them, so we need a way of telling them apart.
My solution: Make dye work on wolves like it works on sheep. That way you can color your wolves and be able to tell them apart!
Quote from FlamingSnowman »
You can't tell the tamed wolves apart from eachother. They all have the same texture, including the same collar.
I can't tell he difference between tamed and wild wolves.
An alternative could be having two skins in the .minecraft folder.. 1 for dogs in general and one for your own.. this way you can make your dog look however you wish and see it that way amongst others.
An alternative could be having two skins in the .minecraft folder.. 1 for dogs in general and one for your own.. this way you can make your dog look however you wish and see it that way amongst others.
Problem: This idea is about distinguishing between two or more tame wolves you might have.
Silliness aside, I would love some way to tell our pet puppies apart. I like the idea of dying them or their collars.
Also, completely unrelated, but... Zomg! Minecraft poodle!
well......just no
Just no to you, then. What can be asserted without reason can be dismissed without reason.
= leather
and that being a collar that you put on the wolf and then maybe being able to die the collar different colours
Problem: This idea is about distinguishing between two or more tame wolves you might have.
Thats so gonna be my signiture.
Lol, thanks man.
I'm perfectly fine with that idea too. Though blue dogs would be fun.
yes lets attach a sign post to a wild dog
Lol use his idea if you dont put a collar it get completely dyed