Awwwwwww! Since the last update pigs got so cute! They sometimes come close to me and look at as if they're asking for food! I almost dropped grain to feed them!
And when i come close to them, they start jumping as if they're happy to see me! I know it's nothing but a mere coincidence, but it's still so sweet!
Matt, seriously, stop trolling. So can you please shut the **** up and go troll the infdev forums about how much you want to get 10 bucks from your hobo house?
If you want cute, lure a spider into the sunlight and wait for it to turn peaceful. When they walk around a bit, stop and turn and look at you, it is the cutest thing ever. Especially in the snow.
Yeah. There was a pig outside of my tiny cave-house in the snow one night when I was waiting for daytime, and the more I heard its sounds, the more I felt sympathetic towards it, all lonely and freezing out there, so I went out to bring him inside. I started to forcibly invite him in, but, unfortunately, he seemed to fat to fit through the doorway and I shoved him too hard and ended up killing him!
I thought the pigs were always cute. I rarely ever kill one, and my entire pork supply consists of cliff-kill and drownings.
So you push them off cliffs and drown them?
What the **** man.
Not from me. The ones that seem to fall from the sky when you're exploring, and the pork you find inexplicably sitting in pools of water. It's such common occurrence I often have to trash the surplus or just leave it where I found it.
And when i come close to them, they start jumping as if they're happy to see me! I know it's nothing but a mere coincidence, but it's still so sweet!
How can i kill that poor fella'?
still cute?
I now look at pigs a lot differently.
now i just want to kill every
well, atleast we still have cute, fluffy
Makoto: I'm a PC, and ragequit was MY idea.
Kaiser_czar: andy, your signature is ****ed up. other than that... its absolutely beautiful
My god. Keep your face out of the game.
My pigs are the cutest.
^The Portal Song!^
^Taste the cake song!^
The cake is NOT a lie!
The oil spill got to Minecraft?
Naw, they've been playing in mud :3
I never said they were innocent :Sheep:, I usually feed them
Pigs covered in mud or not, when cooked it always comes out
Makoto: I'm a PC, and ragequit was MY idea.
Kaiser_czar: andy, your signature is ****ed up. other than that... its absolutely beautiful
...Actually, I'm going to do that to every hostile mob.
So you push them off cliffs and drown them?
What the **** man.
Not from me. The ones that seem to fall from the sky when you're exploring, and the pork you find inexplicably sitting in pools of water. It's such common occurrence I often have to trash the surplus or just leave it where I found it.