I'm about to start my second year at AAU in San Francisco. I'm learning 3D animation, and am skilled in advanced modeling. I also know Photoshop and some skills such as making seamless textures. I really admire the idea of this game and if there is anything I can do to support Minecraft (besides buying the game) then awesome. Anything such as freelance help or whatever; I would be happy to support this game.
There's been lots of offers and as far as I'm aware Notch wants to do as much as possible himself. So, your best bet is to make something as a community member :biggrin.gif:
I don't know what is relevant to the creator of Minecraft, but here are some pictures of my latest school work. If it's not relevant, then enjoy anyways. :smile.gif:
Kaboom! _.-*
Kaboom! _.-*
hahaha yes. That person will have a bad day
Kaboom! _.-*