A heads up, read this as if you're watching a documentary.
We're here in the wild, ready to explore. Many mobs and more live and exist outside our view around this vast world, and not all have been found and documented. That's what I'm here for. No one's going to rest until we document all of those hidden creatures. Welcome, to Blocky Discovery.
The Dinnerbunny
A recently discovered creature, in a flowery forest in the land of Minecraftia. Secretly in the night, a skeletal-like creature roams in the dark. Nomming on his carrot, he swerves his head, looking around for potential prey. This is the Dinnerius Bunnius, known for its appetite of humans itself and its abnormal size. If found, it is essential to possibly take photos, and keep at a safe range, as it is considered dangerous.
I actually read this on Reddit, made by Quad9363. He actually found out how to create this and shared it to the public.
The Bomb-Chicken
Its origins unknown, some have said that it is native to the Nether, brought here by humans. Live footage of this shows that any player, whether new or experienced, should be cautious of this fast kamikaze animal. Its looks and behavior are extremely similar to an ordinary one, except for one thing. It's urge to chase you cannot be contained, and it immediately runs towards you, standing out of any crowd of feathered creatures in a farm. Be wary of these, quarantines have failed and bases have been destroyed. It's basic attack is to run towards you and explode, a faster version of the infamous creeper. Not to mention that it's in groups, to become even deadlier.
This was found on Reddit, made by MrCheeze. It's basically an invisible creeper stacked on a baby zombie riding a chicken. The reason why it's a baby zombie, is so it won't burn in the sunlight and it will control the chicken, forcing it to run towards a player. The creeper is primed to immediately explode when it finds the player close enough.
Do note, that this cannot be typed in the chat, as the command is too long. Only use it in Command Blocks.
The Phantom
Not many people have seen this cursed mob, as they would often die after that. Witnesses claim that this creature has been found in places like strongholds, temples and more. They are extremely hostile, and will walk towards you on sight, slowly and terrifyingly approaching you until finally; death occurs. They are seemingly covered in some bluish unusual glow, and their bodies disfigured. In any situation, people should immediately retreat and report this, being the safest thing to do if possible.
This was also found on Reddit, the concept made by Pizsuppe. It's just a charged creeper with invisibility, as the bluish glow it has can still be seen even though the creeper is hidden by the effect.
Slimenado And Lavanado
This is getting more and more common everyday, people have reported seeing these bizarre occurrences. Slimes and Lava Slimes stacked on each other to size have been found in Mesas and the Nether respectively. These have been speculated to be related to each other, but not much research has been done. The wild flying of these ferocious creatures can be avoided, as it would be the best thing to do. Multiple specimens have been found, and players are now experimenting on these unknown mobs.
This was once again, also found on Reddit, the commands made by Valark and LinuxBoi. It's basically a lot of slimes/lava slimes riding on each other, the last smallest one riding on a bat. They do not aim towards you, but in cave-like/secluded areas, these can be considered dangerous.
Mucky Soup
Found in the murky swamps, a cauldron of this vile and smelly liquid has been brought back to the Overworld for research. According to stories and witnesses, a player originally found this in an underground temple of sorts. She had seen skulls and skeletons which lied close to the green juice, and it didn't take time for her to put things together. Obviously not going to taste it, she immediately contacted authorities. For now, people are being quiet about this, all we know now about this is nothing. It might remain unknown forever if scientists decide the public shall not know about this mystic and mysterious soup...
This was also found on Imgur, made by leogili. It's actually a minecart with a clay block, made properly to fit in a cauldron.
EDIT: It looks like the Imgur version has been removed. Luckily, a Youtuber by the name of NixterGaming has made a video for that, which also provides instructions to how to make the soup. Here is the to the video, and here is the link to the reddit post.
Just follow the tutorial in the video.
Magma Jockey
Ever since wild chicken jockeys had started to appear, with baby zombies on chickens, these pairs of unique mobs have been popping up around the Nether. It seems that these mobs want to keep up on the new trend, and their population are increasing by the second. All players are reccomended to stay away from these pair of troublemakers until further information is given out, as these can be extremely dangerous if found in groups of the lava fields, known as the Nether.
This is basically a baby zombie pigman riding on a Magma Cube. And yes, I actually created this myself, with the commands(like the phantom command).
Flying Witches
Being late for halloween, the witches have something up their sleeves(that rhymes!). The foul sorcerers had mastered one of the things in combat they needed the most; flight. With this new power, the combination is deadly. Players should be equipped with a bow and arrow to fight these vile mobs from a range. Like a bomber aeroplane, the witch simply drops potions on you while it flies above your head. Authorities are now closing in on areas and begining to quarantine places with these witches.
I also created this concept with the command. It's quite simple, a witch on a bat.
/summon Witch ~ ~3~ {Riding:{id:Bat}}
Wither Jockeys
The Wither Skeletons are stepping up their game. Following from their cousins in the Overworld, the Wither Jockeys are a pair of mobs not to underestimate and mess with. They don't often stay in Fortresses, and traverse and wander around the Nether, waiting for their next victim. Few have lived and saw these, as the encounters usually end up in death. The fast speed of the spider and Wither effect of the skeleton make it a force to be reckoned with.
Once again, I didn't copy this from Reddit. It's basically a Wither Skeleton on a spider.
Ghost Miners
This mob urges you to stay at home at night. Origins say that these lost souls were actually miners in those abandoned mineshafts many had visited over the months. And they are angry for the disturbance the humans has caused, waking them up from their deep sleep. The helmetted zombies rise in the night, holding on to their pickaxes. They ride on Minecarts on the surface, but don't be fooled. Their vehicle can even ride without tracks, and go at an extremely fast speed. No one has yet to actually capture one of these, which is the reason why research and official documentation is hard to conduct. Stay indoors at night, for if you don't, it may be your last trip out of your house.
I'm extremely proud of making this, with the complicated command as well(it is for me, because I'm not a really hardcore Redstone guy). You can't type it in chat, so use a Command Block. It's actually a zombie with a helmet on(to stop burning in day) and a pickaxe, riding on a minecart which is riding on an invisible silverfish. Be careful not to spawn too much of these, as they are quite dangerous if you're not well prepared, especially in hordes and herds of them.
Mutant Spiders
One fateful night, a herd of spiders roams around a giant factory. Pipes ran from everywhere, dispersing foul gasses and liquids. Most people agree on this as the origins of the Mutant Spiders. They have double the arms of an ordinary spider, and can do double the damage as well, not to mention double the eyes for better accuracy. At night, these thing come in fast hordes, their evil eyes glowing in the dark. Be cautious from now, as many players have been killed because of these malicious creatures.
It's an upside down spider riding a spider. That's it, enjoy
Collosus Wither
Only one account of this giant monstrosity of a creature has actually been officially recorded. The mob is said to be extremely huge, way larger than the Ender Dragon and it's smaller cousins. The player immediately ran away at the sight of this, only managing to capture one mysterious photo. No one knows where it came from, some say it even came from a rift in the End. Players are vigilantly exploring the areas around currently, attempting to find this. There is even a reward if anyone is capable of doing so.
Simplysarc did a video about this, and I'll link it for you. Now, I'm not going to do any explaining, I'm going to let him do it. Just a note, do not spawn many of these in your world. They will cause lag, and if given enough time, will blow it up entirely and possible crash it.
Villager Warlords
A few of these warriors have been found around villages, commanding zombies according to witnesses. The villager simply sits on a diamond throne, as all his lackeys seem to hold it up and push it to it's next destination. Players however, cannot often get a good sight, as they are most likely immediately targeted by the army of zombies. One person however, has stated that he once saw the zombies even killing the villager, uprising against the foul king. All these are not officially approved by the authorities, and it is best that any player should stay away and keep a distance, as these are hostile on sight.
I'm extremely proud of this one as well, as I think I did a good job on a mob like this. It's actually a villager riding on an invisible zombie with a diamond helmet. It looks like a throne that the villager sits on. The other zombies are simply naturally spawned ones, attempting to take a bit at the testificate. This makes it look like they are actually followers, carrying their master.
Our team has had the opportunity to visit a high tech security area, known widely as Area 52. They have invited us for a trip there, and they gave us a top secret map and everything. We're not allowed to give the location, but they provided us with permission to publicly give information about what we saw. Here is our log of what we had experienced.
Leaked Portals Some photos we managed to snap.
Looks like they aren't friendly, we got a hostile reaction from them.
Log 1- We were walking through a forest, which was extremely thick and dark. Our team practically couldn't see anything at all, all we were relying on was a GPS. It beeped a bit, and we noticed we were getting close to the facility. We however, noticed a glow off in the corner. Being curious, we hid behind a tree, the cameraman taking out his video camera. What we saw was terrifying, a Nether Portal. Parts of the portal itself appeared to have broken out, and they wandered closely to the Obsidian structure. Netherack could be seen spreading out too, from our short evidence that we encountered this strange anomaly.
One of our men however, got too close. They rampaged towards us like an angry horde, and we ran away as fast as possible. They made a hellish and mad kind of noise, being brought from the Nether themselves. After that, the Sun began to rise and the second we turned back, there was simply nothing left. They had disappeared mysteriously...
It's an invisible zombie with a portal on his head, quite simple really.
Extraterrestrial Astronaut We took a photo of the crater, there seems to be something there in the middle...
Upon further investigation, we realised that it was friendly, and 'came in peace'. At least, for now...
Log 2 - After that tiresome and horrid night, we made our way into a larger open area. We managed to catch a sight of the famous crater, of which they have also been talking about. Our crew were tired, but our curiousity got the best of us. We noticed something... something unusual in the crater. We know that the authorities had mentioned that it was extremely dangerous, but we didn't care.
Upon getting closer to it with a sword, it didn't seem to react to us. It looked like an technologically advanced zombie, wearing even some sort of helmet on it's head. We tried to get more photos, but at around that time, the guards came and brought the creature away, ready to kill us before someone interrupted them. It was the director, and she called the guards off, leading us to the gates to the facility. She apologised for the threat, and that "The alien was extremely dangerous, and as for now, we don't even know if a quarantine is needed for possibly diseases. The guards have been trained to kill trespassers who have had contact with those life forms.". After that, we continued on as she brought us to the base.
This one's quite simple too, it's a classic zombie wearing a glass block on his head. Also, the download for this map(which I will be using for several more pictures) is here.
Velociraptor Hmm... what could that be, we thought.
When we got closer, it looked as if it was a baby dinosaur of sorts, due to it's size. It wasn't hostile, and didn't cause any damage to us.
Log 3 - We were brought to a large hallway filled with doors. As we walked, the director had to pick up a phone call and went to a room. Our crew continued to walk down through the corridor, until noticing something suspicious come out of an opened door. It looked around, swerving it's head from here to there. We got closer and took some pictures, and one of our team member's actually said out loud, realising the creature, and shouting that: "It's a Velociraptor!". This caused guards everywhere opened the doors, grabbing guns out and using their tazers on the poor baby creature. Some of our team members have even speculated that an alien device that they found has actually been used to create this creature.
It was covered with a net, and brought back into a room, locked and sealed. We never found out what happened to it from there, but the director got back and said that: "Are you and your crew alright? You could've become severely injured, that was one of our experiments which had actually escaped due to some unknown causes. Luckily, none of you look like you got hurt. That's good. Follow me, I'll show you some stuff we've found from the crater."
This is actually a Silverfish stacked onto a Chicken, with it's age toggled really down a bit to make sure it got leveled down to the right height to be seen as a tail.
Alien Tech - Pogo Sticks One of the scientists tinkering with a so called 'pogo stick' found inside one of the meteorites.
Log 4 - We were then showed to a room with a table and some scientists sitting down next to it, making sophisticated 'Squidward' noises as they talked about theories. The director asked one of them to showcase how the device they had found worked, and the man had bounced up quite high. It was quite amazing, most of us clapping at the sight. The director told us that: "For now, we still need to conduct more research, so the technology might not be available for sometime to the public.", she said as we walked by a room, seeing more villagers playing around with the machines.
Simply put, it's a villager riding a magma slime. This pogo stick comes in Green too! Just change the id of the mob.
/summon Villager ~ ~2 ~ {Riding:{id:LavaSlime}}
8 Eyed Alien A quick photo we managed to take, before the being teleported.
Log 5 - The day was getting weirder and weirder. As we walked down the corridor to the canteen for some lunch, our crew were interrupted by a being which literally just teleported in front of us. Our cameraman noticed it and quickly took some photos, knowing what to do in moments like this. However, one of our crew which was looking at the creature's eyes fell unconscious, falling to the ground. This caught our attention, and all of us moved to him, seeing whether he was okay. The director whistled out and noticed the alien teleported away, gesturing for some iron golems to come. The guards came, and they walked in the direction of which they had seen the being teleport away to. She brought him back up, and called for some more iron golems to come, as she spoke again.
"Sorry, we've been having some containment breaches recently. These golems will bring your friend to the medics. The rest of you, can go and have lunch and I will meet you at the end of it."
It's a cave spider riding a villager, only thing is, the age of the spider has been decreased beyond zero, decreasing the level of it's height to the eye level of the testificate.
/summon CaveSpider ~ ~2 ~ {Riding:{id:Villager}}
Two-Headed Man The being was silent, and didn't seem to react to us at all.
Log 6 - What we had just seen is... quite strange and spooky. As we were eating in lunch in a garden-like area, we noticed a man just standing there, looking at us. We decided to see what he was doing, and noticed that he had two heads. Our cameramen tried not to scream, and simply took some photos. We were about to call the guards, before noticing he had walked behind a tree. After that, we eagerly attempted to find him behind the tree, only to see that he has disappeared. Then, the director came to us and spoke again, as two lines of Iron Golems marched by to the trees we were at before.
"So yes, this will be the last thing of the day, so just follow behind me."
It's a villager riding a villager. The villager on top however, is a baby and has it's age decreased so it height 'level' decreases as well.
Alien Tech - Protected Displays The small room we were in contained two displays, which showed an egg, perhaps belonging to an alien, and a mysterious potion.
The objects were definitely real, yet, we couldn't seem to break the first display, and couldn't pick up the second one, as if it was a hologram.
Log 7 - This amazing thing we just had the chance to witness might have paid off all the mysterious and frightening things we had seen on our trip so far. It was a display of sorts, found on in the meteorite. We took our time to just admire it's beauty, for it looked magnificent. If this was actually alien technology, then we are too far back. The director mentioned a last few words, before leading us out: "We are currently trying to piece together what this is as quick as possible, yet, our best men have not been able to find out most of it at all. But anyways, I hope you enjoyed this trip. The exit is there on your right."
And that was the end of that trip. Our team hopes you enjoyed it, and it's now going back to usual.
A guy on Youtube named MasInYoFace posted a about this which I followed. The items actually can't be picked up, but more explanation on that in the video(including on how to create it). So watch it to find out more about this or if you plan to make this too.
Void Zones
Most people have made reports about seeing these weird occurrences in Minecraft. It involves a portal like mechanism, witnesses saying that people close by were even sucked into it, never to be seen dead or alive again. Some people even speculate that these are wormholes, and will literally put you on another planet or in a Black Hole. Our team has been working hard on trying to find out what it is, but with no luck. If you ever see this, please do not attempt to go close to it, for you might just disappear. Please stay away from it under any circumstances.
A guy on Reddit made a filter to do this, and it's main origin comes from him. Here is the link, for more explanations, tutorials and the filter to do this as well.
Thanks And Banners
If you read the entire thing, I hoped you enjoyed it. I'll be adding more as time passes. If you really want to support this and keep it alive, maybe you could use one of these banners to help?
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To anyone who is interested in how this 'documentary' has changed, click on the spoiler below.
V1.0 - 13 December 2013 - Explorations At It's Best! - +5 mobs. V1.1 - 20 December 2013 - Now With Villager Warlords! - +7 mobs and +1 item. V1.2 - 24 January 2014 - Space Update! - +6 mobs and +2 items. V1.2.1 - 25 April 2014 - Soup Fix - Last instructions for soup has disappeared, a new one has replaced it. Revival - 22 November 2014 - The thread has been awakened from a dormant sleep.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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These are cool. That skeleton thing looks creepy and cool at the same time. And the bomb-chicken killed me in my testing stuff world and now I can't find where I was.
These are cool. That skeleton thing looks creepy and cool at the same time. And the bomb-chicken killed me in my testing stuff world and now I can't find where I was.
Thanks man, I appreciate it.
Also, take care of those things, you might want to keep a distance next time
I like this Dinnerbunny better:
/summon Skeleton ~ ~ ~ {CustomName:"Dinnerbone",Equipment:[{},{},{},{},{id:397,Damage:3,tag:{SkullOwner:Hunter_Comm}}],Riding:{id:"Skeleton",Equipment:[{id:391},{},{},{},{id:397,Damage:3,tag:{SkullOwner:MHF_Sheep}}]}}
Thanks for the positive response guys. I'm currently still searching around for more creative stuff.
Just remember though, that it won't be all about mobs
This is a great idea and I hope that more people will join in.
The mob reports remind me a lot of the SCP files on the S.C.P. wiki but with the objects being in minecraft.
I wish you luck, and will report any unusual objects that I discover during my travels directly to you.
This is a great idea and I hope that more people will join in.
The mob reports remind me a lot of the SCP files on the S.C.P. wiki but with the objects being in minecraft.
I wish you luck, and will report any unusual objects that I discover during my travels directly to you.
Thanks. As for everyone(including you), all the support is very well appreciated. It's nice to see that people enjoy this.
New Update V1.1 - 20 December 2013 - Now With Villager Warlords! - +7 mobs and +1 item.
A heads up, read this as if you're watching a documentary.
We're here in the wild, ready to explore. Many mobs and more live and exist outside our view around this vast world, and not all have been found and documented. That's what I'm here for. No one's going to rest until we document all of those hidden creatures. Welcome, to Blocky Discovery.
The Dinnerbunny
A recently discovered creature, in a flowery forest in the land of Minecraftia. Secretly in the night, a skeletal-like creature roams in the dark. Nomming on his carrot, he swerves his head, looking around for potential prey. This is the Dinnerius Bunnius, known for its appetite of humans itself and its abnormal size. If found, it is essential to possibly take photos, and keep at a safe range, as it is considered dangerous.
I actually read this on Reddit, made by Quad9363. He actually found out how to create this and shared it to the public.
The Bomb-Chicken
Its origins unknown, some have said that it is native to the Nether, brought here by humans. Live footage of this shows that any player, whether new or experienced, should be cautious of this fast kamikaze animal. Its looks and behavior are extremely similar to an ordinary one, except for one thing. It's urge to chase you cannot be contained, and it immediately runs towards you, standing out of any crowd of feathered creatures in a farm. Be wary of these, quarantines have failed and bases have been destroyed. It's basic attack is to run towards you and explode, a faster version of the infamous creeper. Not to mention that it's in groups, to become even deadlier.
This was found on Reddit, made by MrCheeze. It's basically an invisible creeper stacked on a baby zombie riding a chicken. The reason why it's a baby zombie, is so it won't burn in the sunlight and it will control the chicken, forcing it to run towards a player. The creeper is primed to immediately explode when it finds the player close enough.
Do note, that this cannot be typed in the chat, as the command is too long. Only use it in Command Blocks.
The Phantom
Not many people have seen this cursed mob, as they would often die after that. Witnesses claim that this creature has been found in places like strongholds, temples and more. They are extremely hostile, and will walk towards you on sight, slowly and terrifyingly approaching you until finally; death occurs. They are seemingly covered in some bluish unusual glow, and their bodies disfigured. In any situation, people should immediately retreat and report this, being the safest thing to do if possible.
This was also found on Reddit, the concept made by Pizsuppe. It's just a charged creeper with invisibility, as the bluish glow it has can still be seen even though the creeper is hidden by the effect.
Slimenado And Lavanado
This is getting more and more common everyday, people have reported seeing these bizarre occurrences. Slimes and Lava Slimes stacked on each other to size have been found in Mesas and the Nether respectively. These have been speculated to be related to each other, but not much research has been done. The wild flying of these ferocious creatures can be avoided, as it would be the best thing to do. Multiple specimens have been found, and players are now experimenting on these unknown mobs.
This was once again, also found on Reddit, the commands made by Valark and LinuxBoi. It's basically a lot of slimes/lava slimes riding on each other, the last smallest one riding on a bat. They do not aim towards you, but in cave-like/secluded areas, these can be considered dangerous.
Mucky Soup
Found in the murky swamps, a cauldron of this vile and smelly liquid has been brought back to the Overworld for research. According to stories and witnesses, a player originally found this in an underground temple of sorts. She had seen skulls and skeletons which lied close to the green juice, and it didn't take time for her to put things together. Obviously not going to taste it, she immediately contacted authorities. For now, people are being quiet about this, all we know now about this is nothing. It might remain unknown forever if scientists decide the public shall not know about this mystic and mysterious soup...
This was also found on Imgur, made by leogili. It's actually a minecart with a clay block, made properly to fit in a cauldron.
EDIT: It looks like the Imgur version has been removed. Luckily, a Youtuber by the name of NixterGaming has made a video for that, which also provides instructions to how to make the soup. Here is the to the video, and here is the link to the reddit post.
Magma Jockey
Ever since wild chicken jockeys had started to appear, with baby zombies on chickens, these pairs of unique mobs have been popping up around the Nether. It seems that these mobs want to keep up on the new trend, and their population are increasing by the second. All players are reccomended to stay away from these pair of troublemakers until further information is given out, as these can be extremely dangerous if found in groups of the lava fields, known as the Nether.
This is basically a baby zombie pigman riding on a Magma Cube. And yes, I actually created this myself, with the commands(like the phantom command).
Flying Witches
Being late for halloween, the witches have something up their sleeves(that rhymes!). The foul sorcerers had mastered one of the things in combat they needed the most; flight. With this new power, the combination is deadly. Players should be equipped with a bow and arrow to fight these vile mobs from a range. Like a bomber aeroplane, the witch simply drops potions on you while it flies above your head. Authorities are now closing in on areas and begining to quarantine places with these witches.
I also created this concept with the command. It's quite simple, a witch on a bat.
Wither Jockeys
The Wither Skeletons are stepping up their game. Following from their cousins in the Overworld, the Wither Jockeys are a pair of mobs not to underestimate and mess with. They don't often stay in Fortresses, and traverse and wander around the Nether, waiting for their next victim. Few have lived and saw these, as the encounters usually end up in death. The fast speed of the spider and Wither effect of the skeleton make it a force to be reckoned with.
Once again, I didn't copy this from Reddit. It's basically a Wither Skeleton on a spider.
Ghost Miners
This mob urges you to stay at home at night. Origins say that these lost souls were actually miners in those abandoned mineshafts many had visited over the months. And they are angry for the disturbance the humans has caused, waking them up from their deep sleep. The helmetted zombies rise in the night, holding on to their pickaxes. They ride on Minecarts on the surface, but don't be fooled. Their vehicle can even ride without tracks, and go at an extremely fast speed. No one has yet to actually capture one of these, which is the reason why research and official documentation is hard to conduct. Stay indoors at night, for if you don't, it may be your last trip out of your house.
I'm extremely proud of making this, with the complicated command as well(it is for me, because I'm not a really hardcore Redstone guy). You can't type it in chat, so use a Command Block. It's actually a zombie with a helmet on(to stop burning in day) and a pickaxe, riding on a minecart which is riding on an invisible silverfish. Be careful not to spawn too much of these, as they are quite dangerous if you're not well prepared, especially in hordes and herds of them.
Mutant Spiders
One fateful night, a herd of spiders roams around a giant factory. Pipes ran from everywhere, dispersing foul gasses and liquids. Most people agree on this as the origins of the Mutant Spiders. They have double the arms of an ordinary spider, and can do double the damage as well, not to mention double the eyes for better accuracy. At night, these thing come in fast hordes, their evil eyes glowing in the dark. Be cautious from now, as many players have been killed because of these malicious creatures.
It's an upside down spider riding a spider. That's it, enjoy
Collosus Wither
Only one account of this giant monstrosity of a creature has actually been officially recorded. The mob is said to be extremely huge, way larger than the Ender Dragon and it's smaller cousins. The player immediately ran away at the sight of this, only managing to capture one mysterious photo. No one knows where it came from, some say it even came from a rift in the End. Players are vigilantly exploring the areas around currently, attempting to find this. There is even a reward if anyone is capable of doing so.
Simplysarc did a video about this, and I'll link it for you. Now, I'm not going to do any explaining, I'm going to let him do it. Just a note, do not spawn many of these in your world. They will cause lag, and if given enough time, will blow it up entirely and possible crash it.
Villager Warlords
A few of these warriors have been found around villages, commanding zombies according to witnesses. The villager simply sits on a diamond throne, as all his lackeys seem to hold it up and push it to it's next destination. Players however, cannot often get a good sight, as they are most likely immediately targeted by the army of zombies. One person however, has stated that he once saw the zombies even killing the villager, uprising against the foul king. All these are not officially approved by the authorities, and it is best that any player should stay away and keep a distance, as these are hostile on sight.
I'm extremely proud of this one as well, as I think I did a good job on a mob like this. It's actually a villager riding on an invisible zombie with a diamond helmet. It looks like a throne that the villager sits on. The other zombies are simply naturally spawned ones, attempting to take a bit at the testificate. This makes it look like they are actually followers, carrying their master.
Our team has had the opportunity to visit a high tech security area, known widely as Area 52. They have invited us for a trip there, and they gave us a top secret map and everything. We're not allowed to give the location, but they provided us with permission to publicly give information about what we saw. Here is our log of what we had experienced.
Leaked Portals
Some photos we managed to snap.
Looks like they aren't friendly, we got a hostile reaction from them.
Log 1- We were walking through a forest, which was extremely thick and dark. Our team practically couldn't see anything at all, all we were relying on was a GPS. It beeped a bit, and we noticed we were getting close to the facility. We however, noticed a glow off in the corner. Being curious, we hid behind a tree, the cameraman taking out his video camera. What we saw was terrifying, a Nether Portal. Parts of the portal itself appeared to have broken out, and they wandered closely to the Obsidian structure. Netherack could be seen spreading out too, from our short evidence that we encountered this strange anomaly.
One of our men however, got too close. They rampaged towards us like an angry horde, and we ran away as fast as possible. They made a hellish and mad kind of noise, being brought from the Nether themselves. After that, the Sun began to rise and the second we turned back, there was simply nothing left. They had disappeared mysteriously...
It's an invisible zombie with a portal on his head, quite simple really.
Extraterrestrial Astronaut
We took a photo of the crater, there seems to be something there in the middle...
Upon further investigation, we realised that it was friendly, and 'came in peace'. At least, for now...
Log 2 - After that tiresome and horrid night, we made our way into a larger open area. We managed to catch a sight of the famous crater, of which they have also been talking about. Our crew were tired, but our curiousity got the best of us. We noticed something... something unusual in the crater. We know that the authorities had mentioned that it was extremely dangerous, but we didn't care.
Upon getting closer to it with a sword, it didn't seem to react to us. It looked like an technologically advanced zombie, wearing even some sort of helmet on it's head. We tried to get more photos, but at around that time, the guards came and brought the creature away, ready to kill us before someone interrupted them. It was the director, and she called the guards off, leading us to the gates to the facility. She apologised for the threat, and that "The alien was extremely dangerous, and as for now, we don't even know if a quarantine is needed for possibly diseases. The guards have been trained to kill trespassers who have had contact with those life forms.". After that, we continued on as she brought us to the base.
This one's quite simple too, it's a classic zombie wearing a glass block on his head. Also, the download for this map(which I will be using for several more pictures) is here.
Hmm... what could that be, we thought.
When we got closer, it looked as if it was a baby dinosaur of sorts, due to it's size. It wasn't hostile, and didn't cause any damage to us.
Log 3 - We were brought to a large hallway filled with doors. As we walked, the director had to pick up a phone call and went to a room. Our crew continued to walk down through the corridor, until noticing something suspicious come out of an opened door. It looked around, swerving it's head from here to there. We got closer and took some pictures, and one of our team member's actually said out loud, realising the creature, and shouting that: "It's a Velociraptor!". This caused guards everywhere opened the doors, grabbing guns out and using their tazers on the poor baby creature. Some of our team members have even speculated that an alien device that they found has actually been used to create this creature.
It was covered with a net, and brought back into a room, locked and sealed. We never found out what happened to it from there, but the director got back and said that: "Are you and your crew alright? You could've become severely injured, that was one of our experiments which had actually escaped due to some unknown causes. Luckily, none of you look like you got hurt. That's good. Follow me, I'll show you some stuff we've found from the crater."
This is actually a Silverfish stacked onto a Chicken, with it's age toggled really down a bit to make sure it got leveled down to the right height to be seen as a tail.
Alien Tech - Pogo Sticks
One of the scientists tinkering with a so called 'pogo stick' found inside one of the meteorites.
Log 4 - We were then showed to a room with a table and some scientists sitting down next to it, making sophisticated 'Squidward' noises as they talked about theories. The director asked one of them to showcase how the device they had found worked, and the man had bounced up quite high. It was quite amazing, most of us clapping at the sight. The director told us that: "For now, we still need to conduct more research, so the technology might not be available for sometime to the public.", she said as we walked by a room, seeing more villagers playing around with the machines.
Simply put, it's a villager riding a magma slime. This pogo stick comes in Green too! Just change the id of the mob.
8 Eyed Alien
A quick photo we managed to take, before the being teleported.
Log 5 - The day was getting weirder and weirder. As we walked down the corridor to the canteen for some lunch, our crew were interrupted by a being which literally just teleported in front of us. Our cameraman noticed it and quickly took some photos, knowing what to do in moments like this. However, one of our crew which was looking at the creature's eyes fell unconscious, falling to the ground. This caught our attention, and all of us moved to him, seeing whether he was okay. The director whistled out and noticed the alien teleported away, gesturing for some iron golems to come. The guards came, and they walked in the direction of which they had seen the being teleport away to. She brought him back up, and called for some more iron golems to come, as she spoke again.
"Sorry, we've been having some containment breaches recently. These golems will bring your friend to the medics. The rest of you, can go and have lunch and I will meet you at the end of it."
It's a cave spider riding a villager, only thing is, the age of the spider has been decreased beyond zero, decreasing the level of it's height to the eye level of the testificate.
Two-Headed Man
The being was silent, and didn't seem to react to us at all.
Log 6 - What we had just seen is... quite strange and spooky. As we were eating in lunch in a garden-like area, we noticed a man just standing there, looking at us. We decided to see what he was doing, and noticed that he had two heads. Our cameramen tried not to scream, and simply took some photos. We were about to call the guards, before noticing he had walked behind a tree. After that, we eagerly attempted to find him behind the tree, only to see that he has disappeared. Then, the director came to us and spoke again, as two lines of Iron Golems marched by to the trees we were at before.
"So yes, this will be the last thing of the day, so just follow behind me."
It's a villager riding a villager. The villager on top however, is a baby and has it's age decreased so it height 'level' decreases as well.
Alien Tech - Protected Displays
The small room we were in contained two displays, which showed an egg, perhaps belonging to an alien, and a mysterious potion.
The objects were definitely real, yet, we couldn't seem to break the first display, and couldn't pick up the second one, as if it was a hologram.
Log 7 - This amazing thing we just had the chance to witness might have paid off all the mysterious and frightening things we had seen on our trip so far. It was a display of sorts, found on in the meteorite. We took our time to just admire it's beauty, for it looked magnificent. If this was actually alien technology, then we are too far back. The director mentioned a last few words, before leading us out: "We are currently trying to piece together what this is as quick as possible, yet, our best men have not been able to find out most of it at all. But anyways, I hope you enjoyed this trip. The exit is there on your right."
And that was the end of that trip. Our team hopes you enjoyed it, and it's now going back to usual.
A guy on Youtube named MasInYoFace posted a about this which I followed. The items actually can't be picked up, but more explanation on that in the video(including on how to create it). So watch it to find out more about this or if you plan to make this too.
Void Zones
Most people have made reports about seeing these weird occurrences in Minecraft. It involves a portal like mechanism, witnesses saying that people close by were even sucked into it, never to be seen dead or alive again. Some people even speculate that these are wormholes, and will literally put you on another planet or in a Black Hole. Our team has been working hard on trying to find out what it is, but with no luck. If you ever see this, please do not attempt to go close to it, for you might just disappear. Please stay away from it under any circumstances.
A guy on Reddit made a filter to do this, and it's main origin comes from him. Here is the link, for more explanations, tutorials and the filter to do this as well.
Thanks And Banners
If you read the entire thing, I hoped you enjoyed it. I'll be adding more as time passes. If you really want to support this and keep it alive, maybe you could use one of these banners to help?
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To anyone who is interested in how this 'documentary' has changed, click on the spoiler below.
V1.1 - 20 December 2013 - Now With Villager Warlords! - +7 mobs and +1 item.
V1.2 - 24 January 2014 - Space Update! - +6 mobs and +2 items.
V1.2.1 - 25 April 2014 - Soup Fix - Last instructions for soup has disappeared, a new one has replaced it.
Revival - 22 November 2014 - The thread has been awakened from a dormant sleep.
I'm doing the same thing. Just wandering all around Reddit and Youtube right now for more.
If you do, that would be great.
I really appreciate the compliments guys.
Thanks man, I appreciate it.
Also, take care of those things, you might want to keep a distance next time
/summon Skeleton ~ ~ ~ {CustomName:"Dinnerbone",Equipment:[{},{},{},{},{id:397,Damage:3,tag:{SkullOwner:Hunter_Comm}}],Riding:{id:"Skeleton",Equipment:[{id:391},{},{},{},{id:397,Damage:3,tag:{SkullOwner:MHF_Sheep}}]}}
Just remember though, that it won't be all about mobs
I wish you luck!
The mob reports remind me a lot of the SCP files on the S.C.P. wiki but with the objects being in minecraft.
I wish you luck, and will report any unusual objects that I discover during my travels directly to you.
Thanks. As for everyone(including you), all the support is very well appreciated. It's nice to see that people enjoy this.
New Update
V1.1 - 20 December 2013 - Now With Villager Warlords! - +7 mobs and +1 item.
Thank you for doing so.