Hello all. I am playing on a creative server, and decided that it needed some traps to spice things up . I'll only be adding them in my house to add as a little surprise for unwelcome visitors. However, there is a difference of traps in survival and creative. I wouldn't want these traps to destroy or kill (which is impossible), and instead would just want some funny prank-like things. They should be more of a funny hindrance then a trap that would make things annoying for the player, like lava dumping everywhere (I know, I'm sorry I spoiled your idea).
okay so what you need is wooden planks put them together to make a house fill the inside with bedrock layer then make apiston type of trap so when they get in the house the dorr goes away or just stand by and break and put more bedrock... to add pizazz make signnnntht says free enchantments!!!
make a passage with lava around, then make this passage move down (every block of the passage) and it will be flooded with lava (made 1 of that to protect the lever that give access, open the secret door, to the lever that rise the stair)
okay so what you need is wooden planks put them together to make a house fill the inside with bedrock layer then make apiston type of trap so when they get in the house the dorr goes away or just stand by and break and put more bedrock... to add pizazz make signnnntht says free enchantments!!!
Unfortunately, everyone is in creative, so they would just break out.
make a passage with lava around, then make this passage move down (every block of the passage) and it will be flooded with lava (made 1 of that to protect the lever that give access, open the secret door, to the lever that rise the stair)
I don't really have the need for secret rooms, but thanks! So, the lava is in the passage... or what? Sorry, but I am having a little troble picturing this...
I don't really have the need for secret rooms, but thanks! So, the lava is in the passage... or what? Sorry, but I am having a little troble picturing this...
Anyone else have some good ideas?
no, you have lava over all the floor, but under the floor there are pistons that will rise floor so you can pass. the same happen the other way if u set a lever to bring down the floor that will be covered with lava when they go down and player will fall to lava.
no, you have lava over all the floor, but under the floor there are pistons that will rise floor so you can pass. the same happen the other way if u set a lever to bring down the floor that will be covered with lava when they go down and player will fall to lava.
Ah, I get it! That's clever! In other words, I would spend the day trying to build it... But hey, I'll try! Sound like fun!
Auto-repairing wall, 'nuff said. Really simple but takes a lot of time. You can test it out and it works. Consists of a lot of pistons, redstone repeaters, and a cobblestone generator. Its awesome and I'm working on it for my clan in our base
Auto-repairing wall, 'nuff said. Really simple but takes a lot of time. You can test it out and it works. Consists of a lot of pistons, redstone repeaters, and a cobblestone generator. Its awesome and I'm working on it for my clan in our base
I agree, there pretty awsome. However, as hard as I try, I simply can't get the delay right!!! Oh well, I'll try my best.
Make a retracting piston bridge that makes them fall into the void. Fun.
Sounds... Fun! I can use a button-lengthener to make a "secret base" with a piston bridge, but time it so when there halfway across, it opens, then quickly closes on them! (cackles)
I think its a trap for mobs who pathfind in and can't get out, another idea for a trap would be to make the floor of a room sand or gravel with TNT beneath and pressure plates on top, when stood on, hole to The Void.
That's a good one. Normally I just make it go down far, but the void is even better!
As for the pathfinding thing... got it. (that was stupid of me)
True, which is why I would want them to be a funny kind of prank thing. Nothing can kill the player, but some things can annoy them, or make them laugh! Do you have any ideas?
Make a button that connects via redstone to at least a stack of TNT. Put a sign above it saying "Free Potions/Enchantments!" Doesn't hurt them, but you could have a hole under the TNT leading to the void...
Make a button that connects via redstone to at least a stack of TNT. Put a sign above it saying "Free Potions/Enchantments!" Doesn't hurt them, but you could have a hole under the TNT leading to the void...
Put a sign saying "If you can jump this without flying you are a pro at minecraft and we will forever respect you as one of the greatest!" This will challange them. They try to sprint, jump over the hole into the void, and just land on the other side. However, they sprint, run, then step on a hidden pressure plate, and jump. The pressure plate will activate a piston, that pulls the block they are going to land on. If they realise mid jump, they will try to turn back, and fail. To those who don't notice, while they fall through the void, they will think "I suck". Pro players would check for traps before jumping. This will work in both survival and creative.
LINKS TO MY BUILDS: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1565443-nithou-kingdom/
Unfortunately, everyone is in creative, so they would just break out.
That's funny!
I don't really have the need for secret rooms, but thanks! So, the lava is in the passage... or what? Sorry, but I am having a little troble picturing this...
Anyone else have some good ideas?
no, you have lava over all the floor, but under the floor there are pistons that will rise floor so you can pass. the same happen the other way if u set a lever to bring down the floor that will be covered with lava when they go down and player will fall to lava.
LINKS TO MY BUILDS: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1565443-nithou-kingdom/
Ah, I get it! That's clever! In other words, I would spend the day trying to build it... But hey, I'll try! Sound like fun!
Looking at it now!
I've made traps like that, and there really funny! To have a full room of it sounds like a lot of fun!
I agree, there pretty awsome. However, as hard as I try, I simply can't get the delay right!!! Oh well, I'll try my best.
Sounds... Fun! I can use a button-lengthener to make a "secret base" with a piston bridge, but time it so when there halfway across, it opens, then quickly closes on them! (cackles)
Anyway, keep the ideas coming!
That's a good one. Normally I just make it go down far, but the void is even better!
As for the pathfinding thing... got it. (that was stupid of me)
Keep the ideas coming!
Good idea, but I am trying to not get banned by annoying the admin. (good idea though)
No TNT on the server : (
Thats... really funny! I'll try it!