Hello! I’m Morgen, and I would like 20 suggestions for making a minecraft house out of YOUR ideas, combined!
Each suggestion must be:
“I, [username for minecraftforum], would like to suggest a [house feature] at the [part of house (Bedroom, Bathroom, Kitchen, etc.)] with [Features inside house, seperated by comma].”
After this ill create a video of the house, with all 20 winners in order 20th to 1st below the vid.
Hello! I’m Morgen, and I would like 20 suggestions for making a minecraft house out of YOUR ideas, combined!
Each suggestion must be:
“I, [username for minecraftforum], would like to suggest a [house feature] at the [part of house (Bedroom, Bathroom, Kitchen, etc.)] with [Features inside house, seperated by comma].”
After this ill create a video of the house, with all 20 winners in order 20th to 1st below the vid.