So I've been very slowly working on a project for a while. It's called "Pixel Everything" because I want to pixel artify a lot of things, and for some reason decided to start with something that would literally take 2 years to complete if I did 1 a day. Because I'm smart~
I'm sorry if some are fugly. I'm doing full colour and I have at most 6 different shades to work with on one colour (which never are the right ones >.<). Usually it's more like 3. Because stained clay lies. Cyan, yeah, more like slate grey...
Other Screenshots:
The Cathedral, meant to be a sort of hub:
Approaching on le minecart (yes there's going to be something in the middle later):
#001 - #024
Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur
Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard
Squirtle, Wartortle, Blastoise
Caterpie, Metapod, Butterfree (It is not my fault that green stained clay is crap coloured. And the blues were ugly, so Butterfree is purple now. xD)
Weedle, Kakuna, Beedrill
Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot
Ratata, Raticate
Spearow, Fearow
Ekans, Arbok
I'll be updating this once or twice between levels for my Spyro map, which you can find in my sig if you like Spyro~
Pidgey evolution line done. Pidgeotto is the biggest yet. Even though it's one foot shorter than Pidgeot and 2-3 feet shorter than the main three... xD
It's not art, it's just zooming in on a sprite to 800x and copying the colours as closely as possible. But thanks. xD
I will eventually, not sure when a good time would be. Between Pokedexes would be way too long but I don't want a new download with every batch. xD Bulbapedia, it's not really a template but the actual sprites. If you zoom in as close as you can, you can count the individual pixels as 1 block. I mess up a lot though and have to go back and fix it, so be careful if you try it out. xD
Hakuna Ratata~ I know that's not how you say it. Guess I erRATICATEd that joke! /shot
By the way I've decided to put up a download halfway between every generation's Pokedex, and when I complete the dex. In this case that'll be after Graveller, which is 76. xD
Hakuna Ratata~ I know that's not how you say it. Guess I erRATICATEd that joke! /shot
By the way I've decided to put up a download halfway between every generation's Pokedex, and when I complete the dex. In this case that'll be after Graveller, which is 76. xD
Oh, awesome! I started a similar project to this one a while ago, building the first 150(or 151 - I'm not sure yet) Pokemon. So far I'm at #23, and I'm using the Red/Blue Gameboy Color game sprites for mine, which limits me to four block colors per Pokemon(black, white, a lighter color, and a darker color - e.g. yellow and orange). Yours look like the sprites from Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, as well as some from Heart Gold and Soul Silver, along with a few from Black and White. So pretty much, you've got lots more detail in yours. Great job, I look forward to seeing more of this!
And please keep up the puns! Some people may say that they're Gastly, but I disagree. I think that those people are just Seaking for attention.
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May the ores be with you.
Yes, I'm one of these guys: If I say something that offends you or just seems wrong, please let me know. I was almost certainly just making a joke or a pun, or something really dumb like that, and didn't mean anything by it. Don't take anything I say too seriously!
So I've been very slowly working on a project for a while. It's called "Pixel Everything" because I want to pixel artify a lot of things, and for some reason decided to start with something that would literally take 2 years to complete if I did 1 a day. Because I'm smart~
I'm sorry if some are fugly. I'm doing full colour and I have at most 6 different shades to work with on one colour (which never are the right ones >.<). Usually it's more like 3. Because stained clay lies. Cyan, yeah, more like slate grey...
Other Screenshots:
#001 - #024
Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard
Squirtle, Wartortle, Blastoise
Caterpie, Metapod, Butterfree (It is not my fault that green stained clay is crap coloured. And the blues were ugly, so Butterfree is purple now. xD)
Weedle, Kakuna, Beedrill
Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot
Ratata, Raticate
Spearow, Fearow
Ekans, Arbok
I'll be updating this once or twice between levels for my Spyro map, which you can find in my sig if you like Spyro~
Pidgey evolution line done. Pidgeotto is the biggest yet. Even though it's one foot shorter than Pidgeot and 2-3 feet shorter than the main three... xD
Your very welcome
Wow. These are amazing! I wish I had an artistic ability.
Nice work!
Once you're finished, it'd be cool if you made a download link to the world so we can check it out
Also, where did you get the templates for the pixel art?
Keep up the awesome work!
It's not art, it's just zooming in on a sprite to 800x and copying the colours as closely as possible. But thanks. xD
I will eventually, not sure when a good time would be. Between Pokedexes would be way too long but I don't want a new download with every batch. xD Bulbapedia, it's not really a template but the actual sprites. If you zoom in as close as you can, you can count the individual pixels as 1 block. I mess up a lot though and have to go back and fix it, so be careful if you try it out. xD
Hakuna Ratata~ I know that's not how you say it. Guess I erRATICATEd that joke! /shot
By the way I've decided to put up a download halfway between every generation's Pokedex, and when I complete the dex. In this case that'll be after Graveller, which is 76. xD
Very good work with all of these, by the way. I like making pixel art, and it's always nice to see other people's creations.
That... is singularly one of the best things I have ever seen. xD
Thanks. You should post your stuff if you haven't yet, I bet it's cool. xD
I did once if you search, but I haven't done any in a while.
I Fearow for the lack of red blocks in Minecraft. (And orangey-brown, but at least Fearow is actually brown, not off-red pink. xD)
What does a pirate chicken say? Arbok! ...I'M FUNNY OKAY
Awesome Dark! I love pokemon. I tried doing this before but I failed lol.
Oh, awesome! I started a similar project to this one a while ago, building the first 150(or 151 - I'm not sure yet) Pokemon. So far I'm at #23, and I'm using the Red/Blue Gameboy Color game sprites for mine, which limits me to four block colors per Pokemon(black, white, a lighter color, and a darker color - e.g. yellow and orange). Yours look like the sprites from Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, as well as some from Heart Gold and Soul Silver, along with a few from Black and White. So pretty much, you've got lots more detail in yours. Great job, I look forward to seeing more of this!
And please keep up the puns! Some people may say that they're Gastly, but I disagree. I think that those people are just Seaking for attention.
May the ores be with you.
Yes, I'm one of these guys: If I say something that offends you or just seems wrong, please let me know. I was almost certainly just making a joke or a pun, or something really dumb like that, and didn't mean anything by it. Don't take anything I say too seriously!