Still have the server up? I'm not %100 sure on how this new Minecraft adding system works because my gamer tag is different from my id tag they gave me.
Hey, Gamertag is ItsBubs133. Used to play a lot of Minecraft a while ago, but with this lockdown stuff, trying to get back in. I do have a mic, and looking to meet some cool new people.
Hey! I’m 23 with a mic and play very frequently. I don’t grief, I’ll usually just play like a nomad. I’d like to play on your server.
gamertag: Chayz x
Hello, my gamertag is Flawless Slayin, just looking for a mature survival realm to play on. I am dedicated player who is good at building and redstone.
I'm 22. Frequently play. Sorta into slowly gathering up supplies and continuously building my home and buildings bigger and better into an array of mega builds or towns. Play mostly solo but do enjoy interacting with other players while I build. No mic at the moment, awaiting my new mic.
If it's still up I'd like to join havent played in 3 years litterally and looking for something like this, I'm 23, got my mic, down to relearn it and experience all the new additions cheers.
Hey guys looking for some cool active players to join a new realm!
Please be 18+ mics preferred and no stealing or destroying other people stuff!
if you are caught stealing you will be removed from server!
post a little about yourself and game tag for invite
Still have the server up? I'm not %100 sure on how this new Minecraft adding system works because my gamer tag is different from my id tag they gave me.
I want to join. I don’t have a mic but I like to play Minecraft every day. GT Tw1stedax0n
I don't have a mic, but I am very active and I am a great resource gatherer and builder. Kaneage94.
im sam
GT- samfarquharrr
have mic
I have a mic!
GT is WBMeech, please add
Hey, Gamertag is ItsBubs133. Used to play a lot of Minecraft a while ago, but with this lockdown stuff, trying to get back in. I do have a mic, and looking to meet some cool new people.
Forgot to add age: 23
I would like to join im over 18 have a mic active online a lot.
Gamertag: lilyisminie
Hey! I’m 23 with a mic and play very frequently. I don’t grief, I’ll usually just play like a nomad. I’d like to play on your server.
gamertag: Chayz x
Hey I'm 25 yo Aussie, i do have a mic. GT is HomeyA
GT: andwuttt
dont got a mic but im down
Gt is Buganator18 just tryna play a populated server I’m online a lot and like to build and just enjoy the game
Hi, VoicedChimp is my GT. Send an invite when you get a chance. I’m free to play today and looking for a new realm. Have a good one!
Hello, my gamertag is Flawless Slayin, just looking for a mature survival realm to play on. I am dedicated player who is good at building and redstone.
GT is DontGingerMeBro. Looking to play some multiplayer minecraft and just chill.
GT: D1 Manji Boi
I'm 22. Frequently play. Sorta into slowly gathering up supplies and continuously building my home and buildings bigger and better into an array of mega builds or towns. Play mostly solo but do enjoy interacting with other players while I build. No mic at the moment, awaiting my new mic.
GT: ClawedCanvas724
If it's still up I'd like to join havent played in 3 years litterally and looking for something like this, I'm 23, got my mic, down to relearn it and experience all the new additions cheers.
Hi I'm adam I'm 26 and played minecraft since it came out on xbox hope I can join feel free to add me gt- iqux#2764
Been playing Minecraft for years just looking for a chill survival realm where can I build and mine