we are a new realm with few players looking to add more and become a bigger size, you can build your own base and build your own store near our stores, we have some things started but you will easily be able to catch up and enjoy the game with us, we are all 18+ but will accept people who know about the game and are responsible, it is a realm so you can be on any device to play, reply with your gamertag for a quick invite.
we are a new realm with few players looking to add more and become a bigger size, you can build your own base and build your own store near our stores, we have some things started but you will easily be able to catch up and enjoy the game with us, we are all 18+ but will accept people who know about the game and are responsible, it is a realm so you can be on any device to play, reply with your gamertag for a quick invite.
Th3 MoNsTaH
GT Docter iWumbo
im 17 if that’s fine
GT: KingD1425. I'm 24, no mic, active pretty frequent
ev Poison, active player 21 y
22 years
gt: UchihaKyler
Mad diamond xo - Xbox GT
I would love to join! I’m a responsible player.
Gamertag: Psychotic Happy
Hey my gamer tag is clesticalgaming
Gt: lewsain x, 18
GT MCFC Smalley
active good builder
Dylan ba11ard
25, daily mature player, been looking for a new realm to call home. Invite me please, GT is ipissforever
17 but that is probably fine. i'll help anyone out with building if needed
Xbox one - MartyDubba