Im a redstoner, love making farms and big builds to keep the resources coming in, not a fan of PVP worlds or worlds where people grief so something like this would be awesome.
My GT is Ruddy88
Hoping this world is up and running and still looking for people.
This looks like my sorta world.
Im a redstoner, love making farms and big builds to keep the resources coming in, not a fan of PVP worlds or worlds where people grief so something like this would be awesome.
My GT is Ruddy88
Hoping this world is up and running and still looking for people.
HWC sniper
Cowboysurviver, im 24
age 35
have a mic
experienced player, active player.
invite me.
GT: Avlariana
im big on the monotony of gathering resources, so if a builder needs someone to just run around collecting coal, logs, stone, etc. I'll help out.
~May The Force Be With You~
My gamer tag is Alpha Devon. Can you invite me, please?
My GT is EvolutionHaze hopefully hear from you soon
This is a really great server. Everyone is awesome. We have some really good times playing. So come join us and have some fun.
Plz add me GT: SirFredrick3
I would love to join