Hey everyone, My Gt is Wise guy tony84, and like the title says Im tired of having no one to play with. I love Minecraft its a very fun game and its even better when you have people to play with, but itt gets boring after a while when your just playing by yourself. I have an awesome Survival map, but I'm the only person that plays it. Im not just looking for people to play on my map however that is a big reason why I'm posting this, but I'm also looking to play on other dedicated people maps.nJust as much as I like people play on my maps I like to contribute to other people's map. I play daily and im looking for people who do the same. If this sounds interesting to you send me a message saying so and that your from the MC Forums.
Hey everyone, My Gt is Wise guy tony84, and like the title says Im tired of having no one to play with. I love Minecraft its a very fun game and its even better when you have people to play with, but itt gets boring after a while when your just playing by yourself. I have an awesome Survival map, but I'm the only person that plays it. Im not just looking for people to play on my map however that is a big reason why I'm posting this, but I'm also looking to play on other dedicated people maps.nJust as much as I like people play on my maps I like to contribute to other people's map. I play daily and im looking for people who do the same. If this sounds interesting to you send me a message saying so and that your from the MC Forums.
Who's looking to add a new Crafter? Ps5
Add me
add me CardsColts2009
Invite hero mighty
add me
Hey sounds good, I run a RPG faction server if your interested.
Add me DRAMA BOMB 89 I have awesome maps that I build my self and I need some people to play survival with me
Invite me Hero mighty
Add me: MrLegendary89, I play pretty often!
I tried searching your name it didn't come up so add me then ill add you.
Who's looking to add a new Crafter? Ps5
I tashaa xx ( I is a capital i ) ill join and help
i think you should add me you hjuyst said my thoughts exacly i hope you have a mic tho my gt is wolf boy xtv
Hi! I'm interested! GT: DRez84
I like to play hard survival. I mostly gather resources and build.
Hi add me GT Lobo Incognito,
we always have people playing and you're welcome to join.
Hi fairly new to the game
Xbox one gamer tag BCooh
in my mid twenties
im on everyday after 6pm California time