If you want to join my gamertag is supershiftery. In this server you have an option of being a gym leader,trainer,or elite four member. You even can be team rocket. As you pvp your way to be the best their ever was. Champions are selected every three days on the server. If you don't like Pokemon that's fiine we have other things on the server. We have parkour with modded potions. We also recreated video games such as Sonic, and Mario. We plan on building black oops 3, assassins creed,legend of zelda,halo 5,grams 5 and more. If you want to help send me a message on xbox360. If you would like to see what other stuff I do check out my YouTube channel supershiftery. Hope to see you there Make sure to freind me I always accept.
If you want to join my gamertag is supershiftery. In this server you have an option of being a gym leader,trainer,or elite four member. You even can be team rocket. As you pvp your way to be the best their ever was. Champions are selected every three days on the server. If you don't like Pokemon that's fiine we have other things on the server. We have parkour with modded potions. We also recreated video games such as Sonic, and Mario. We plan on building black oops 3, assassins creed,legend of zelda,halo 5,grams 5 and more. If you want to help send me a message on xbox360. If you would like to see what other stuff I do check out my YouTube channel supershiftery. Hope to see you there Make sure to freind me I always accept.
I added you on Xbox. I'm trying check out them pokemon PvP.
hey i just messaged you my gt is xxxlaserdragnxx
Can u invite me to your game my gamer tag is DishiestCow3881
i tried to friend you but your friend list is full
My GT is Colossalzebra2
Add me