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Hey there! This is almost two years late but it's finnnneeeee. I'm here in regards to your server and wondering if it's still up. I sent you a friend request.
My gt is : MR Choteetz
im actually 14 & female. So yeah (: let me know.
Age - 16
Btw, I don't know how well sound will come out of my mic (I think its broken) but I think its fine
Hi owner can you add me my GT is ModelSeeker622. I don’t have a mic I’m 14
GT: Evilseawolf
Hey I am looking for some chill mature players to play online with .
Location : PEI, Canada
Age : 27
Mic : Yes
Gamertag : Radiophonix
GT: ShadowDeamon93 age 25
add me gt is SquibZz
My Mic broke so I won't be able to talk for a while till I get a new mic
GT: Eshy752 Age: 15
Hi I want to join your server
GT: squirmy27 age 15
DeepEndmion425 gt
I may be late but I’m 13 and yes I do have a mic so July username is HikerCat8
pls add me Omann81
age 38
Gt: sideshowill
GT: EpicDerpBubble age: 14
Hey there!
This is almost two years late but it's finnnneeeee. I'm here in regards to your server and wondering if it's still up. I sent you a friend request.
My gt is : MR Choteetz
im actually 14 & female. So yeah (:
let me know.
Age - 16
Btw, I don't know how well sound will come out of my mic (I think its broken) but I think its fine
Hi owner can you add me my GT is ModelSeeker622. I don’t have a mic I’m 14
GT: Evilseawolf
Hey I am looking for some chill mature players to play online with .
Location : PEI, Canada
Age : 27
Mic : Yes
Gamertag : Radiophonix
GT: ShadowDeamon93 age 25
add me gt is SquibZz
My Mic broke so I won't be able to talk for a while till I get a new mic
GT: Eshy752
Age: 15
Hi I want to join your server
GT: squirmy27 age 15
DeepEndmion425 gt
I may be late but I’m 13 and yes I do have a mic so July username is HikerCat8
pls add me Omann81
age 38
Gt: sideshowill
GT: EpicDerpBubble age: 14