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I am 13, don't have mic
GT mrpaninies
Gt Orangekilla22
Age 14
Mic yes
cool kiddy 2007
Gt-DGA Hillbilly
Im fine with teens, We will get along as long as your not a rear end
Zombrex1029. Dont have mic.
JONNY123BOY456 is my gamer tag I'm 13 with a mic
GT Psych0 Jester
Hi can I join GT GROMERO2007 I'm 11
Hi I am 13 and I would like to play! My GT is halopeniopopper. Hope to see you there soon!
GT: steviemack86
Add me xDarklinkkx
Invite me please my gamer tag isMootBow55333
please add DarkNinjaBoy986
GT:Sthealthcon69 ae 24
gt: RawDogginUrMum1
age: 16
My GT is RunicSkydiver23 please add me
Hey there!
This is almost two years late but it's finnnneeeee. I'm here in regards to your server and wondering if it's still up. I sent you a friend request.
My gt is : MR Choteetz
im actually 14 & female. So yeah (:
let me know.
I am 13, don't have mic
GT mrpaninies
Gt Orangekilla22
Age 14
Mic yes
cool kiddy 2007
Gt-DGA Hillbilly
Im fine with teens, We will get along as long as your not a rear end
Zombrex1029. Dont have mic.
JONNY123BOY456 is my gamer tag I'm 13 with a mic
GT Psych0 Jester
Hi can I join GT GROMERO2007 I'm 11
Hi I am 13 and I would like to play! My GT is halopeniopopper. Hope to see you there soon!
GT: steviemack86
Add me xDarklinkkx
Add me xDarklinkkx
Invite me please my gamer tag isMootBow55333
please add DarkNinjaBoy986
GT:Sthealthcon69 ae 24
gt: RawDogginUrMum1
age: 16
My GT is RunicSkydiver23 please add me
Hey there!
This is almost two years late but it's finnnneeeee. I'm here in regards to your server and wondering if it's still up. I sent you a friend request.
My gt is : MR Choteetz
im actually 14 & female. So yeah (:
let me know.