hello I am new to this site and I will be put in my first post( kind of excited and nervous at the same time) , I have came across a problem today while playing Minecraft , I've done the initial search to see if anyone has report the same problem I have experience but no such luck , that is why I'm bringing this to attention, straight to the point I have noticed a problem while resetting my nether in the hopes of a nether fortress spawning, sadly no such luck but I have noticed every time I resetted my never it looks very familiar, until I realized that it was completely familiar, every time I reset my nether it reset it back to the very first nether I went into, just with out the Torches and the changes I made before everything was exactly the same deja vu over and over again even after resetting it 38 times. thanks for taking the time out to read my first post , please let me know if they're able to resolve this
hello I am new to this site and I will be put in my first post( kind of excited and nervous at the same time) , I have came across a problem today while playing Minecraft , I've done the initial search to see if anyone has report the same problem I have experience but no such luck , that is why I'm bringing this to attention, straight to the point I have noticed a problem while resetting my nether in the hopes of a nether fortress spawning, sadly no such luck but I have noticed every time I resetted my never it looks very familiar, until I realized that it was completely familiar, every time I reset my nether it reset it back to the very first nether I went into, just with out the Torches and the changes I made before everything was exactly the same deja vu over and over again even after resetting it 38 times. thanks for taking the time out to read my first post , please let me know if they're able to resolve this
Some have reported that the fortress has been fully buried in Netherrack. Your best bet is to recreate the world in creative and use an ungodly amount of TNT until you locate it.
I am getting ridiculous lag in an older save. I don't have any lag in my current TU save, but this one is from at least 3 updates ago, and all of the mobs are moving incredibly slowly. They move like the video game people in Wreck it Ralph, only slower. It only seems to affect mobs and mine carts. Horses are fine, boats are fine and anything I do is fine with the exception of eating or drinking. Those take forever too. Also, day/night are extremely long because the sky keeps jumping backwards. I can run up alongside a rabbit and it will take several seconds for it to complete a jump to flee from me.
It's not necessarily wrecking the world, but it is annoying.
This happens just about every other TU. The only solutions that I've found are either do Nether/End stuff since those seem unaffected or suck it up and wait since that seemed to be the only fixed previously (unless me breaking a mine cart chest fixed it).
Has anyone tried moving animals from the Overworld to the Nether lately? I usually make a wool farm in the nether so I can max out available sheep to help the wool collection. I started a new world a week or so ago and I just tried moving sheep through with a lead. Before, the sheep may have wandered around but still been next to the portal but this time, even with no escape from the portal area the sheep seem to spawn like 15 blocks higher and 15 blocks away from the portal and of course they are dead where I find them. That is were the leads wool and meat sit... so I tried a pig and same thing.... all I can do is assume that they are spawning in the nether dead....
You might try reporting the issue on the bug tracker, however I wouldn't hold your breath on it getting fixed anytime soon, especially if 4J's opinions on the matter is that your farming something they feel shouldn't be farmed. They are becoming well known for quoting that's how it is on the PC, but not fixing things that are not like they are on the PC, stating that they are 'low priority'. There are some issues that are over a year old and not being addressed due to the fact that 4J feels we shouldn't be able to farm such resources. Ie squid, and stacked iron farms.
Has anyone tried moving animals from the Overworld to the Nether lately? I usually make a wool farm in the nether so I can max out available sheep to help the wool collection. I started a new world a week or so ago and I just tried moving sheep through with a lead. Before, the sheep may have wandered around but still been next to the portal but this time, even with no escape from the portal area the sheep seem to spawn like 15 blocks higher and 15 blocks away from the portal and of course they are dead where I find them. That is were the leads wool and meat sit... so I tried a pig and same thing.... all I can do is assume that they are spawning in the nether dead....
But anyways, anyone have this problem?
Having a look into this currently.
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Twitter - @4JSteve
Currently Playing - League of Legends (EUW), Tales of Vesperia (PS4) and Kingdom Hearts 2 (PS4)
Feel free to add me on Steam, PSN and XboxLive, Make sure and leave a message saying you are from the forums
How about looking into villagers not able to detect doors that are nested 5 deep, and squid not able to spawn in anything but naturally spawned water sources, both of these bugs are over a year old now.
hey 4Jsteve please reply to this comment and tell me if 4j is working on a mini game. you don't have to tell me what mini game but please leave a hint. Also please tell me the minimum of mini games you're going to be making each year. Im guessing at least 3 because battle was made in the middle of 2016 and you made 2 mini games in 2016 so for the other half of 2016 i think you will upload 3 mini games minimum each year. if you reply thank you.
I have a huge problem. When I save the game and reload, I loose eaverythang in my inventory, my points and my map is blank. Like I am a new player. This is very agrivating. I have played this map online for three years and I had lots of enchantments on my armour and sword. I feel it pointless to even play minecraft anymore if this is what I half to deal with. Something needs to be done about this.
I'm 100% convinced that villager AI is and has been broken. In multiple seeds my villagers RARELY seek a door when night comes. They just mill about outside the houses waiting for zombies to come get them. The village center seems to be WAY off as villagers tend to congregate well outside the village nowhere near houses or valid doors. This causes the village center to shift well beyond what should be the triangulated center of the valid doors. I end up with a cluster of villagers up against the fence in the corner of my village far from houses and doors.
This makes village building very difficult. I lost 3 villagers today because a block got placed next to a fence (had to be an Enderman) and before I knew it and could fix it, they ran out into the world never to be seen again.
Fix for MCCE #1366 - When placing a torch under water to reset / refill your air meter will often (about 50% of the time) cause a crash.
Nix that bug fix note, it's back or still present. I was going through a mineshaft, used a torch to clear water, and guess what happened that very instant? CRASH. Now I get to re-find/re-explore an entire mineshaft! Hooray! Not.
Also, anyone else getting the chest breaking animation issue I posted a few posts up?
I guess this water+torch glitch is back again. I had my game crash on me twice while clearing the cave spider spawners on a mineshaft with water to kill the webs and placing torches afterwards. When they touched, I was done.
Also, I'm experiencing a LOT of lag while playing on SSP.
Hi, I just wanted to drop this here, so that I (and anyone else interested) can find it again easily. This is a link to the bug (MCCE-5013) which is currently affecting Villager farming. I remember that @x1t0m1t0m1x had posted a link to this previously somewhere, but I couldn't find it when I went looking just now, so hopefully this time it will be readily available next time I go looking. Hopefully the dev's will fix this soon. I posted about this myself here on the forums back in July 2017 (since TU54), and it is still an ongoing problem. This bug has been assigned to Steven Woodward of 4J Studios. The bug tracker report says the affected platform is the Xbox One only, but it definitely affects my Xbox360 console as well.
Hi, I'm Augur and I'm from New Zealand (NZ). Just call me "Augur". I'm an older person playing Minecraft Xbox 360 Legacy Console Edition without Xbox Gold (no online gaming, sorry), so please don't hate on the old. 😄
A few bugs found in the latest update. #1 Igloo's spawning on top of tundra villages. #2 Treasure maps, If you have more then 1 ship wreck with a map it becomes the same map. A work around for this is to Find the chest write down the coords reload you're game & go to next ship wreck. #3 Water even with night vision is not clear, unless we need a water see through potion. (yes I know part of the update but dang. Even with night vision it's impossible to see through the water).
! & 2 are major issues, 3 is just I guess I will deal with it.
The water, like when you have one water bucket and you place it down and when you try to pick it back up the water is still there but you have water in the bucket.
and when you have water next to a tilled land and you can swim on it. It is very funny
hello I am new to this site and I will be put in my first post( kind of excited and nervous at the same time) , I have came across a problem today while playing Minecraft , I've done the initial search to see if anyone has report the same problem I have experience but no such luck , that is why I'm bringing this to attention, straight to the point I have noticed a problem while resetting my nether in the hopes of a nether fortress spawning, sadly no such luck but I have noticed every time I resetted my never it looks very familiar, until I realized that it was completely familiar, every time I reset my nether it reset it back to the very first nether I went into, just with out the Torches and the changes I made before everything was exactly the same deja vu over and over again even after resetting it 38 times. thanks for taking the time out to read my first post , please let me know if they're able to resolve this
Some have reported that the fortress has been fully buried in Netherrack. Your best bet is to recreate the world in creative and use an ungodly amount of TNT until you locate it.
Stay fluffy~
I am getting ridiculous lag in an older save. I don't have any lag in my current TU save, but this one is from at least 3 updates ago, and all of the mobs are moving incredibly slowly. They move like the video game people in Wreck it Ralph, only slower. It only seems to affect mobs and mine carts. Horses are fine, boats are fine and anything I do is fine with the exception of eating or drinking. Those take forever too. Also, day/night are extremely long because the sky keeps jumping backwards. I can run up alongside a rabbit and it will take several seconds for it to complete a jump to flee from me.
It's not necessarily wrecking the world, but it is annoying.
This happens just about every other TU. The only solutions that I've found are either do Nether/End stuff since those seem unaffected or suck it up and wait since that seemed to be the only fixed previously (unless me breaking a mine cart chest fixed it).
Stay fluffy~
Has anyone tried moving animals from the Overworld to the Nether lately? I usually make a wool farm in the nether so I can max out available sheep to help the wool collection. I started a new world a week or so ago and I just tried moving sheep through with a lead. Before, the sheep may have wandered around but still been next to the portal but this time, even with no escape from the portal area the sheep seem to spawn like 15 blocks higher and 15 blocks away from the portal and of course they are dead where I find them. That is were the leads wool and meat sit... so I tried a pig and same thing.... all I can do is assume that they are spawning in the nether dead....
But anyways, anyone have this problem?
Just tested on latest PC version and I can still get sheep into the nether but SOL for Xbox 360
You might try reporting the issue on the bug tracker, however I wouldn't hold your breath on it getting fixed anytime soon, especially if 4J's opinions on the matter is that your farming something they feel shouldn't be farmed. They are becoming well known for quoting that's how it is on the PC, but not fixing things that are not like they are on the PC, stating that they are 'low priority'. There are some issues that are over a year old and not being addressed due to the fact that 4J feels we shouldn't be able to farm such resources. Ie squid, and stacked iron farms.
Having a look into this currently.
Twitter - @4JSteve
Currently Playing - League of Legends (EUW), Tales of Vesperia (PS4) and Kingdom Hearts 2 (PS4)
Feel free to add me on Steam, PSN and XboxLive, Make sure and leave a message saying you are from the forums
How about looking into villagers not able to detect doors that are nested 5 deep, and squid not able to spawn in anything but naturally spawned water sources, both of these bugs are over a year old now.
hey 4Jsteve please reply to this comment and tell me if 4j is working on a mini game. you don't have to tell me what mini game but please leave a hint. Also please tell me the minimum of mini games you're going to be making each year. Im guessing at least 3 because battle was made in the middle of 2016 and you made 2 mini games in 2016 so for the other half of 2016 i think you will upload 3 mini games minimum each year. if you reply thank you.
I have a huge problem. When I save the game and reload, I loose eaverythang in my inventory, my points and my map is blank. Like I am a new player. This is very agrivating. I have played this map online for three years and I had lots of enchantments on my armour and sword. I feel it pointless to even play minecraft anymore if this is what I half to deal with. Something needs to be done about this.
The compass now points to 0,Y,0 instead of to the spawn point. Is that supposed to be?
Also, no torches around the bonus chest.
Magma cube drop rate for magma cream seems to be lowered dramatically.
I'm 100% convinced that villager AI is and has been broken. In multiple seeds my villagers RARELY seek a door when night comes. They just mill about outside the houses waiting for zombies to come get them. The village center seems to be WAY off as villagers tend to congregate well outside the village nowhere near houses or valid doors. This causes the village center to shift well beyond what should be the triangulated center of the valid doors. I end up with a cluster of villagers up against the fence in the corner of my village far from houses and doors.
This makes village building very difficult. I lost 3 villagers today because a block got placed next to a fence (had to be an Enderman) and before I knew it and could fix it, they ran out into the world never to be seen again.
That's very odd. I took the End Dragon down last night with no issue, crystals were destroyed with arrows and pickaxes, no problem.
I am experiencing the "pause doesn't pause" problem we had a few years back. Makes bathroom breaks a problem.
I guess this water+torch glitch is back again. I had my game crash on me twice while clearing the cave spider spawners on a mineshaft with water to kill the webs and placing torches afterwards. When they touched, I was done.
Also, I'm experiencing a LOT of lag while playing on SSP.
Hi, I just wanted to drop this here, so that I (and anyone else interested) can find it again easily. This is a link to the bug (MCCE-5013) which is currently affecting Villager farming. I remember that @x1t0m1t0m1x had posted a link to this previously somewhere, but I couldn't find it when I went looking just now, so hopefully this time it will be readily available next time I go looking. Hopefully the dev's will fix this soon. I posted about this myself here on the forums back in July 2017 (since TU54), and it is still an ongoing problem. This bug has been assigned to Steven Woodward of 4J Studios. The bug tracker report says the affected platform is the Xbox One only, but it definitely affects my Xbox360 console as well.
Hi, I'm Augur and I'm from New Zealand (NZ). Just call me "Augur". I'm an older person playing Minecraft Xbox 360 Legacy Console Edition without Xbox Gold (no online gaming, sorry), so please don't hate on the old. 😄
Agro pigmen that die because Of fall damage or that aren't killed by the player won't drop XP, Golden swords and Iron ingots.
A few bugs found in the latest update. #1 Igloo's spawning on top of tundra villages. #2 Treasure maps, If you have more then 1 ship wreck with a map it becomes the same map. A work around for this is to Find the chest write down the coords reload you're game & go to next ship wreck. #3 Water even with night vision is not clear, unless we need a water see through potion. (yes I know part of the update but dang. Even with night vision it's impossible to see through the water).
! & 2 are major issues, 3 is just I guess I will deal with it.
The water, like when you have one water bucket and you place it down and when you try to pick it back up the water is still there but you have water in the bucket.
and when you have water next to a tilled land and you can swim on it. It is very funny
Yeah that is annoying