This is an updated list containing all confirmed and unconfirmed bugs for MCXB360E. This thread allows other users to list bugs they have experienced, offer and view solutions and workarounds.
Thanks to Alchemilla for running the previous thread.
1.8 Bugs Door/Levers Sound does not play
When you load a game from a previous version, Doors and Levers will not perform the sound effects with LT.
Both players perform the eating animation
When eating if you can see another player with nothing in there hand they will also perform the eating animation.
Chest Lighting
Loading worlds with chests affected by lighting can cause cause Black chests to appear.
Temporary Workaround: Updating blocks nearby should fix this issue.
Old worlds crashing when loaded into 1.8
Loading pre 1.8 worlds cant sometimes cause a crash.
Temporary Workaround: Loading the save as an Offline world should stop the world from crashing. While in Offline mode Remove signs from the world.
Screenshot causes the UI too disappear in certain circumstances
After using the Screenshot function Hand rendering and Ui rendering does not work correctly.
Temporary Workaround: Restarting Minecraft will fix this issue
Player v Player does not disable Bows
Using a bow and Arrow circumvents the Player v Player tag.
Bonus Chests respawn after save/exit - Not a Bug
When entering a world with a bonus chest you can destroy it then save and exit. Loading this world will create a new bonus chest with new items.
Mobs taking damage from blocks
When a Mob moves close to the border of a block it flashes red as though its taking damage.
Leader of the Pack Achievement unlocking.
Sometimes when creating a new world or loading a previous world the "Leader of the Pack" achievement unlocks.
Lack of Animals
Players are reporting a lack of Passive animals spawning (Excluding wolves).
No Sprinting in Creative Mode
If the player drops the hunger bar to under 3 bars in Survival and then proceeds to Save, Exit and load the game in creative mode the player cannot Sprint.
Skeletons shoot through Glass Panes
Skeletons are able to shoot through certain parts of Glass panes.
Glass Panes/Iron Bars Difficult to place
The boxes for placing Iron bars and Glass Panes are not working correctly..
Creative Menu not working
When opening the Creative menu the Cursor is stuck and requires the menu to be closed and reopened before it works.
Rename/Delete Save overwriting saves
Players are reporting issues with both these options.
Creative Menu not working
When opening the Creative menu the Cursor is stuck and requires the menu to be closed and reopened before it works.
Known and Confirmed Bugs / issues Player Data not saving(SEVERE) [S-01]
Players have experienced issues with all items in their inventory not being saved after saving and leaving the world. Upon return, the world is saved as normal, but the items in inventory are gone. Players also noted that it will spawn them where they originally spawned at the start of the world, and not in the last be0d they slept in. The only workaround I know of for now, would be to ALWAYS store your items in a chest before leaving the game if this is affecting you.
Certain World No longer Opening
Another severe bug. Some people have experienced world saves no longer opening, possibly because the saves have become corrupted.
Analog sticks not working(SEVERE) [S-03]
Analog sticks not working at all, leaving you unable to play. I believe this is a bug which causes the Sensitivity to be reset to zero, thus rendering the stick useless. Will list as Severe due to the nature of some players possibly having no clue this is what has caused the problem, and may even blame their Controllers / Xbox's. Those experiencing it, go into the Settings Menu and you can move the Sensitivity settings back up. Help and Options > Settings
Mob Spawns when Sleeping
This seems to be an issue a large amount of users are experiencing. Mobs spawns in homes when sleeping, even when there should be no reason. Things to try include placing beds away from walls. adding in an unnecessary amount of light source, placing doors so the gap is on the inside and to avoid using double doors.
Leaderboard Stats
Have heard many issues now speaking of stats being reset, or not updated.
Out of Sync Weather[A-02]
Not sure how many users have experienced this one, but weather being out of sync with play. Had me and friend in exact same area, and his side of game was raining an cloudy, yet mine was completley sunny. Seems to be a very rare issue though, and can be fixed by restarting the game. I have had some new word that this can be caused by one player staying in the netherworld and the other one is in the normal world.
Ghast Fireballs[A-03]
Sometimes their fireballs will flash and flicker in a spot. There have also been problems reported with deflecting the fireballs, even when hosting/single player.
Ghast Fireballs / Skeleton Arrows Hitting[A-04]
Could be lag related, but have had word of what seems to be skeletons arrows and Ghast fireballs hitting you, even when a block away still.
Blocks appearing back, even after Mining[A-05]
This may be an issue of Lag..
Mobs immune to damage when in tall grass
Mobs seem to be immune to damage when in non-solid blocks. Multiple people have informed me of this.
Nether Portal Sound [A-10]
When walking through a portal (not teleporting; just walking through) the full sound effect for teleporting between worlds plays.
Drowning when Air is full[A-11]
Very irritating bug. Sometimes when under water you will begin drowning , even though the air bubbles are not depleted. If you're deeper than 2 blocks, chances are you die as well. I think it's sometimes down to lag when in friends games, but other times it just seems like you've gone in water, your air bubbles are half down, and you start drowning out of nowhere. The best thing you can do if you're worried about this , is to make sure you save before you go doing any major diving.
Boats getting stuck[A-12]
This seems a common issue if you use boats regularly. Hit a block and it just gets stuck in it. I think destroying the block it's stuck in is the best solution to getting it out, but this is something that could really do with a patch to avoid it all together, since it can get stuck in blocks you really don't want to destroy.
Skeletons unable to damage Players whilst Jumping[A-13]
Appears to be an issue with Skeletons. A few users now have reported that they are unable to damage players with their arrows if the player is jumping. Some users have said they can damage you when jumping though.
3rd Person front view - Certain affects don't appear.
Known issue.
Unconfirmed Bugs
Legacy bugs
Bugs that occur in the current [1.7.3/1.8.2] Java Version
Pickaxes do not mine correctly on the last use of the tool[L-01]
When a pickaxe is on the last hit it does not mine the block and give the user the correct return.
Glass Casts a Shadow
With the addition of 1.8.2 Lighting this causes glass to cast a shadow until a fix is released.
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Twitter - @4JSteve
Currently Playing - League of Legends (EUW), Tales of Vesperia (PS4) and Kingdom Hearts 2 (PS4)
Feel free to add me on Steam, PSN and XboxLive, Make sure and leave a message saying you are from the forums
Downloaded 1.8.2 update , all of my leader board stats are gone .
I started a creative world and I could not access creative mode menu , it would not do anything when I pressed X besides open the menu .
Made a new map and it fixed it . (Leader board stats still gone)
Edit: loaded my 1.7.3 world .
All chests have a very dark shadow casted on them , they are also all turned the wrong direction.
Opening them did not crash me but others have said they crashed from opening.
I fixed it by breaking the chest and replacing it .(in survival mode) .
Shooting a bow worked .
Edit2: Not sure if this is a bug or my t.v. but sand has never made a sound for me unless I have the volume set really high . It sucks , whenever I walk on sand it's completely silent I feel like I'm playing total miner or something . This has been happening since I bought the game on launch day during 1.6.6 .
1.) In this one world i tried, There was a big ravine and some single blocks sticking out on top.. and EVERYTHING below that one block in a column was PURE BLACK... I broke the block on the BOTTOM of the pure black-ness and the regular color came back. I dont know how to check the seed to show you... :z
2.) I've tried generating like 15 random maps so far, (entering nothing in the seed) and most of them are like 90% water... The worst one, is when i tried entering a seed "firefly" and theres like literally like 12 blocks above water :/ (not my picture, but mine was similar)
3.) Just found another one while trying to load the "1.)" world, the treasure chest appears in the water where i spawned... and there's water flowing on top of it.... INSIDE the water. It was kind of funny, lol.
4.) Towns are rare? OUt of the ~15ish maps so far, i've ran around what little land there was, and only found ONE town. :/ edit: tried about 3 more, and found 1 more with a town.
5.) I too have sound issues. Doors make no sound On a brand new generated world.. BUT if you are holding an item, the door DOES make a sound. No item = No sound. also...When i get hurt, there's no more "Ouch" noise.. just kind of like, a clicking noise. Almost sounds like before when i smashed a block. That sort of noise.
6.) I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, since i havent played the PC version, but once my food bar is 1/2 down, i cant sprint anymore.. Also when my food bar is depleated, It only hurts me to 1/2 my health. (which this is okay since.. i hate the food bar idea xD0
7.) When i first created a new world, i randomly got the "Tame 5 wolves" achievement.
8.) When i renamed #1 to "bug map" it created a copy of the original map "New World"
9.) The monsters get randomly hurt, Like this spider was over there, all by itself, and it randomly flashed red.
10.) When you place a bed right under a furnace, it reproduces that "Black" bug, but only for the top of the pillow on the bed.
With pre:Patched worlds: .
1.) all of my 1/2 chests have turned black and sideways. Breaking a block near it makes the chest turn normal color again
2.) Not sure if it happens in new world or not, but my wolf was following me around underground, and was randomly flashing red a LOT in a secure area with no monsters. I have no idea how to tell if your dog is really getting hurt or not... or just randomly flashing red. Sometimes it would make the new "Crunch" noise when getting hurt. Sometimes it wouldnt. Seems like he flashes red more when I'm near him, but im not hurting him whatsoever.
It appears he does not flash red when just "sitting"
3.) also not sure if it happens in new worlds or not, but my wolves wont follow me back through doors anymore. I have to smash the blocks around the door first, and he goes 'around' the door.
But yeah, lotsa bugs, and i cant find a good map to play on that has some land above water. *sadness*
Edit: on about my 20th generated map, I found one that might be 1/2 ways decent (and the door sound works!) So I'll edit my post as i find new things...
Pistons and Redstone = Severe LAG
(This is only so with the amount)
Not a official bug that is new with the update. But it a definite ongoing one from 1.7.3.
If you fire multiple pistons, it causes severe lag and is very buggy. This is the same with running lots of redstone. Compared to it's smooth running PC counterpart (that I do play as well), this makes this less fun to construct massively fast paced piston work. Which is a major setback. This is something I have noticed since 1.7.3 and is still coming forth in this latest version. I was expecting a fix or maybe even a minor tweak to help. But nothing seems to come of this.
Things that I have made that don't work the same because of lag:
-Piston Elevator (Works on PC)
-Clock (Works on PC)
-Pop out words (Works on PC)
So far my experience with the update has been very positive, but it did cause the whole system to crash suddenly while I was exploring the tutorial world. Kinda a bummer b/c I had played for a couple hours and hadn't saved yet. Autosave FTW :/
Generated NPC Village split in half - and light coming from no source during night
On the "santa" seed, in the middle very left side of the map, there is a village that got split in half. I was on creative - not superflat - peaceful - gen structures
Also: after I burned trees down, and the fire was gone, the light stayed.
Please look at the first page bug list before reporting bugs so we don't get duplicates.
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Twitter - @4JSteve
Currently Playing - League of Legends (EUW), Tales of Vesperia (PS4) and Kingdom Hearts 2 (PS4)
Feel free to add me on Steam, PSN and XboxLive, Make sure and leave a message saying you are from the forums
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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TNT is either disappearing when activated by redstone, or it doesn't affect you at all when it's in water. I tried making a player launcher, and when I activate it, I only see a few pieces of TNT (out of 64) and even if I stand directly in the TNT, it will not hurt me or move me. I have everything on including TNT explosions and PvP.
I was trying out various paintings on one wall; it was working fine for a while. Probably tried 10 paintings or so. Then, when I took down the latest one, it popped off the wall as usual and is floating on the floor, but it won't let me pick it up. I have plenty of empty slots to carry it, so not sure what happened. Tried digging up the floor under it to see if that would let me grab it, but that didn't work either.
I skimmed through and didn't see anyone else post this: When I build a door that has hinges on the right side when it's first crafted, the door does not respond correctly to redstone signals. This is very inconvenient when making double doors because when I place a pressure plate in front of it, the signal closes the door rather than opening it. Is anyone else having this problem?
Buggy pistons, When you use multiple pistons to make a door, most of the time the pistons and/or it will disappear, causing you not to be able to go through the door, I know it's not lag because it happens in offline games as well.
- Making a simple Piston Stair case with the pistons moving as slow as possible makes you still glitch into the piston making the piston not push you.
I would really like to be able to make whatever redstone mechanism I want without it messing up
When making an inverter circuit where the redstone torch is placed on top of the block and the block is powered by a redstone dust on the side that is being powered from above (or possibly below), the torch (first one mentioned) doesn't turn off...
haven't experienced that bug either because when I found a stronghold (by accident in survival ) all silver fish block started breaking and spawning silver fish when I tried to mine the bricks so it might just be that there were no silverfish spawners in the area
In creative, I made a room filled with silverfish blocks as a trap. But in survival, when you break one block, the silverfish spawns, you hurt it, and the other silverfish stay in their blocks.
I have a problem with my skin packs offline. When I play offline it says my skin packs(trials) have been corrupted except for pack 3 and it says I need to reinstall them. But when I play online there are no issues at all. Whats the deal? I know it has nothing to do with them being the trials because the trial skin pack 3 still works offline. Anyone else have this problem? Hopefully this gets addressed.
This is an updated list containing all confirmed and unconfirmed bugs for MCXB360E. This thread allows other users to list bugs they have experienced, offer and view solutions and workarounds.
Thanks to Alchemilla for running the previous thread.
Door/Levers Sound does not play
When you load a game from a previous version, Doors and Levers will not perform the sound effects with LT.
Both players perform the eating animation
When eating if you can see another player with nothing in there hand they will also perform the eating animation.
Chest Lighting
Loading worlds with chests affected by lighting can cause cause Black chests to appear.
Temporary Workaround: Updating blocks nearby should fix this issue.
Old worlds crashing when loaded into 1.8
Loading pre 1.8 worlds cant sometimes cause a crash.
Temporary Workaround: Loading the save as an Offline world should stop the world from crashing.
While in Offline mode Remove signs from the world.
Screenshot causes the UI too disappear in certain circumstances
After using the Screenshot function Hand rendering and Ui rendering does not work correctly.
Temporary Workaround: Restarting Minecraft will fix this issue
Player v Player does not disable Bows
Using a bow and Arrow circumvents the Player v Player tag.
Bonus Chests respawn after save/exit - Not a Bug
When entering a world with a bonus chest you can destroy it then save and exit. Loading this world will create a new bonus chest with new items.
Mobs taking damage from blocks
When a Mob moves close to the border of a block it flashes red as though its taking damage.
Leader of the Pack Achievement unlocking.
Sometimes when creating a new world or loading a previous world the "Leader of the Pack" achievement unlocks.
Lack of Animals
Players are reporting a lack of Passive animals spawning (Excluding wolves).
No Sprinting in Creative Mode
If the player drops the hunger bar to under 3 bars in Survival and then proceeds to Save, Exit and load the game in creative mode the player cannot Sprint.
Skeletons shoot through Glass Panes
Skeletons are able to shoot through certain parts of Glass panes.
Glass Panes/Iron Bars Difficult to place
The boxes for placing Iron bars and Glass Panes are not working correctly..
Creative Menu not working
When opening the Creative menu the Cursor is stuck and requires the menu to be closed and reopened before it works.
Rename/Delete Save overwriting saves
Players are reporting issues with both these options.
Creative Menu not working
When opening the Creative menu the Cursor is stuck and requires the menu to be closed and reopened before it works.
Known and Confirmed Bugs / issues
Player Data not saving (SEVERE) [S-01]
Players have experienced issues with all items in their inventory not being saved after saving and leaving the world. Upon return, the world is saved as normal, but the items in inventory are gone. Players also noted that it will spawn them where they originally spawned at the start of the world, and not in the last be0d they slept in. The only workaround I know of for now, would be to ALWAYS store your items in a chest before leaving the game if this is affecting you.
Certain World No longer Opening
Another severe bug. Some people have experienced world saves no longer opening, possibly because the saves have become corrupted.
Analog sticks not working (SEVERE) [S-03]
Analog sticks not working at all, leaving you unable to play. I believe this is a bug which causes the Sensitivity to be reset to zero, thus rendering the stick useless. Will list as Severe due to the nature of some players possibly having no clue this is what has caused the problem, and may even blame their Controllers / Xbox's. Those experiencing it, go into the Settings Menu and you can move the Sensitivity settings back up. Help and Options > Settings
Mob Spawns when Sleeping
This seems to be an issue a large amount of users are experiencing. Mobs spawns in homes when sleeping, even when there should be no reason. Things to try include placing beds away from walls. adding in an unnecessary amount of light source, placing doors so the gap is on the inside and to avoid using double doors.
Leaderboard Stats
Have heard many issues now speaking of stats being reset, or not updated.
Out of Sync Weather [A-02]
Not sure how many users have experienced this one, but weather being out of sync with play. Had me and friend in exact same area, and his side of game was raining an cloudy, yet mine was completley sunny. Seems to be a very rare issue though, and can be fixed by restarting the game. I have had some new word that this can be caused by one player staying in the netherworld and the other one is in the normal world.
Ghast Fireballs [A-03]
Sometimes their fireballs will flash and flicker in a spot. There have also been problems reported with deflecting the fireballs, even when hosting/single player.
Ghast Fireballs / Skeleton Arrows Hitting [A-04]
Could be lag related, but have had word of what seems to be skeletons arrows and Ghast fireballs hitting you, even when a block away still.
Blocks appearing back, even after Mining [A-05]
This may be an issue of Lag..
Mobs immune to damage when in tall grass
Mobs seem to be immune to damage when in non-solid blocks. Multiple people have informed me of this.
Nether Portal Sound [A-10]
When walking through a portal (not teleporting; just walking through) the full sound effect for teleporting between worlds plays.
Drowning when Air is full [A-11]
Very irritating bug. Sometimes when under water you will begin drowning , even though the air bubbles are not depleted. If you're deeper than 2 blocks, chances are you die as well. I think it's sometimes down to lag when in friends games, but other times it just seems like you've gone in water, your air bubbles are half down, and you start drowning out of nowhere. The best thing you can do if you're worried about this , is to make sure you save before you go doing any major diving.
Boats getting stuck [A-12]
This seems a common issue if you use boats regularly. Hit a block and it just gets stuck in it. I think destroying the block it's stuck in is the best solution to getting it out, but this is something that could really do with a patch to avoid it all together, since it can get stuck in blocks you really don't want to destroy.
Skeletons unable to damage Players whilst Jumping [A-13]
Appears to be an issue with Skeletons. A few users now have reported that they are unable to damage players with their arrows if the player is jumping. Some users have said they can damage you when jumping though.
3rd Person front view - Certain affects don't appear.
Known issue.
Unconfirmed Bugs
Legacy bugs
Bugs that occur in the current [1.7.3/1.8.2] Java Version
Pickaxes do not mine correctly on the last use of the tool [L-01]
When a pickaxe is on the last hit it does not mine the block and give the user the correct return.
Glass Casts a Shadow
With the addition of 1.8.2 Lighting this causes glass to cast a shadow until a fix is released.
Twitter - @4JSteve
Currently Playing - League of Legends (EUW), Tales of Vesperia (PS4) and Kingdom Hearts 2 (PS4)
Feel free to add me on Steam, PSN and XboxLive, Make sure and leave a message saying you are from the forums
I started a creative world and I could not access creative mode menu , it would not do anything when I pressed X besides open the menu .
Made a new map and it fixed it . (Leader board stats still gone)
Edit: loaded my 1.7.3 world .
All chests have a very dark shadow casted on them , they are also all turned the wrong direction.
Opening them did not crash me but others have said they crashed from opening.
I fixed it by breaking the chest and replacing it .(in survival mode) .
Shooting a bow worked .
Edit2: Not sure if this is a bug or my t.v. but sand has never made a sound for me unless I have the volume set really high . It sucks , whenever I walk on sand it's completely silent I feel like I'm playing total miner or something . This has been happening since I bought the game on launch day during 1.6.6 .
1.) In this one world i tried, There was a big ravine and some single blocks sticking out on top.. and EVERYTHING below that one block in a column was PURE BLACK... I broke the block on the BOTTOM of the pure black-ness and the regular color came back. I dont know how to check the seed to show you... :z
2.) I've tried generating like 15 random maps so far, (entering nothing in the seed) and most of them are like 90% water... The worst one, is when i tried entering a seed "firefly" and theres like literally like 12 blocks above water :/ (not my picture, but mine was similar)
3.) Just found another one while trying to load the "1.)" world, the treasure chest appears in the water where i spawned... and there's water flowing on top of it.... INSIDE the water. It was kind of funny, lol.
4.) Towns are rare? OUt of the ~15ish maps so far, i've ran around what little land there was, and only found ONE town. :/ edit: tried about 3 more, and found 1 more with a town.
5.) I too have sound issues. Doors make no sound On a brand new generated world.. BUT if you are holding an item, the door DOES make a sound. No item = No sound. also...When i get hurt, there's no more "Ouch" noise.. just kind of like, a clicking noise. Almost sounds like before when i smashed a block. That sort of noise.
6.) I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, since i havent played the PC version, but once my food bar is 1/2 down, i cant sprint anymore.. Also when my food bar is depleated, It only hurts me to 1/2 my health. (which this is okay since.. i hate the food bar idea xD0
7.) When i first created a new world, i randomly got the "Tame 5 wolves" achievement.
8.) When i renamed #1 to "bug map" it created a copy of the original map "New World"
9.) The monsters get randomly hurt, Like this spider was over there, all by itself, and it randomly flashed red.
10.) When you place a bed right under a furnace, it reproduces that "Black" bug, but only for the top of the pillow on the bed.
With pre:Patched worlds: .
1.) all of my 1/2 chests have turned black and sideways. Breaking a block near it makes the chest turn normal color again
2.) Not sure if it happens in new world or not, but my wolf was following me around underground, and was randomly flashing red a LOT in a secure area with no monsters. I have no idea how to tell if your dog is really getting hurt or not... or just randomly flashing red. Sometimes it would make the new "Crunch" noise when getting hurt. Sometimes it wouldnt. Seems like he flashes red more when I'm near him, but im not hurting him whatsoever.
It appears he does not flash red when just "sitting"
3.) also not sure if it happens in new worlds or not, but my wolves wont follow me back through doors anymore. I have to smash the blocks around the door first, and he goes 'around' the door.
But yeah, lotsa bugs, and i cant find a good map to play on that has some land above water. *sadness*
Edit: on about my 20th generated map, I found one that might be 1/2 ways decent (and the door sound works!) So I'll edit my post as i find new things...
also I noticed that pistons occasionally glitch and disappear but the hitboxes stay
Actually it made it disappear on all of my worlds x.x
(This is only so with the amount)
Not a official bug that is new with the update. But it a definite ongoing one from 1.7.3.
If you fire multiple pistons, it causes severe lag and is very buggy. This is the same with running lots of redstone. Compared to it's smooth running PC counterpart (that I do play as well), this makes this less fun to construct massively fast paced piston work. Which is a major setback. This is something I have noticed since 1.7.3 and is still coming forth in this latest version. I was expecting a fix or maybe even a minor tweak to help. But nothing seems to come of this.
Things that I have made that don't work the same because of lag:
-Piston Elevator (Works on PC)
-Clock (Works on PC)
-Pop out words (Works on PC)
PLEASE fix this.
On the "santa" seed, in the middle very left side of the map, there is a village that got split in half. I was on creative - not superflat - peaceful - gen structures
Also: after I burned trees down, and the fire was gone, the light stayed.
Twitter - @4JSteve
Currently Playing - League of Legends (EUW), Tales of Vesperia (PS4) and Kingdom Hearts 2 (PS4)
Feel free to add me on Steam, PSN and XboxLive, Make sure and leave a message saying you are from the forums
I was trying out various paintings on one wall; it was working fine for a while. Probably tried 10 paintings or so. Then, when I took down the latest one, it popped off the wall as usual and is floating on the floor, but it won't let me pick it up. I have plenty of empty slots to carry it, so not sure what happened. Tried digging up the floor under it to see if that would let me grab it, but that didn't work either.
- Making a simple Piston Stair case with the pistons moving as slow as possible makes you still glitch into the piston making the piston not push you.
I would really like to be able to make whatever redstone mechanism I want without it messing up
In creative, I made a room filled with silverfish blocks as a trap. But in survival, when you break one block, the silverfish spawns, you hurt it, and the other silverfish stay in their blocks.
Skin Packs Corrupt when playing offline??
I have a problem with my skin packs offline. When I play offline it says my skin packs(trials) have been corrupted except for pack 3 and it says I need to reinstall them. But when I play online there are no issues at all. Whats the deal? I know it has nothing to do with them being the trials because the trial skin pack 3 still works offline. Anyone else have this problem? Hopefully this gets addressed.