Whatever I just said, I didn't mean any offense. Unless we're fighting, in which case I probably did.
If I said something was a joke when it didn't seem like one, I'm making an excuse to avoid an argument I know is coming. Instead of telling me how not funny I am and how it didn't seem like a joke at all, just go along with it. Because flame wars suck and nobody wants to be a part of one.
Roughly 95% of Minecraft players hate Villagers and would be very happy if they were removed. If you are one of the 5% who actually like villagers, copy this into your signature.-RainbowGirl
The damn image won't work-screw my iPad!-but you should click this link. Now. Or you'll regret it...because this suggestion is epic.
The Multiplayer for upcoming for Minecraft Story Mode
LAN Player up to 100
Jessy no longer for MP
ID Test
Mission Test for MP
1.40 build 1 Android
1.1 PC
For Test need sign in to xbox live
Port 8888
-The Lovely and Magestic RainbowGirl
Whatever I just said, I didn't mean any offense. Unless we're fighting, in which case I probably did.
If I said something was a joke when it didn't seem like one, I'm making an excuse to avoid an argument I know is coming. Instead of telling me how not funny I am and how it didn't seem like a joke at all, just go along with it. Because flame wars suck and nobody wants to be a part of one.
Roughly 95% of Minecraft players hate Villagers and would be very happy if they were removed. If you are one of the 5% who actually like villagers, copy this into your signature.-RainbowGirl
The damn image won't work-screw my iPad!-but you should click this link. Now. Or you'll regret it...because this suggestion is epic.