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There are some facts and rules if you are caught disobeying them its a auto kick.
1. The server is online from 8:30pm EST to 7:30am EST most days ill let u know when its not going to be.
2. We Kick if server gets laggy
3. Have fun <3
1. No Trolling ( Thats my job lol jk )
2. No Yelling
3. No Gliching
4. No Destroying/ Stealing other ppls stuff.
if u wanna join send me friend request Diamond_Tank_ thx XD
PSN : AmIAwake
Age : 29
Possibility of mic if i find where the dog put it. He likes playing mindgames with us.
not going to lie im not that great at minecraft, but im still learning. hope that doesnt matter.
add me @ LoveLee201
psn name is legotrophygamer
mic yes