Hey, I'm looking to either start or join an active survival server. As in other players who currently have no lives and are able to play MC frequently. I'm 21 yrs old so while it's not required (I mean it's Minecraft) an 18+ server would be preferred. I do have a mic but since I'm living in the middle of nowhere now my Wi-Fi makes it less than adequate. I'll use it if necessary but I'd prefer talking on discord or my actual phone number if I even have to talk at all lol. But yeah, I'd consider myself to be a professional builder, even though I'm still learning redstone. I don't grief, and if I get comfortable enough around you I can occasionally be entertaining :'D. Anyways if interested in my not so desperate, desperate need of MC friends feel free to drop your PSN and I'll be sure to add you if I remember I made this post lmao.
n name is dedbigboigamer24 ps3 minecraft I do not have any friends lol I can help you with your server I'm a pretty good builder myself I'm 20 and I gave no mic cause I'm poor lol
Hey, I'm looking to either start or join an active survival server. As in other players who currently have no lives and are able to play MC frequently. I'm 21 yrs old so while it's not required (I mean it's Minecraft) an 18+ server would be preferred. I do have a mic but since I'm living in the middle of nowhere now my Wi-Fi makes it less than adequate. I'll use it if necessary but I'd prefer talking on discord or my actual phone number if I even have to talk at all lol. But yeah, I'd consider myself to be a professional builder, even though I'm still learning redstone. I don't grief, and if I get comfortable enough around you I can occasionally be entertaining :'D. Anyways if interested in my not so desperate, desperate need of MC friends feel free to drop your PSN and I'll be sure to add you if I remember I made this post lmao.
Dan4short looking to join ppl
Hello my ps
n name is dedbigboigamer24 ps3 minecraft I do not have any friends lol I can help you with your server I'm a pretty good builder myself I'm 20 and I gave no mic cause I'm poor lol
I'll add you in a couple hours