I think it would be a good idea for touch controls (like Pocket Edition's control scheme) should be added as a control method for Minecraft: Switch Edition. Some people may just want to use the touch screen and the Switch edition would be the perfect place to do this. What do you think?
Kinda funny, I actually tried playing without joycons the second I downloaded the game at 2 AM. Not surprised they're not there, but still a good idea. At least they added touch-screen inventory management. Whew!
Now that it is bedrock edition and in line with PE I wouldn't be surprised if they added full touch support in the future.
As it is now though all I've been able to get to work is inventory management and text, like for signs. It does seem a bit silly but that's what we get to work with for now. I'm still very happy with how well the game plays on the switch.
I think it would be a good idea for touch controls (like Pocket Edition's control scheme) should be added as a control method for Minecraft: Switch Edition. Some people may just want to use the touch screen and the Switch edition would be the perfect place to do this. What do you think?
Kinda funny, I actually tried playing without joycons the second I downloaded the game at 2 AM. Not surprised they're not there, but still a good idea. At least they added touch-screen inventory management. Whew!
it's all in your head
Now that it is bedrock edition and in line with PE I wouldn't be surprised if they added full touch support in the future.
As it is now though all I've been able to get to work is inventory management and text, like for signs. It does seem a bit silly but that's what we get to work with for now. I'm still very happy with how well the game plays on the switch.
Yes It would be cool and it would solve the bad aim with bows and arrows