97% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber on top of a tower about to jump. If your the 3% who is sitting there with popcorn screaming "DO A BACKFLIP", copy and paste this as your signature.
Description: Can you make me a skin of a boy with brown hair and black eyes with a black sweatshirt (open) with a green shirt underneath with black jeans on?
Desc: Mitt romney's hair, a cop's mustache, a small american flag pin on the shirt, brown-ish eyes, navy blue suit, 1.8 (I like the underwear touch. Could you do that again?)
97% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber on top of a tower about to jump. If your the 3% who is sitting there with popcorn screaming "DO A BACKFLIP", copy and paste this as your signature.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
In a Blocky World
Member Details
IGN: Jaydog1320
Desc: (BE DETAILED) I would like this skin, the one in my Signature, CLICK FOR LINK, but a Christmas Outfit/Version! Like, maybe a Santa hat and a jolly outfit?
However you would like that puts the Christmas Mood into it! Thank you SO much! (I am not really thinking an Elf, more...Red. :P)
Optional: Like a Santa Outfit, but no Beard. THANK YOU!!!
I need a Christmas version of my skin to suit this month. I would prefer if you would remove the headphones and replace it with a stocking cap and I would also love a Christmas sweater. Thanks.
So I forgot to say thanks for my skin. So thanks! It actually turned out really well! I know your probably still busy but I would like another skin. This time it's Galvatron from the original transformers show, I would like it in the 1.8 format and his arm cannon to be on the skin (probably won't be easy)
Desc: Surprise me
Other: I'm bored.
Visit my son's youtube channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgxIyXNPdd5p1n3rkXdCiMg

If you'd like something to read, click here.
97% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber on top of a tower about to jump. If your the 3% who is sitting there with popcorn screaming "DO A BACKFLIP", copy and paste this as your signature.
My supports:
IGN: ferno03
Thanks a bunch for the skin
Description. Be DETAILED:
My friend needs you to put those clothes / glasses ...
On this skin:
Please and Thank you.
Also, I'll like it shaded. And not 1.8 skin-like. IGN: donut_of_doom
Description. Be DETAILED: I want my skin kind of armored. I'd like shoulder pads, some better shoes, and maybe a little more armored hoodie hat.
Other (OPTIONAL): Try not to change or obscure the face please.
This looks great! Thanks.
If you don't mind I would like 1 more thing. Can you make my skin have a more of a gauntlet type shoulder armor?
Desc: Mitt romney's hair, a cop's mustache, a small american flag pin on the shirt, brown-ish eyes, navy blue suit, 1.8 (I like the underwear touch. Could you do that again?)
Optional: For my govie server.
Visit my son's youtube channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgxIyXNPdd5p1n3rkXdCiMg

If you'd like something to read, click here.
97% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber on top of a tower about to jump. If your the 3% who is sitting there with popcorn screaming "DO A BACKFLIP", copy and paste this as your signature.
My supports:
MinecraftLovers+ - Survival with a twist!
Active semi-vanilla survival server, running for 4 years and counting! If you haven't checked it out already, see what you've been missing!
MC Forums Thread - Our Website
Desc: (BE DETAILED) I would like this skin, the one in my Signature, CLICK FOR LINK, but a Christmas Outfit/Version!
Like, maybe a Santa hat and a jolly outfit?
However you would like that puts the Christmas Mood into it!
Thank you SO much!
Optional: Like a Santa Outfit, but no Beard. THANK YOU!!!
Download, Comment, or like today!
I need a Christmas version of my skin to suit this month. I would prefer if you would remove the headphones and replace it with a stocking cap and I would also love a Christmas sweater. Thanks.
p.s. please refer to this skin: http://imgur.com/4SABtG5
Thank you so much and good luck with your shop!
Eh, no, i don't make capes. Sorry.