My name is generaldeath and i would like my skin updated to the new 1.8 textures.
Here is a picture of it
If you can update it to 1.8 that would be great, also if you want to modify it in anyway to make it look cooler or anything like that feel free. I just want to be the General of death with a 1.8 skin.
This doesn't have a back to it so if you would not be able to do it I would be completely fine with it, also I'm in no rush to receive this skin so take all the time you want/need.
The link doesn't work for me, my computer keeps blocking the site from me (Parental controls.). Could you please download the skin and put it in the attachments please?
The link doesn't work for me, my computer keeps blocking the site from me (Parental controls.). Could you please download the skin and put it in the attachments please?
Okay :3 Also, can you please fix it up a little , I don't like the way the hair goes on the hood of the jacket/hoodie.
Description. Be DETAILED: I want a Lucario skin with the SSB4 (3DS/WiiU) style, and I want it to have a neck kerchief (brown color), maybe in the attachment style. Sorry if I'm requesting a lot
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I'm Sorry if I might have gotten on your nerves about my skin But this time it's not exactly a request. I'm not sure if it could be done, But i lost my skin a while back, I can't find it anywhere, But i have this small piece , But if you could Fix it for me, I would be very happy =D
Description. Be DETAILED:
* I want this guy skin, but with a black hair.
* I need for the 1.7 version (old format, 64x32), but if you have time to make in the two models (1.7 and 1.8+) i will thank =D
* Sorry if this request be a hard challenge, and sorry my bad english (i'm from another country).
* Thank you ^^
My name is generaldeath and i would like my skin updated to the new 1.8 textures.
Here is a picture of it
If you can update it to 1.8 that would be great, also if you want to modify it in anyway to make it look cooler or anything like that feel free. I just want to be the General of death with a 1.8 skin.
Thank you very much friend, you have talent.
I have some friends who may need skins, add me and i'll tell you if they tell me about their skins ok? ^^
Desc.: Omg christmas-fy this skin :3
Description: I would love some Neimoidian guard armor as seen in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.
I couldn't find a great back view, but you can see the back of a LEGO Neimoidian guard here:
IGN: accio08
Description: If you would be able to do this skin for me I would be very grateful ( It would be the picture of Spider-Man) link:
This doesn't have a back to it so if you would not be able to do it I would be completely fine with it, also I'm in no rush to receive this skin so take all the time you want/need.
And the thing on the skin's back are backpack, I'd appreciate if you improve it
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The Hive Workshop
alright, i need two skins from you.
1. a chrismas version of this skin (at bottum) i want it to be a snowman
2. a backwards version of my skin (at bottom) so in other words front of skin in back back of skin in front, ect
The link doesn't work for me, my computer keeps blocking the site from me (Parental controls.). Could you please download the skin and put it in the attachments please?
Okay :3 Also, can you please fix it up a little , I don't like the way the hair goes on the hood of the jacket/hoodie.
You could make a youtube channel making speed arts of skins..
Now the request.
IGN: LightYT
Description. Be DETAILED: Could I have a mix of this (My current skin), with Huahwi's current skin? THanks
Other (OPTIONAL): I want to make a new skin because I've been using this slightly modified skin for over 2 years.
Description: I would like you to take this skin:
And move the robes to the second layer while adding the underclothes from this art to the first layer (the one with shoulder armor):
Thanks in advance!
Description. Be DETAILED: I want a Lucario skin with the SSB4 (3DS/WiiU) style, and I want it to have a neck kerchief (brown color), maybe in the attachment style. Sorry if I'm requesting a lot
Other: Thanks in advance
Can you remove the skin's second layer?
Because I'm on 1.6.2 and it doesn't work properly
Also, can you make a skin of this?
Thank you for your time.
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The Hive Workshop