Description. Be DETAILED: Hi! I would like a white haired and red eyes. Maybe a black shirt? The pants and the shoe can be up to you. A black mask (Cover the mouth only) will be great, if it is possible. (: I'm not sure if I am a bit too late or what. But thanks in advance!
Description: I want it to be a cat costume skin like a onesie. I want her hair to be a dark blonde. For the eyes a silver/ light blue would be great. Now for the costume, The colors to be pastel pink and blue along with mint green. Also could there maybe be a gaming mic and headphones? If there are any light colors you want to add to make the skin look a bit better (like light grey or white) that would be fine. Thank you so much :)!
P.S. I'm sorry but how do i download the skin when you make it? If you could let me know that would be more than helpful. (I'm on a windows computer) Thanks again - Stormbird03
Description. Be DETAILED: Can you please make a sky goddess for me? I play pixelmon and im the flying type gym leader. I'd like her to have white hair and seafoam or grey eyes (whichever you think looks best). I use a legendary pokemon (Lugia, image attached) and if you could somehow incorporate that into the skin that would be amazing. I also want her to have a dress, preferably white with light blue in it. Also, shes is light skinned.
Other (OPTIONAL): Going for a fantasy theme here, somewhere along the lines of greek goddess. I also want her to have a bit of a Lugia look (again, its the creature in the image attached) in her, but i dont want her to look exactly like the lugia. Just maybe give her the same shade of blue on her dress thats on lugias belly. Thanks
Description. Be DETAILED: I just need a touch up of the skin in the attachment. It didn't come out quite right. Mainly the pattern on the coat and the general look of the skin without the hood or coat shown. Some shading if it can look better. Thanks in advance
( I hope it's alright if I request a second skin, I was just really impressed with my first one! )
IGN: iStealCookie
Description Be DETAILED: I would a skin of the girl version of Foxy ( From Five Nights at Freddy's ) That's..about as detailed as I can get...well, thanks a bunch!
Description,Be Detailed: I would like a normal guy with a blue hoodie(the hood should not be weared and make a 3D effect out of the hood in my back) around the sleeve area make two white circles not too big not too small and it should have a plain white shirt (the hoodie should be open)then add dark blue pants and dark blue with a bit of yellow stripe shoes like vans type of shoes and add a few accents of assassins creed like weapons and stuff and I almost forgot please make the hair black the sideburns length should be normal but the most important thing is make my bangs on the right side of the face and the bang shouldnt be too long and finally please make it 3D if possible a skin for 1.8 thank you
Description : Hello there, I am wondering if you can spruce this skin up and add a Dark Brown Hood to it, change the Bandana thing's color if you have to, it really wouldn't matter to me, also can you try to add a arrow hold on the back, it would be appreciated, Thanks
EDIT: Forgot to add the link in >.<
( I hope it's alright if I request a second skin, I was just really impressed with my first one! )
IGN: iStealCookie
Description Be DETAILED: I would a skin of the girl version of Foxy ( From Five Nights at Freddy's ) That's..about as detailed as I can get...well, thanks a bunch!
Can you give me a non-creepy picture of her? I'm too afraid to look on google .-. (Seriously. I have nightmares. ;-;)
I hope its ok that I can ask for a second skin..
IGN: sowbe
Description: Can I have an adventurer type skin with shading maybe with a quiver on his back and a hood hanging down. I think you can add some other adventurer type things like a canteen and knife especially with the new 64x64 format.. Can you use the face from my normal skins ( and the color of the skin but other then that surprise me! Btw I loved your first skin for me. Thanks!
Description. Be DETAILED: Hi! I would like a white haired and red eyes. Maybe a black shirt? The pants and the shoe can be up to you. A black mask (Cover the mouth only) will be great, if it is possible. (: I'm not sure if I am a bit too late or what. But thanks in advance!
You can find me at [email protected].
Description: I want it to be a cat costume skin like a onesie. I want her hair to be a dark blonde. For the eyes a silver/ light blue would be great. Now for the costume, The colors to be pastel pink and blue along with mint green. Also could there maybe be a gaming mic and headphones? If there are any light colors you want to add to make the skin look a bit better (like light grey or white) that would be fine. Thank you so much :)!
P.S. I'm sorry but how do i download the skin when you make it? If you could let me know that would be more than helpful. (I'm on a windows computer) Thanks again - Stormbird03
Description. Be DETAILED: Can you please make a sky goddess for me? I play pixelmon and im the flying type gym leader. I'd like her to have white hair and seafoam or grey eyes (whichever you think looks best). I use a legendary pokemon (Lugia, image attached) and if you could somehow incorporate that into the skin that would be amazing. I also want her to have a dress, preferably white with light blue in it. Also, shes is light skinned.
Other (OPTIONAL): Going for a fantasy theme here, somewhere along the lines of greek goddess. I also want her to have a bit of a Lugia look (again, its the creature in the image attached) in her, but i dont want her to look exactly like the lugia. Just maybe give her the same shade of blue on her dress thats on lugias belly. Thanks
IGN: patariton115
Description. Be DETAILED: I just need a touch up of the skin in the attachment. It didn't come out quite right. Mainly the pattern on the coat and the general look of the skin without the hood or coat shown. Some shading if it can look better. Thanks in advance
IGN: iStealCookie
Description Be DETAILED: I would a skin of the girl version of Foxy ( From Five Nights at Freddy's ) That's..about as detailed as I can get...well, thanks a bunch!
Description. Be DETAILED: Please make a skin out of this dragon. The details tell you it pretty much.
Description,Be Detailed: I would like a normal guy with a blue hoodie(the hood should not be weared and make a 3D effect out of the hood in my back) around the sleeve area make two white circles not too big not too small and it should have a plain white shirt (the hoodie should be open)then add dark blue pants and dark blue with a bit of yellow stripe shoes like vans type of shoes and add a few accents of assassins creed like weapons and stuff and I almost forgot please make the hair black the sideburns length should be normal but the most important thing is make my bangs on the right side of the face and the bang shouldnt be too long and finally please make it 3D if possible a skin for 1.8 thank you
Description. Be DETAILED: I want the head to remain the same( Don't do anything to it ;-; ) also I want it to wear a blue hoodie and black jeans.
Description : Hello there, I am wondering if you can spruce this skin up and add a Dark Brown Hood to it, change the Bandana thing's color if you have to, it really wouldn't matter to me, also can you try to add a arrow hold on the back, it would be appreciated, Thanks
EDIT: Forgot to add the link in >.<
~ SS
Can you give me a non-creepy picture of her? I'm too afraid to look on google .-. (Seriously. I have nightmares. ;-;)
Can you give me a different link please? My computer is blocking the site from me. (Stupid parental controls -.-)
IGN: sowbe
Description: Can I have an adventurer type skin with shading maybe with a quiver on his back and a hood hanging down. I think you can add some other adventurer type things like a canteen and knife especially with the new 64x64 format.. Can you use the face from my normal skins ( and the color of the skin but other then that surprise me! Btw I loved your first skin for me. Thanks!