Description: I would like a remake of this skin: . If you could make it green and maybe give it some sort of armor look like a robot golem thingy (kind of like this: I don't want it to look too much like Bebopvox or Graser10's skin. If you could do that, that would be great! If not do the best you can! Thanks in advance! Hope its not too much to ask for.
97% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber on top of a tower about to jump. If your the 3% who is sitting there with popcorn screaming "DO A BACKFLIP", copy and paste this as your signature.
Dang you are fast with your amazing skins my friend...
EDIT: Can you change his skin from blue to gray and remove the checkerboard pattern from the legs? Also can you add a bit more armor? Thanks
EDIT 2: My skin I mean
Can you do an Aiden Pearce skin with the Laundry Day color scheme? I really need a cool skin.
If you make the mask able to be removed that would be even cooler. Thanks!
I have no idea what you mean by "Laundry day" color scheme. Can you post a picture of it or something?...
I would take a screenshot but Uplay deleted the game off my computer but just make his Sweater a white color and his Jacket smokey gray. With a black cap and bandanna.
Hey there, I was wondering if you can help me convert my skin to a 1.8 version of it as I can no longer use/upload this skin on Your help would be greatly appreciated
IGN: This is a request for the player: Corcyran_Blood (He saw the skin you did for me and thought it was awesome!)
He’s aiming for a mage/Grey warden based on the dragon age video game series. Images are attached for reference. He’ll be using it for his minecraft character (personal use)
Please try to avoid making this look like a ‘teen skin’, cheers!
I can't make ultra-HD skins, sorry.
After my pony skin being so good, and Christmas coming up, i would like a Christmas-style of my pony skin!
IGN: megataconinja
Description: Can my pony skin be the same, but with a Santa or elf costume?
Thanks, megataconinja
I'm actually your grandfather in disguise.
Description: I would like a remake of this skin: . If you could make it green and maybe give it some sort of armor look like a robot golem thingy (kind of like this: I don't want it to look too much like Bebopvox or Graser10's skin. If you could do that, that would be great! If not do the best you can! Thanks in advance! Hope its not too much to ask for.
Description:My original skin except with a Reindeer hat and a little Christmas Sweater.
If it is Okay to ask for another,
Description:A Chinese Dragon with Silver Armor (Chinese Dragon is one of my favourite mythical Creatures
Original Skin
so can you make link from ocarina of time with all accessories like hover boots and silver gauntlets
Well, i don't know about ALL accessories. could you give me a list to choose from?...
Desc: You know Indiana Jones's dad? Played by sean connery (I spelled that wrong) I'd like him in a 1.8 beige suit.
Other: Roleplay. 'Nuff said.
Visit my son's youtube channel!

If you'd like something to read, click here.
97% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber on top of a tower about to jump. If your the 3% who is sitting there with popcorn screaming "DO A BACKFLIP", copy and paste this as your signature.
My supports:
EDIT: Can you change his skin from blue to gray and remove the checkerboard pattern from the legs? Also can you add a bit more armor? Thanks
EDIT 2: My skin I mean
Description: I'd like a skin of this anime character. The character's name is Sakura Chiyo.
Thanks a lot!
IGN: J_J_McCall
Can you do an Aiden Pearce skin with the Laundry Day color scheme? I really need a cool skin.
If you make the mask able to be removed that would be even cooler. Thanks!
I have no idea what you mean by "Laundry day" color scheme. Can you post a picture of it or something?...
I would take a screenshot but Uplay deleted the game off my computer but just make his Sweater a white color and his Jacket smokey gray. With a black cap and bandanna.
You can download the skin here:
Please email me for more details @ [email protected]
I'm actually your grandfather in disguise.
Keep up the awesome work man!
He’s aiming for a mage/Grey warden based on the dragon age video game series. Images are attached for reference. He’ll be using it for his minecraft character (personal use)
Please try to avoid making this look like a ‘teen skin’, cheers!
Try reading and responding to his last post to you:
Quote from jonnyminer716 » Well, i don’t know about ALL accessories. could you give me a list to choose from?...
--> If you don’t answer his questions about your request odds are your skin won’t get done.