I was wondering if you can make me a skin? I am girl, and started out on YouTube. I need a skin that represents CosmicKwisses. That is my channel name. All YouTube minecrafters have a special skin. I need one that represents mine. I am sorry if I don't have a lot of info, but be wild and crazy! I do have one request though... Please(if you can) make the head and eyes like this. I love this look and I want my character to have these eyes. But not the same color(you can figure that out) http://i.imgur.com/TTSePfo.jpg
Hello, I was wondering if you guys could make me a skin like the one I have now, except change his clothes to a blue suit with maybe a sword on his back. My ign is aarondang.
Sorry, I forgot to give more info about it. I have made a skin that fits what I want it to look like but it seems a bit plain. If you could add anything to this skin to make it more complex, I would be most thankful.
hey you guys, you guys are amazing so i have a request for you. Can you guys make me a skin using YOUR imagination. my only request is that it be a human but no emo or hair over the face kinda skin and a suit with fire coming from the bottom.
Oh yea I have a skin. It's basically a robot from Pacific Rim, there are like 5 of them but I want only 1. http://imgur.com/a/ebCVA The link I gave has the pictures, I would go for Striker Eureka or Gipsy Danger, pick which one is easier for you then. Thanks Sorry if it's hard for you
Could you please make me any type of cool, weird and funny skin? and can the face be like the one on my profile pic? thanks alot
i didnt see the part now its closed...
hey, i would really appreciate if you could make me a new skin, i would like something like this minecraft style: http://dark.pozadia....annu-72619.jpeg , but if it is too difficult i would like a male angel with a dark touch or something like that, thanks! :3
PD: sorry for the bad english, i am not native speaker. PD2: my email is: [email protected] PD3: shaded plis
Hey guys, I put in a skin request a while ago and got a reply that someone would get started on it soon. I just wanted to know how its going. I know you guys closed down for a little while so its okay if my request got over looked. Here is the picture again just in case. Thank you!
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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I believe we closed this. So, so, so sorry to everyone who didn't get a skin We just couldn't focus on this with everything we had to do. We may start it again, though probably not. We will make a post if we start it up again.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Helloooo everyone! I am re-opening the skin shop for now, and hopefully for a long time! If you have asked for a skin before, please repost if you would still like it! Right now, it's just going to be me. Perhaps Panda will also join again. Remember to refer to our rules, and anything is good~ That's all for now, minecrafters. ~~Angel
Hi, i would like a ice based skin, blond hair with a jacket with hoodie, hoodie off though, possibly half my face frozen or hand etc, only if you feel like it works pretty muc all i can think of
Steam Batby (Add me if you need more detail or you arnt able to complete the request
Sorry, I forgot to give more info about it. I have made a skin that fits what I want it to look like but it seems a bit plain. If you could add anything to this skin to make it more complex, I would be most thankful.
It's basically a robot from Pacific Rim, there are like 5 of them but I want only 1.
The link I gave has the pictures, I would go for Striker Eureka or Gipsy Danger, pick which one is easier for you then.
i didnt see the part now its closed...
PD: sorry for the bad english, i am not native speaker.
PD2: my email is: [email protected]
PD3: shaded plis
That's all for now, minecrafters. ~~Angel