Hey guys, I can't really think on how to do this myself but I'm sure it's an easy process if someone would like to devote 5 minutes of their time to help me out.
I basically want you to put the head of one skin onto the body of the other, which should be easy since the head is pretty much edited to just be the head and the body is how I want it just headless.
Can you do it for me? I want a david tennant zekrom skin with 3d glasses...
I have both, can you put the head of zekrom on the david tennant body? I can't seem to separate the head and body... But can you help! It would be awesome if you could!
I basically want you to put the head of one skin onto the body of the other, which should be easy since the head is pretty much edited to just be the head and the body is how I want it just headless.
The Head: http://oi46.tinypic.com/1675r39.jpg
The Body: http://oi50.tinypic.com/dy62o4.jpg
Thanks in advance!
Gotta open PS first xD
Can I inquire on what it is you did do? I have a feeling it was really easy.
I have both, can you put the head of zekrom on the david tennant body? I can't seem to separate the head and body... But can you help! It would be awesome if you could!
The body: Its the bottom part of the skin
The head: Top part of the skin