AWESOME SKINS. but could someone help me? ive been looking evreywhere fir a toturial for this. i want to but a banner on my posts and profile like people have the "SUPPORT AETHER MOD" and stuff. that banner and ect. How do i put those on my profile. im sorry. im new to the forums and realy dont know. sorry to sound like a noob. id just realy want to support some mods and ect. Please help
YAY and proud of it!
Nice job:)
laugh quietly to mySelf
but seriolly, nicceeee!
Here is a skin. if this doesnt work please go to and scroll down to the bottom for the nyan cat. ALL CREDIT GOES TO DJ Persnikity
"You few select people have been flown in from all corners of the world as we unveil now what Gorillaz cunsitaztube... THE FUTCHA!" - Murdoc Niccals
can u make tacnayn skins?