More Info: How to Change Your Minecraft Skin in Java Edition
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Need Help? Click here for more information on How to Change Your Minecraft Skin in Java Edition.
I need a person, to make me a mod that makes your minecraft use the skin you have in minecraft.jar/mob/char.png for you. What i mean is only you see the skin you put in the mob file. The skin has to be named char. But you dont have to name it char.png because its already bmp,jpeg or png. Whatever kind of image file you have, you have to replace it with the char thats already there. This will get useful if you want a HD skin. So if you made a HD Skin, and you have a skin you uploaded at the skin you uploaded at will show up for the others! In the Options Menu you can change this. You can choose between the one you got from or the one you named char. Thats what i want. If you could be so kind to do this. Tell me and i'll be glad that you helped me. Well, glad you took your time to read this, bye!
Use this, save your character, then go to...
Click on Profile, hit browse, go to wherever you saved your skin, hit upload, and voila. You've changed your skin.
Click to get your own! If it covered in fog, that means I've hidden it. Sorry, but then you won't be able to click it.