I was tired of being able to see creepers coming from quite a ways away (not all of my favorite texture packs include creeper skin versions) so I just tossed two dots onto a transparent skin template.
Technically, this could also be used as your character skin if you rename it. Or any of the 2-block tall mobs, actually.
Technically, this could also be used as your character skin if you rename it. Or any of the 2-block tall mobs, actually.
I couldn't seem to get this fella moved closer to a light source, and then I accidentally let go of shift and he blew up in my face.
immediate edit lol: I kept getting issues with imageshack removing the transparency when I put it up there, so I just stuck it in a .rar for you
after you extract it, it goes in your minecraft.jar/mob/ or throw it in your texture pack of choice in pack.zip/mob/