Okay. That is great for you, and I know you make better ones than me because I started about a month ago then stopped. I do have more skins but just don't have the time to upload them now. :smile.gif:
Okay. That is great for you, and I know you make better ones than me because I started about a month ago then stopped. I do have more skins but just don't have the time to upload them now. :smile.gif:
I like your skins post them whenver you get a chance i am looking forward to using them :biggrin.gif:
Main Skins
Colors was one of my first ever skins. I know its not 'that' good, but it will do.
1, Colors.
This Bad guy skin was in my other skin topic, but i couldn't recover my account after the forums updated.
2, BadGuy
The bumblebee skin used in my sig
Other Skins
I like your skins post them whenver you get a chance i am looking forward to using them :biggrin.gif:
298 views and only 2 posts? Don't be shy.
Yeah, I tried uploading it but I can't seem to find it on my computer :c