"Art Déco" is a term that describes a detailed and luxurious style in architecture, interior design and various crafts. Art Déco first originated at the beginning of the 20th century in western Europe and found its peak in Paris in 1925, where an influental exposition took place: The "Exposition internationale des Arts Décoratifs et industriels modernes".
In the 1930s Art Déco has spread widely across the world but found a quick ending with the beginning of the second world war, where more functional styles were preferred. However, the Style of Art Déco was somewhat kept alive in the United States where it still had some influence in the '50s.
It wasn't until the '60s that Art Déco got its actual name, based on the Paris exhibition, and efforts were made to preserve buildings of its era, that were still present. Despite its short prime Art Déco has never truly died and even in the 21st century new buildings are constructed in a "Neo Art Déco" movement, mimicking what is widely considered
the first international art style.
"Falkers' Art Deco" is my personal interpretation of this art style. I take a lot of reference from real world architecture and design, and try to bring it in a form that fits into the game. I also take some reference from fictional designs, especially the Bioshock series, and sometimes develop my own ideas based on these references.
Thank you for checking out my pack. Feel free to comment and give your opinion on this work in progress.
This pack heavily relies on CTM and other non-vanilla features, and therefore requires Optifine to run properly.
This Resource Pack may be used to alter the look and feel of Minecraft. (yes, this technically has to be stated)
Screenshots, Videos, Streams and other forms of recording with this pack active may be published on any platform.
Assets of this pack may be customised and repurposed for personal use only.
This pack or assets of this pack, edited or not, may not be published anywhere, unless I give my personal consent.
Thank you. Yes, I'm still working on it, not as much or regularly as I'd like to, but still making progress. Fittingly I racked up enough for another update, so here we go:
Added Quartz and Shulker Boxes as well as a lot of icons, buttons and other interface elements. Also I added GUIs for Survival and Creative inventory, Chests and Shulker Boxes (same as chests though).
My word I love this pack. I unabashedly have an affinity for Art Deco and this pack is spectacular. I don't even play MC much anymore but I'm going to be following this with keen interest just for how beautiful it is!!!
I'm rather intrigued by the way you render your textures. I don't think I've ever seen a pack built using 3d rendering before. It's very unique and extremely cool. And while unorthodox, there's no arguing with the results! Gorgeous designs!
Thank you very much for making this. It has a permanent place in my inspirational art folder!
I'm rather intrigued by the way you render your textures. I don't think I've ever seen a pack built using 3d rendering before. It's very unique and extremely cool. And while unorthodox, there's no arguing with the results! Gorgeous designs!
I'm kinda bad at drawing but I have been messing with 3D programs for over 10 years, so that's basically why I made this choice.
So, after I went under the radar for a while I thought it was time to re-emerge and show that this pack is still (somewhat) alive.
I mean, we're back in the 20's after all...
And with that, here's some new textures I've finished in the meantime:
The new leaves model took quite some time to get right, but I really wanted something more realistic, and something unique. The model isn't final yet and could use some variants, but I consider it good enough for now. The tulips also have a custom model, with their head being more 3D and perfectly visible from straight above. Tall grass has also been changed to be more natural. Next plan for natural textures is to finish the other flowers and to give grass blocks more diversity.
This update also adds new doors and trapdoors for both birch and spruce. I plan on giving each type of wood a unique style, including basic planks, and I think I will make it my main priority for the next update (which hopefully won't take another 10 month..).
Smaller additions have also been added. In this picture you can see, that netherbrick ctm has been improved and custom textures for walls and fences have been added. There's still a bit more in this update, but I think that's enough pictures for one post.
As before, feedback is always appreciated. Hope you have a great day, and stay healhy.
I think the only feedback that I could give would be that some of the wall textures look a bit too flat. Maybe bump the contrast a little bit? But that aside they look fantastic and I'd love to build with them!
I haven't played Minecraft in a while, but I'm definitely going to have to dust it off if this pack ever comes out. That's something to look forward to.
Best wishes on getting this finished Falkers! And you stay safe and healthy as well.
Hey there, just casually dropping in to bring another update.
As mentioned in a previous post, my focus on this one was to give each wood type a unique style. So, I have created different textures not only for each type, but also for many other blocks within their respective ‘set’ – Stairs, slabs, doors, trapdoors, and fences to be precise. A lot of models had to be adapted for this, fences even got a new one. Each of them.
Bookshelves and ladders have also been thrown in the mix.
In addition, stone bricks and cobblestone have received a similar treatment with a lot of textures being added for stairs, slabs, and walls. The stone bricks themselves, as well as their variants, had their old textures replaced with new ones and they even connect to each other.
Below are some pictures to showcase most of these additions
...as you can see, I've been playing with shaders for a while now. Should I post images with or without them?
PS: this may come a bit late, but thanks again for your feedback!
Hey there, just casually dropping in to bring another update.
As mentioned in a previous post, my focus on this one was to give each wood type a unique style. So, I have created different textures not only for each type, but also for many other blocks within their respective ‘set’ – Stairs, slabs, doors, trapdoors, and fences to be precise. A lot of models had to be adapted for this, fences even got a new one. Each of them.
Bookshelves and ladders have also been thrown in the mix.
In addition, stone bricks and cobblestone have received a similar treatment with a lot of textures being added for stairs, slabs, and walls. The stone bricks themselves, as well as their variants, had their old textures replaced with new ones and they even connect to each other.
Those look fantastic! I really appreciate packs where you can build using a relatively small selection of common without it looking monotonous or lame. Having those variations makes building something respectable in the early game so much easier and more enjoyable.
And of course these just look fantastic overall! I love the subtle hue variation in what I'm guessing are either the jungle or acacia planks. And is that white room made mostly of birch? Like... that skylight... are those birch trapdoors? Because that is amazing and I want to live there right now!
I'd like to give a critique but, well, I'm honestly struggling to find anything negative to say. Your pack is beautiful!
...as you can see, I've been playing with shaders for a while now. Should I post images with or without them?
I'd personally prefer screenshots without shaders. A 2-second bucket fill pack looks decent with shaders, so they kinda tend to skew people's perceptions. Plus not everyone can run them so unless your pack requires shaders to function I'd say that it'd be best to post updates without. Or both with and without if you feel like doing the extra work. But that's just my opinion on the matter.
Those look fantastic! I really appreciate packs where you can build using a relatively small selection of common without it looking monotonous or lame. Having those variations makes building something respectable in the early game so much easier and more enjoyable.
Improving early game was exactly my thought here. Personally I prefer survival over creative and having such a limited pallete at the beginning really killed my motivation in previous sessions. That's why it was so important for me to have these starting materials already offer a good range of possibilities. The first picture in my previous post is a good example for a starter base and the third one is what I'm building at the moment (still quite early in the game).
And of course these just look fantastic overall! I love the subtle hue variation in what I'm guessing are either the jungle or acacia planks. And is that white room made mostly of birch? Like... that skylight... are those birch trapdoors? Because that is amazing and I want to live there right now!
The wood in picture #2 is all birch and the red-ish wood in #4 is acacia. I completey left out jungle wood, so here's another pic to show what it looks like (and no shaders this time)
Once again, thanks a lot for your detailed feedback!
Today I uploaded a small follow-up patch which adds the missing textures for mossy stairs, slabs and walls. It also changes oak slabs so they use the same connected top/bottom texture that is used for bookshelves and it fixes some issues with my wall models.
Yep, that's all. And with that being the last patch this year I wish you a Happy New Year!
This one adds three new sets: Blackstone, Copper and Bricks.
The Blackstone Set consists of normal, polished and gilded Blackstone as well as Bricks and their cracked and chiseled variants. Stairs, Slabs, Walls, Plates and Buttons also have new textures. Pressure Plates have a slightly altered model when activated and buttons have a completely new one.
Bricks and Cracked Bricks have a slightly altered version in the Nether, which will connect to each other, so that Bastions won't look broken.
Copper receives new textures for its normal and cut blocks in all stages. Again, Stairs, Slabs and also Double Slabs have custom textures. Sadly different stages don't connect to each other, but I might find a way to do this.
While in vanilla Brick Blocks, Stairs, Slabs, Double Slabs and Walls all use one texture, I managed to have them utilize 18 textures, not counting CTM files. This is nothing particular for Bricks. Since Beta 4, all Sets have received such a treatment, as you can see in previous posts.
In addition to these Sets, I have also done some textures for furnaces and barrels. Lit and unlit furnaces will even connect to each other.
Hope you like these new additions. My next plan is to do some nature- and nether-related textures.
As teased in the forum post update, many interface elements have been updated. The main menu now has a shiny new metal look and the hotbar and exp-bar have received vast improvements as well.
However, the largest part of this update probably is the new deepslate set which has the highest number of unique models so far. The base color turned out to be very dark, but I like how the deeper parts of the underground feel much more dangerous now. I added brighter elements to most artificial block, to add contrast. I also tried to make bricks and tiles connect to their cracked counterparts using overlays, but after spending way to much time on this endeavor I figured it's just not possible to do this with full ctm textures. I wanted this connectivity, so that ancient cities don't look messed up, but now I will instead add simpler brick and tile variants in a future update, which only apply to deep dark biomes (similar to how I treated blackstone in nether bastions)
I hope you like stones because there's more of them in this update. Specifically the original trio of granite, andesite and diorite has been fully reworked. Now there are distinct differences between natural stones while artificial variants look more similar but still have a unique style each. Natural stones also double as a clean floor for interiors, if you hide the edges.
I also added a new painting and reworked the grass, which now has a slight 3D effect. The painting is a reference to a small server I used to play on a lot but has closed last year. I plan to do more paintings in this style
As part of the deepslate set, I also added reinforced deepslate. Since Optifine hasn't updated to 1.19 yet I can't 100% confirm this texture to work correctly. In the screenshot below, the textures have been applied to crimson planks for the purpose of demonstration. The corresponding block model has not been added to the release version.
Screenshots, Videos, Streams and other forms of recording with this pack active may be published on any platform.
Assets of this pack may be customised and repurposed for personal use only.
This pack or assets of this pack, edited or not, may not be published anywhere, unless I give my personal consent.
Legacy versions of this pack are handled under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA License instead.
Legacy versions are marked as Alpha on Curseforge.
It's great, I hope you continue this time.
With which program do you do these textures? I like the bright colors^^
Hey there, haven't been active for quite a while now, but decided to peek in once more before the forum closes.
Thank you. Yes, I'm still working on it, not as much or regularly as I'd like to, but still making progress. Fittingly I racked up enough for another update, so here we go:
Added Quartz and Shulker Boxes as well as a lot of icons, buttons and other interface elements. Also I added GUIs for Survival and Creative inventory, Chests and Shulker Boxes (same as chests though).
I'm using Blender to model my "textures" in 3D, then render them with and without AA and mix them at roughly 40:60 ratio.
I try to go for a semi-realistic and very pristine, almost noble look, that feels warm and friendly. Saturated colors generaly help with this.
Glad you like my choice.
My word I love this pack. I unabashedly have an affinity for Art Deco and this pack is spectacular. I don't even play MC much anymore but I'm going to be following this with keen interest just for how beautiful it is!!!
I'm rather intrigued by the way you render your textures. I don't think I've ever seen a pack built using 3d rendering before. It's very unique and extremely cool. And while unorthodox, there's no arguing with the results! Gorgeous designs!
Thank you very much for making this. It has a permanent place in my inspirational art folder!
Holy crap, this looks amazing. I'm super impressed (and jealous)!
That tiered end table is incredible.
Any chance your textures/models would be open license for other (*ahemthisoneahem*) packs?
Owner & Creator of Aquain, a huge underwater city on the Opticraft server. Check out info on my underwater city here. Also creator of an art deco-like resource pack to go along with the city. Help me develop my resource pack here.
Thanks a lot for the warm words! It always helps to stay motivated.
I'm kinda bad at drawing but I have been messing with 3D programs for over 10 years, so that's basically why I made this choice.
I've added License Terms to the (completely rewritten) main post. You're free to use any of my old textures from the 2015 pack.
Hope you find somehting that fits your style.
Hello, I'm back.
So, after I went under the radar for a while I thought it was time to re-emerge and show that this pack is still (somewhat) alive.
I mean, we're back in the 20's after all...
And with that, here's some new textures I've finished in the meantime:
The new leaves model took quite some time to get right, but I really wanted something more realistic, and something unique. The model isn't final yet and could use some variants, but I consider it good enough for now. The tulips also have a custom model, with their head being more 3D and perfectly visible from straight above. Tall grass has also been changed to be more natural. Next plan for natural textures is to finish the other flowers and to give grass blocks more diversity.
This update also adds new doors and trapdoors for both birch and spruce. I plan on giving each type of wood a unique style, including basic planks, and I think I will make it my main priority for the next update (which hopefully won't take another 10 month..).
Smaller additions have also been added. In this picture you can see, that netherbrick ctm has been improved and custom textures for walls and fences have been added. There's still a bit more in this update, but I think that's enough pictures for one post.
As before, feedback is always appreciated. Hope you have a great day, and stay healhy.
My word those look awesome!
I think the only feedback that I could give would be that some of the wall textures look a bit too flat. Maybe bump the contrast a little bit? But that aside they look fantastic and I'd love to build with them!
I haven't played Minecraft in a while, but I'm definitely going to have to dust it off if this pack ever comes out. That's something to look forward to.
Best wishes on getting this finished Falkers! And you stay safe and healthy as well.
Good theme, very nice. Please check Horta, Toorop, Mucha and Klimt.
this looks insanely cool. thats really all i gotta say.
Hey there, just casually dropping in to bring another update.
As mentioned in a previous post, my focus on this one was to give each wood type a unique style. So, I have created different textures not only for each type, but also for many other blocks within their respective ‘set’ – Stairs, slabs, doors, trapdoors, and fences to be precise. A lot of models had to be adapted for this, fences even got a new one. Each of them.
Bookshelves and ladders have also been thrown in the mix.
In addition, stone bricks and cobblestone have received a similar treatment with a lot of textures being added for stairs, slabs, and walls. The stone bricks themselves, as well as their variants, had their old textures replaced with new ones and they even connect to each other.
Below are some pictures to showcase most of these additions
...as you can see, I've been playing with shaders for a while now. Should I post images with or without them?
PS: this may come a bit late, but thanks again for your feedback!
Those look fantastic! I really appreciate packs where you can build using a relatively small selection of common without it looking monotonous or lame. Having those variations makes building something respectable in the early game so much easier and more enjoyable.
And of course these just look fantastic overall! I love the subtle hue variation in what I'm guessing are either the jungle or acacia planks. And is that white room made mostly of birch? Like... that skylight... are those birch trapdoors? Because that is amazing and I want to live there right now!
I'd like to give a critique but, well, I'm honestly struggling to find anything negative to say. Your pack is beautiful!
I'd personally prefer screenshots without shaders. A 2-second bucket fill pack looks decent with shaders, so they kinda tend to skew people's perceptions. Plus not everyone can run them so unless your pack requires shaders to function I'd say that it'd be best to post updates without. Or both with and without if you feel like doing the extra work. But that's just my opinion on the matter.
And you're very welcome for the feedback.
Improving early game was exactly my thought here. Personally I prefer survival over creative and having such a limited pallete at the beginning really killed my motivation in previous sessions. That's why it was so important for me to have these starting materials already offer a good range of possibilities. The first picture in my previous post is a good example for a starter base and the third one is what I'm building at the moment (still quite early in the game).
The wood in picture #2 is all birch and the red-ish wood in #4 is acacia. I completey left out jungle wood, so here's another pic to show what it looks like (and no shaders this time)
Once again, thanks a lot for your detailed feedback!
My God! I tested the new version... it is impressive! Congratulations Falkers! Once again you have created a high quality resourcepack.
Hey, hope you had some great holidays!
Today I uploaded a small follow-up patch which adds the missing textures for mossy stairs, slabs and walls. It also changes oak slabs so they use the same connected top/bottom texture that is used for bookshelves and it fixes some issues with my wall models.
Yep, that's all. And with that being the last patch this year I wish you a Happy New Year!
Hello there, I've done another update. (finally)
This one adds three new sets: Blackstone, Copper and Bricks.
The Blackstone Set consists of normal, polished and gilded Blackstone as well as Bricks and their cracked and chiseled variants. Stairs, Slabs, Walls, Plates and Buttons also have new textures. Pressure Plates have a slightly altered model when activated and buttons have a completely new one.
Bricks and Cracked Bricks have a slightly altered version in the Nether, which will connect to each other, so that Bastions won't look broken.
Copper receives new textures for its normal and cut blocks in all stages. Again, Stairs, Slabs and also Double Slabs have custom textures. Sadly different stages don't connect to each other, but I might find a way to do this.
While in vanilla Brick Blocks, Stairs, Slabs, Double Slabs and Walls all use one texture, I managed to have them utilize 18 textures, not counting CTM files. This is nothing particular for Bricks. Since Beta 4, all Sets have received such a treatment, as you can see in previous posts.
In addition to these Sets, I have also done some textures for furnaces and barrels. Lit and unlit furnaces will even connect to each other.
Hope you like these new additions. My next plan is to do some nature- and nether-related textures.
Wow really well done.
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Hey there,
no new version yet, but I updated the main post with new images and graphics.
Also, while testing textures I apparently got the "Minceraft"-Thing
Hello there, I finished the next update!
As teased in the forum post update, many interface elements have been updated. The main menu now has a shiny new metal look and the hotbar and exp-bar have received vast improvements as well.
However, the largest part of this update probably is the new deepslate set which has the highest number of unique models so far. The base color turned out to be very dark, but I like how the deeper parts of the underground feel much more dangerous now. I added brighter elements to most artificial block, to add contrast. I also tried to make bricks and tiles connect to their cracked counterparts using overlays, but after spending way to much time on this endeavor I figured it's just not possible to do this with full ctm textures. I wanted this connectivity, so that ancient cities don't look messed up, but now I will instead add simpler brick and tile variants in a future update, which only apply to deep dark biomes (similar to how I treated blackstone in nether bastions)
I hope you like stones because there's more of them in this update. Specifically the original trio of granite, andesite and diorite has been fully reworked. Now there are distinct differences between natural stones while artificial variants look more similar but still have a unique style each. Natural stones also double as a clean floor for interiors, if you hide the edges.
As part of the deepslate set, I also added reinforced deepslate. Since Optifine hasn't updated to 1.19 yet I can't 100% confirm this texture to work correctly. In the screenshot below, the textures have been applied to crimson planks for the purpose of demonstration. The corresponding block model has not been added to the release version.