maybe once you've finished this you could go over and sphaxify the textures because i use the sphax texture pack alot
Aaw I'm sorry I was never planning to redo this pack to go with other packs.
I would only redo a mod's texture pack if there was a lot and if I was planning to use it! :0
That and I love dinosaurs so it was kinda fun to do too!
Can someone help me to install this? I know the instructions say to put the "fossils" folder in a "mods" folder in the texture pack, my problem is there is no mods folder in the resource pack I'm installing (I'm getting it from this forum, so I'm assuming it's the correct version). I tried googling how, with no luck.
Can someone help me to install this? I know the instructions say to put the "fossils" folder in a "mods" folder in the texture pack, my problem is there is no mods folder in the resource pack I'm installing (I'm getting it from this forum, so I'm assuming it's the correct version). I tried googling how, with no luck.
This texture pack was made more specifically in 1.5.2 so the way of doing it is outdated. Open your resource pack folder and pick the resource pack you want to use it with. Take the fossils folder and just put it in the assets folder and it'll patch the texture pack.
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Click here to view my 32x32 mob texture pack for the Fossils and Archeology
Looks like the texture pack is different after 1.5.2 i wasn't aware of that.
But it looks like you can still manually add the textures to the .jar file!
Open the faithful pack: > assets > minecraft > textures
Then the fossil pack:
TPack32x32_Fossil-Archeology.rar > fossil > textures
I didn't test it myself I don't have forge anymore but I'm pretty sure dragging the 3 files from the textures I redid and adding them to the faithful's textures will work. That's pretty much what you would do for 1.5.2 but instead of dragging the files in the texture folder you would add them to a folder named Mods. Hope this works!
will this pack work for the new 1.6.4 version if converted into a resource pack? If not I can wait for 1.6.4 textures.
I have noooo idea how to make it with the way textures are so easily added to the game now. I would just add it to the pack i'm using because I don't know any better. :x
I tried to put it onto my minecraft Fossils and Archeology world and it won't actually show up so that i can put it into my game. Any reason why it won't work for me? I really like the textures. I have the regular Faithful, and I know of a Youtuber who uses the texture pack, and it looks really awesome. I would really like some help with installing it. Please help me. Thanks. -ThePugManchu (Big fan of the Fossisl and Archeology mod)
I have noooo idea how to make it with the way textures are so easily added to the game now. I would just add it to the pack i'm using because I don't know any better. :x
Hey w00lies it's been awhile. Do you intend to keep updating this pack? Also to get it to work on resource packs do this. Step one open the assets folder of the faifthful texture pack and open Woolies's. Take the fossil folder from woolies's pack and just plop it inside the assets folder of the faithful pack. Bam easy patch no hardcore required.
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Click here to view my 32x32 mob texture pack for the Fossils and Archeology
Thanks Woolies, I had no idea you where doing this and in all truth I have spent the last 3 hours looking for something I could replace the F&A fossil/ skull / Analyzer & other utilities tables blocks with something close to them as to improve consistency with my higher resolution / resource packs I am using, the fossil and archeology mod is great and I really think the team behind its current v6.2+ is doing a good job in keeping it consistent with the overall Minecraft look, however, I am more then ready to move to an "HD" type look with shaders, so again, THANK YOU for the initiative I will be using this stuff a lot and I hope you can bring most if not all items from F/A up to speed.
Bluestreak52, thanks for the informative troubleshooting post, it actually helped me too.
Raptorfarian, thanks for the dino textures, I appreciate the options you give for my dinos and I am familiar with your work for quite sometime.
im having trouble installing this pack. i followed the directions in that little text file that told me to drag the "fossil" file to the "mods" folder but it still wont work. can i get some help?
The bone armor is done. Not the actual armor that you wear but the items!
Raptorfarian update on the dino skins:
Aaw I'm sorry I was never planning to redo this pack to go with other packs.
I would only redo a mod's texture pack if there was a lot and if I was planning to use it! :0
That and I love dinosaurs so it was kinda fun to do too!
Raptorfarian is taking care of the dinosaur skins I just did the blocks and items.
I agree I've been waiting for a BDCraft of the F/A mod for a while, that would be great.
This texture pack was made more specifically in 1.5.2 so the way of doing it is outdated. Open your resource pack folder and pick the resource pack you want to use it with. Take the fossils folder and just put it in the assets folder and it'll patch the texture pack.
Click here to view my 32x32 mob texture pack for the Fossils and Archeology

User > AppData > Roaming > .minecraft > resourcepacks > faithful32pack
So where do I put it?
But it looks like you can still manually add the textures to the .jar file!
Open the faithful pack: > assets > minecraft > textures
Then the fossil pack:
TPack32x32_Fossil-Archeology.rar > fossil > textures
I didn't test it myself I don't have forge anymore but I'm pretty sure dragging the 3 files from the textures I redid and adding them to the faithful's textures will work. That's pretty much what you would do for 1.5.2 but instead of dragging the files in the texture folder you would add them to a folder named Mods. Hope this works!
I have noooo idea how to make it with the way textures are so easily added to the game now. I would just add it to the pack i'm using because I don't know any better. :x
I want to know if those skins are outdated and if I can get some help with it.
Love the Pachy Tho....the black skin and orange eyes made me love it!
Love your work, keep it up!
Hey w00lies it's been awhile. Do you intend to keep updating this pack? Also to get it to work on resource packs do this. Step one open the assets folder of the faifthful texture pack and open Woolies's. Take the fossil folder from woolies's pack and just plop it inside the assets folder of the faithful pack. Bam easy patch no hardcore required.
Click here to view my 32x32 mob texture pack for the Fossils and Archeology

Bluestreak52, thanks for the informative troubleshooting post, it actually helped me too.
Raptorfarian, thanks for the dino textures, I appreciate the options you give for my dinos and I am familiar with your work for quite sometime.