This is craziness! I can't express to you how glad I am to see a new texture pack out there that's really quality, even though I kind of just did. I really like the armour and all the rest of the terrain. The only suggestion I have is not to have green doors. I like the wooden look you have for the "light" version.
Lol Liam, Cormac (since you both use the same account it gets confusing)
Yo popular texture pack is popular!
And I'm glad that it's getting new bricks.
The old ones weren't bad, but I like the new look!
Also, if you ever need pics for the front page, I have plenty:
Thanks man and stays awesome :3
Do a pre-release I CANNOT WAIT FOR THE UPDATE haha
I want something substancial before I release an update, just because updating each version is a pain.
Also I can't figure out how to make a customizer... If anyone knows...
Lol Liam, Cormac (since you both use the same account it gets confusing)
Yo popular texture pack is popular!
And I'm glad that it's getting new bricks.
The old ones weren't bad, but I like the new look!
Also, if you ever need pics for the front page, I have plenty:
It's Liam here! I should probably let you know who is who!
Haha Thanks for the comment, and yeah, send me the linkie dinkies (why did I say that?) and I'll chuck 'em in
I am so close to getting a usable water texture! I can feel it in my bones....Also have done some ore animations, most of this pack will be animated, hopefully; if anyone cares to know
I know that this is still in BETA, but it has one glaring issue that needs to be taken care of before it goes to the final version. The new sandstone textures are in the wrong place. Currently the heiroglyph sandstone texture is completely transparent because the image is in the wrong place.
All thats needed is to move the sandstone textures so that they lign up under the circular stone brick rather than the new wood.
I know that this is still in BETA, but it has one glaring issue that needs to be taken care of before it goes to the final version. The new sandstone textures are in the wrong place. Currently the heiroglyph sandstone texture is completely transparent because the image is in the wrong place.
All thats needed is to move the sandstone textures so that they lign up under the circular stone brick rather than the new wood.
Thanks, and keep up the good work.
Noticed that myself, all taken care of in the coming update Take a look at the screens, they wont be hieroglyphs rather alternate bricks as to break up the tileyness
Hey, I just downloaded your texture pack, and I love it. However, all water blocks are completely invisible. I can see particles floating but no water. Any idea how to fix this?
Hey, I just downloaded your texture pack, and I love it. However, all water blocks are completely invisible. I can see particles floating but no water. Any idea how to fix this?
Yeah, no water, so in Mcpatcher there should be (under the option tab) an option to patch default water.
I'll be doing the animation in a later version (read the post!)
Haha, Thank you!
Awesome! I'll put it on the main post
Yo popular texture pack is popular!
And I'm glad that it's getting new bricks.
The old ones weren't bad, but I like the new look!
Also, if you ever need pics for the front page, I have plenty:
Do a pre-release I CANNOT WAIT FOR THE UPDATE haha
Really? Because it's the exact same as what I'm using. It seems the URL might be stuffy. Try it again, and I'll also have a look.
Yes, the URl is all over the place, try it again, I'm not sure what is up with it because for me it works.
Also thank you for using my banner!
Haha, thank you
The looks will change and advance over time, so it'll (hopefully) get better and better as time goes on
I want something substancial before I release an update, just because updating each version is a pain.
Also I can't figure out how to make a customizer... If anyone knows...
It's Liam here! I should probably let you know who is who!
Haha Thanks for the comment, and yeah, send me the linkie dinkies (why did I say that?) and I'll chuck 'em in
I am so close to getting a usable water texture! I can feel it in my bones....Also have done some ore animations, most of this pack will be animated, hopefully; if anyone cares to know
Thanks man
[I is a hardcore Witcher fan XD]
So much works, so little time ;_; So much works, so little time ;_; wehhhh
All thats needed is to move the sandstone textures so that they lign up under the circular stone brick rather than the new wood.
Thanks, and keep up the good work.
Noticed that myself, all taken care of in the coming update
Hardcore Witcher fan you say? Good work. Love that series...
Getting the collector's edition for Xbox, even though I have it on PC... Haha
Cheers man
Yeah, no water, so in Mcpatcher there should be (under the option tab) an option to patch default water.
I'll be doing the animation in a later version (read the post!)
Soon! I've been working hard on armour, new GUI and some general tweaks.
Next few days, for sure.
Thank you!
No worries!
Working on mobs as we speak, so next update should be speedy and content packed!
Thanks man!
Mobs are looking very, very creepy.
Very Tim Burton inspired!