We will try to keep as many textures the same as possible, but it may become necessary to edit some of the preexisting textures to fit in more with what we plan. For example, we plan on swapping the nether brick and nether quartz textures, to better show that the abandoned research centers in H.E.L.L. are actually ruined, and you can get some of the organic metal from the ground.
DeWolf you have to be a part of the team for that
Also, we plan on altering the Iron Block so that its texture only shows if connected to another block.
DeWolf as i said earlier we are going to use ctm so that we can fully combine both packs for the benefit of the player.
Ok I will be back in like a little while -.- gotta update the lang.
Can't because I can't use Skype and I'm only going to tell you what to do I didn't say anything about actually doing it (in a nutshell consider this a supply drop not an application) Besides I don't have the time focus nor skill at texturing needed to be a part of the team.
Oh wait I jut thought of how the sentry idea with the brewing stand and of course changing the the blaze dust textures make sense. The blaze is a laser/plasma sentry which would make the rods the laser/plasma emmission conduits/guns with the dust texture being their batteries.
I thought I might put forward a suggestion that I made in the old pack:
Passive Mob Idea: Beast of Burden (Sheep)
The base texture of the animal is simply a goat, with the sheep's wool texture a color-coded "saddle-bag" style container. When sheared, appropriate wool (which are objects instead of wool, as per the core 'non-vanilla' pack) drops. That way, wool can be whatever you want it to be, and we won't have the oddity of shearing duct-work off of sheep.
Can't because I can't use Skype and I'm only going to tell you what to do I didn't say anything about actually doing it (in a nutshell consider this a supply drop not an application) Besides I don't have the time focus nor skill at texturing needed to be a part of the team.
Tell that information to Bruce_and_a_Moose, Crecs, and Gamin_Wombat.
they need to know this stuff.
Will be awaiting this texture pack with great delight. I loved how it made the entire world of Minecraft into something completely different.
Yes, I can wait, but I do want to ask-- the changelog says you made a 1.6 compatible pack? Is that for private use so you can edit or is there supposed to be a download somewhere?
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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I will add the link to the converted pack tomorrow.
Gonna revamp the topic with all the dl links.
We do have a converted pack that is just a converted pack, which will be put up for download.
We will however have a pack that will be released when all the bugs are fixed and the lang and sounds are fixed.
This will be Version 1.0
The ETA on 1.0 is about 2+ weeks, depending on what we can do for now.
If the time is extended for any reason, then I will upload whatever is available at that moment, to allow for the enjoyment of people before 1.0 comes out.
Also, we are currently on Version 0.253.
And yes it is exactly that and i do keep that accurate of records.
TEiH Will not be supported by us, as we would have to make an entire pack from scratch.
Just use last days if you want the idea of TEiH.
We wouldn't have to start completely from scratch. Also, I may be interested in making TEiH sometime in the faaar future, after the completion of TEiEN and some work done to TEiEV
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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TEiEV will be put together with TEiEN and it will be our pack.
We will use ctm to implement every texture from both packs into the pack.
Also, while we may not have to start from scratch, we would still have to redo most of the textures to fit in with it, and i would rather not have a competitor with Last Days.UGH
Im sick >
I wont be able to get anything done today
Yeah, I like the idea of having the actual carpet 'blocks' (well, 1/16th of a block, anyway) be carpet, while the wool blocks are the more useful-in-creative gadgets. Does make less sense in Survival, making green carpet out of duct work, but oh well! Small potatos at that point.
Actually, speaking of potatoes, is the whole canned-raw potato switch on the bug fix list? It's a bit silly planting cans of potatoes, and eating the raw ones...
Yeah, I like the idea of having the actual carpet 'blocks' (well, 1/16th of a block, anyway) be carpet, while the wool blocks are the more useful-in-creative gadgets. Does make less sense in Survival, making green carpet out of duct work, but oh well! Small potatos at that point.
Actually, speaking of potatoes, is the whole canned-raw potato switch on the bug fix list? It's a bit silly planting cans of potatoes, and eating the raw ones...
I think the "raw" ones are actually cooked but yeah the textures are switched for some reason.
TEiH Will not be supported by us, as we would have to make an entire pack from scratch.
Just use last days if you want the idea of TEiH.
If there is one thing I'm good at its improvising.
One more thing is it possible for there to be a third iron golem texture of the original second texture where there was a skull painted on the front.
Idea for hay bale/box of tomatoes. Inspiration in grocery stores there would be cardboard boxes filled with the variouse produce. Side of the box would be The side of a cardboard box with an image of perhaps a farmer with a tomato and the top and bottom are the flaps.
i think the coal block should be textured as a bunch of semi-burnt wood, roped together with a cloth line of some sort...
that would be awesome i guess and would fit the theme.
also, i sent my application.
Can't because I can't use Skype and I'm only going to tell you what to do I didn't say anything about actually doing it (in a nutshell consider this a supply drop not an application) Besides I don't have the time focus nor skill at texturing needed to be a part of the team.
Great idea
gonna use it :3
that all right?
Tell that information to Bruce_and_a_Moose, Crecs, and Gamin_Wombat.
they need to know this stuff.
Got it.
And also the Zombiecraft 3 mod, that would be a great idea and would be more related to the theme than herblore
Working on Resource pack jdCraft
Yes, I can wait, but I do want to ask-- the changelog says you made a 1.6 compatible pack? Is that for private use so you can edit or is there supposed to be a download somewhere?
Just curious!
Gonna revamp the topic with all the dl links.
We do have a converted pack that is just a converted pack, which will be put up for download.
We will however have a pack that will be released when all the bugs are fixed and the lang and sounds are fixed.
This will be Version 1.0
The ETA on 1.0 is about 2+ weeks, depending on what we can do for now.
If the time is extended for any reason, then I will upload whatever is available at that moment, to allow for the enjoyment of people before 1.0 comes out.
Also, we are currently on Version 0.253.
And yes it is exactly that and i do keep that accurate of records.
Sounds good to me!
Just use last days if you want the idea of TEiH.
We wouldn't have to start completely from scratch. Also, I may be interested in making TEiH sometime in the faaar future, after the completion of TEiEN and some work done to TEiEV
TEiEV will be put together with TEiEN and it will be our pack.
We will use ctm to implement every texture from both packs into the pack.
Also, while we may not have to start from scratch, we would still have to redo most of the textures to fit in with it, and i would rather not have a competitor with Last Days.UGH
Im sick >
I wont be able to get anything done today
Actually, speaking of potatoes, is the whole canned-raw potato switch on the bug fix list? It's a bit silly planting cans of potatoes, and eating the raw ones...
I think the "raw" ones are actually cooked but yeah the textures are switched for some reason.
If there is one thing I'm good at its improvising.
One more thing is it possible for there to be a third iron golem texture of the original second texture where there was a skull painted on the front.
I think we will either use that idea or the one santiago said
3 rows of tomato preserves stacked ontop of eachother.
that would be awesome i guess and would fit the theme.
also, i sent my application.