The thing is lemon. If you are extracting the whole pack, you can delete right there what you don't plan to make. Then just copy that to the resource folder. You don't need to re-make what you already have.
So you extract the assets folder.. delete what you don't plan to edit.. then... what is left to delete in your view? More stuff? What? I don't get that part. It's not more work, it's keeping things tidy and neat.
I have everything I need right in one place, the folder for glendale, the 32x re-make, a folder for mod support that inside that has every mod in it's own folder and so on, then I have a folder of all my .psd files.
Then, THEN the best part. a SHORTCUT right to the resaurcepack folder! *GASP*
So in the end, I have this
and it don't ballz up or clutter the resourcepacks folder. I also don't have to poke photoshop to go neck deep to edit textures each time, and then back again for normal work, and so on. It's hardly any work at all really.
Plus I don't know about you but I like having two copies of the pack, and it's a good idea to keep a back up of what you do anyways so if you edit a texture and end up not liking it you can go back to the older copy. Once you get it good, then you copy it over so you have a dupe save. Also nice and easy located in one place to back up onto my external drive or laptop if I am on the go.
I dunno, as a graphic designer we always have to keep back ups and have a work flow like this.
Plus again, if I ever have to re-install the game? "Oh wait, did I back up the resource packs? Oh wait there not saved in there anyho, don't matter!"
The thing is lemon. If you are extracting the whole pack, you can delete right there what you don't plan to make. Then just copy that to the resource folder. You don't need to re-make what you already have.
So you extract the assets folder.. delete what you don't plan to edit.. then... what is left to delete in your view? More stuff? What? I don't get that part. It's not more work, it's keeping things tidy and neat.
Ok, say you want to make a pack with just a few different blocks. So, you copy over the entire assets folder, and then delete all of the other folders inside of the minecraft folder that you don't need (so everything but the "textures folder".
But wait, there's still a bunch of stuff you don't need in the textures folder, so you delete all of the folders besides the "blocks" folder.
Again, now you're in the blocks folder, and you only need a few things, so you delete everything besides that.
Honestly, creating and then renaming folders is less of a hassle (IMO) than copying everything over and then deleting what you don't need.
Plus I don't know about you but I like having two copies of the pack, and it's a good idea to keep a back up of what you do anyways so if you edit a texture and end up not liking it you can go back to the older copy. Once you get it good, then you copy it over so you have a dupe save. Also nice and easy located in one place to back up onto my external drive or laptop if I am on the go.
I dunno, as a graphic designer we always have to keep back ups and have a work flow like this.
Plus again, if I ever have to re-install the game? "Oh wait, did I back up the resource packs? Oh wait there not saved in there anyho, don't matter!"
Backups of this are certainly no issue for me. Drive and Curse both have file history in which I can download older versions of a file. I also have a (very old) "dev" version on drive, an older version on mediafire, and soon I'll the current version on Dropbox as a "14w11b backup" version for people who (wanting custom block models) are waiting for MCpatcher to be updated to the soon-to-be snapshot coming out next. I also have the most recent .zip inside of my pack folder, and older versions in my resource pack folder and downloads folder respectively. In addition, I have a folder dedicated to manual .zip backups of older versions, one called,, and a zip+folder that have both the 1.6 textures folder and a terrain.png, maybe I'll add to it again soon.
So I have both backups, and instant gratification with my work. I don't see how you can work any other way, if I had to copy over my pack every time it'd be quite an annoyance.
As for re-installing, why would you delete your resourcepacks folder in the first place? Usually the only thing you ever need to delete is the versions folder.
and it don't ballz up or clutter the resourcepacks folder. I also don't have to poke photoshop to go neck deep to edit textures each time, and then back again for normal work, and so on. It's hardly any work at all really.
How does it "clutter" your resourcepacks folder? It's 1 folder, and you're copying it over (or a .zip) anyways! If you want to keep your .PSDs in a folder offsite fine (I have a "texture sources" folder in my documents folder where I keep my .XCFs), but I don't see the point in having your working folder for your main pack somewhere else, when that just decreases your workflow by making testing more annoying.
I don't see why this would be an issue unless you use other artists' resource packs more than your own, to the point where you just test it and then immediately delete the file from your resourcepacks folder, because otherwise there is no benefit to a workflow that you're saying. Even then, I'm not sure why you wouldn't just use a texture folder (which would differentiate itself from downloaded packs in the file view) and give the folder a name beginning with "z" (which would make it last on the in-game list), unless that one item is such a bother to you.
"I'm an outsider by choice, but not truly.
It’s the unpleasantness of the system that keeps me out.
I’d rather be in, in a good system. That’s where my discontent comes from:
being forced to choose to stay outside.
My advice: Just keep movin’ straight ahead.
Every now and then you find yourself in a different place."
-George Carlin
You -delete what you don't need- BEFORE copying it over.
I also don't want my stuff split up. I don't want my pack stuffed in one location and my PSD's stuffed in another yada yada. I want it all in one spot, one easy to back up location so it in ONE folder I just have to grab and place on my exturnal drive or laptop. Not 'oh shoot I forgot about this folder stashed in this other location!"
Also you seem to forget, unless users have the option of viewing hidden folders, photoshop, gimp, etc wont be able to easily navigate into the appdata folder.
I also rather not be pushing photoshop to snake into C:\Users\________\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\resourcepacks
when all my normal work flow files for you know, work are in folders right in C:\Design\________
Again, ONE folder with -everything- in it that I can just as quickly grab and go.
So having my pack in C:\Minecraft\Glendale\ + everything else MC related ie. FTB, MaultiMC5, the minecraft client, again all in one location. I can just grab the Minecraft foolder and bam, it's all backed up.
Rather than go here to back up this folder, go there to back that one up, did I forget any?
You have your stuff all over the place, I have all mine in one location that is easy to find and grab, with out needing a INTERNET connection, with out having to download the whole pack again if I changed ONE texture and opted I didn't like it and wanted to go back to the older one.
Nope I have a zip of the current released pack, and a folder thats currently being worked on, and a quick hop over through the shortcut to test stuff.
But you still also, even if you want to work directly into the resourcepack folder, you -do not- have to make dupe folders, when you can -copy what you extracted- and DELETE what you don't want to use!
I do need help on some sections. I have labeled the sections I need help with.
If you see this:
(NOT FINISHED YET, More Coming Soon)
Need help with this section!
then it means I need help. Any and all help will be appreciated for those following sections. Just post a comment saying which section(s) you want to help with and post the information. If it's good and helpful, then I'll add it.
No problem. I hope it helps people out a lot. I decided to update it after Steelfeathers said she couldn't update her guide. Her guide helped me, and I want to help the texturing & resource pack community out alot. So I have a took the liberty of (trying) to update her guide & add a new stuff to it.
No problem. I hope it helps people out a lot. I decided to update it after Steelfeathers said she couldn't update her guide. Her guide helped me, and I want to help the texturing & resource pack community out alot. So I have a took the liberty of (trying) to update her guide & add a new stuff to it.
Are you providing it for use in the tutorial only or for the tutorial & as a download for other people to use?
It is free to download and use (it is an image, after all).
This is quickly turning into a worthy successor to the previous thread. It's nice to have something to point new people to again.
Keep up the good work Markacashion!
Thanks (about the pinned).
I hope it does fully turn into Steelfeathers' Texturing Guide thread successor. It still has some work, but I hope I can finish it & keep it updated. I will need the help of the community for some sections or at time when I can't update it(like when I'm on vacation for instance). But I will try to make it a successor to the previous thread as it was extremely helpful to me, & seeing it not updated, & it not being helpful to other people, I decided to update it (with Steelfeathers' permission of course).
Well I think I have found the MinecraftForum Thread Limit. I think I need to post stuff in the comment section (will have links to the comments in the OP).
EDIT: Now I some how got pass the "CONTENT_TOO_LONG" problem I was having.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
I just wanted to tell you that, though there is a lot of stuff that yet needs to be added, I'm very grateful that there's something like this being made.
Update News:
I'm currently getting ready for my Senior Finals and jobs not helping me have a lot of free time to do other stuff. I'm basically either studying, filling college stuff out, at high school, at work, or sleeping. RARELY do I have time to get MinecraftForums. I'm not giving up on updating this guide(I'll still be updating this thread). I just will not be able to edit/finish updating this thread for the next few weeks. I might be able to get on and edit something something small, but I will not be able to do big sections.
BUT I will NOT stop updating this page. I will finish this page! I just am currently busy with more important matters at hands.
These are the existing model arguments as of 14w18a. Note that these may change with future snapshots.
Files in /models/block contain these lines:
"model": "string", name of model mesh file the variant will use
"x": int, rotation of model around the x-axis in degrees. Valid rotations are: 0, 90, 180, 270
"y": int, rotation of model around the y-axis in degrees. Valid rotations are: 0, 90, 180, 270
Files in /models/block/meshes define models and contain these lines
"useAmbientOcclusion": true/false, enables AO
"inventoryRender3D": true/false, if false, renders the down face in inventory
"rotateVariantTextures": true/false, if false, UV mappings will not rotate with the model
"randomOffsetX": true/false, enables random offset on the x-axis
"randomOffsetY": true/false, enables random offset on the y-axis
"randomOffsetZ": true/false, enables random offset on the z-axis
"elements": [array], list of cubes in the model
"type": "string", defines element type. Valid types are "cube", "plane" (Note: plane may not be supported in 1.8 full)
"from": [array], lowest vertex, in float values [x,y,z]
"to": [array], highest vertex, in float values [x,y,z]
"origin": [array], rotation origin, in float values [x,y,z]
"rotation": [array], rotation around the x,y,z axis, respectively. Valid rotations are: -45, -22.5, 0, 22.5, 45
"rescaleRotation": true/false, rescales rotation to a cube instead of a sphere
"shade": true/false, enables shading on the cube. Not to be confused with AO
"faceData": {object}, the six faces of the cube
"down": {object}, a face. "down" can be replaced with: up, north, south, east, west
"uv": [array], texture coordinates, given in float values [x1, y1, x2, y2]
"textureFacing": "string", the texture used. Valid textures are: down, up, north, south, east, west
"rotation": int, the texture rotation. Valid rotations are: 0, 90, 180, 270
"cull": true/false, if false, disables interblock culling
"tint": true/false, enables biome shading, if applicable
"overlay": true/false, enables overlay texture, if applicable
"tintOverlay": true/false, enables biome shading on overlay textures, if applicable
You can also customize the 3D block models of every block.
(NOT FINISHED YET, More Coming Soon)
(More Updates Coming Soon!!!)
Considering this a guide to texturing, and this is a huge topic on its own, could you link to my guide on the topic? I know it still needs some work, but I've waited on that because the model format still isn't done yet, specifically texture specification which should make things much easier/better.
EDIT: Also, noticed a couple of issues with the language section.
You need to mention that the existing languages can be edited by including a file with that name, and that language files don't need to include every line, but just what they edit. The game will happily use the rest of the lines from the default version of the language.
For instance, as with your example, if you made a text file with
in it, and renamed that en_US.lang then put it in the lang folder of your pack, it would just rename the emerald. To override it in all English versions, you also need this file copy+paste+renamed as en_GB.lang, en_AU.lang, and en_CA.lang
"I'm an outsider by choice, but not truly.
It’s the unpleasantness of the system that keeps me out.
I’d rather be in, in a good system. That’s where my discontent comes from:
being forced to choose to stay outside.
My advice: Just keep movin’ straight ahead.
Every now and then you find yourself in a different place."
-George Carlin
So you extract the assets folder.. delete what you don't plan to edit.. then... what is left to delete in your view? More stuff? What? I don't get that part. It's not more work, it's keeping things tidy and neat.
I have everything I need right in one place, the folder for glendale, the 32x re-make, a folder for mod support that inside that has every mod in it's own folder and so on, then I have a folder of all my .psd files.
Then, THEN the best part. a SHORTCUT right to the resaurcepack folder! *GASP*
So in the end, I have this
and it don't ballz up or clutter the resourcepacks folder. I also don't have to poke photoshop to go neck deep to edit textures each time, and then back again for normal work, and so on. It's hardly any work at all really.
Plus I don't know about you but I like having two copies of the pack, and it's a good idea to keep a back up of what you do anyways so if you edit a texture and end up not liking it you can go back to the older copy. Once you get it good, then you copy it over so you have a dupe save. Also nice and easy located in one place to back up onto my external drive or laptop if I am on the go.
I dunno, as a graphic designer we always have to keep back ups and have a work flow like this.
Plus again, if I ever have to re-install the game? "Oh wait, did I back up the resource packs? Oh wait there not saved in there anyho, don't matter!"
Ok, say you want to make a pack with just a few different blocks. So, you copy over the entire assets folder, and then delete all of the other folders inside of the minecraft folder that you don't need (so everything but the "textures folder".
But wait, there's still a bunch of stuff you don't need in the textures folder, so you delete all of the folders besides the "blocks" folder.
Again, now you're in the blocks folder, and you only need a few things, so you delete everything besides that.
Honestly, creating and then renaming folders is less of a hassle (IMO) than copying everything over and then deleting what you don't need.
Backups of this are certainly no issue for me. Drive and Curse both have file history in which I can download older versions of a file. I also have a (very old) "dev" version on drive, an older version on mediafire, and soon I'll the current version on Dropbox as a "14w11b backup" version for people who (wanting custom block models) are waiting for MCpatcher to be updated to the soon-to-be snapshot coming out next. I also have the most recent .zip inside of my pack folder, and older versions in my resource pack folder and downloads folder respectively. In addition, I have a folder dedicated to manual .zip backups of older versions, one called,, and a zip+folder that have both the 1.6 textures folder and a terrain.png, maybe I'll add to it again soon.
So I have both backups, and instant gratification with my work. I don't see how you can work any other way, if I had to copy over my pack every time it'd be quite an annoyance.
As for re-installing, why would you delete your resourcepacks folder in the first place? Usually the only thing you ever need to delete is the versions folder.
How does it "clutter" your resourcepacks folder? It's 1 folder, and you're copying it over (or a .zip) anyways! If you want to keep your .PSDs in a folder offsite fine (I have a "texture sources" folder in my documents folder where I keep my .XCFs), but I don't see the point in having your working folder for your main pack somewhere else, when that just decreases your workflow by making testing more annoying.
I don't see why this would be an issue unless you use other artists' resource packs more than your own, to the point where you just test it and then immediately delete the file from your resourcepacks folder, because otherwise there is no benefit to a workflow that you're saying. Even then, I'm not sure why you wouldn't just use a texture folder (which would differentiate itself from downloaded packs in the file view) and give the folder a name beginning with "z" (which would make it last on the in-game list), unless that one item is such a bother to you.
"I'm an outsider by choice, but not truly.
It’s the unpleasantness of the system that keeps me out.
I’d rather be in, in a good system. That’s where my discontent comes from:
being forced to choose to stay outside.
My advice: Just keep movin’ straight ahead.
Every now and then you find yourself in a different place."
-George Carlin
I also don't want my stuff split up. I don't want my pack stuffed in one location and my PSD's stuffed in another yada yada. I want it all in one spot, one easy to back up location so it in ONE folder I just have to grab and place on my exturnal drive or laptop. Not 'oh shoot I forgot about this folder stashed in this other location!"
Also you seem to forget, unless users have the option of viewing hidden folders, photoshop, gimp, etc wont be able to easily navigate into the appdata folder.
I also rather not be pushing photoshop to snake into C:\Users\________\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\resourcepacks
when all my normal work flow files for you know, work are in folders right in C:\Design\________
Again, ONE folder with -everything- in it that I can just as quickly grab and go.
So having my pack in C:\Minecraft\Glendale\ + everything else MC related ie. FTB, MaultiMC5, the minecraft client, again all in one location. I can just grab the Minecraft foolder and bam, it's all backed up.
Rather than go here to back up this folder, go there to back that one up, did I forget any?
You have your stuff all over the place, I have all mine in one location that is easy to find and grab, with out needing a INTERNET connection, with out having to download the whole pack again if I changed ONE texture and opted I didn't like it and wanted to go back to the older one.
Nope I have a zip of the current released pack, and a folder thats currently being worked on, and a quick hop over through the shortcut to test stuff.
But you still also, even if you want to work directly into the resourcepack folder, you -do not- have to make dupe folders, when you can -copy what you extracted- and DELETE what you don't want to use!
I just edited the 'planks_oak' texture. It has aligned it self like that in the pic.
If you see this:
then it means I need help. Any and all help will be appreciated for those following sections. Just post a comment saying which section(s) you want to help with and post the information. If it's good and helpful, then I'll add it.
Putting the CENDENT back in transcendent!
No problem. I hope it helps people out a lot. I decided to update it after Steelfeathers said she couldn't update her guide. Her guide helped me, and I want to help the texturing & resource pack community out alot. So I have a took the liberty of (trying) to update her guide & add a new stuff to it.
Are you providing it for use in the tutorial only or for the tutorial & as a download for other people to use?
This is quickly turning into a worthy successor to the previous thread. It's nice to have something to point new people to again.
Keep up the good work Markacashion!
It is free to download and use (it is an image, after all).
Putting the CENDENT back in transcendent!
Thanks (about the pinned).
I hope it does fully turn into Steelfeathers' Texturing Guide thread successor. It still has some work, but I hope I can finish it & keep it updated. I will need the help of the community for some sections or at time when I can't update it(like when I'm on vacation for instance). But I will try to make it a successor to the previous thread as it was extremely helpful to me, & seeing it not updated, & it not being helpful to other people, I decided to update it (with Steelfeathers' permission of course).
Ok, and some images are copyrighted.
EDIT: Now I some how got pass the "CONTENT_TOO_LONG" problem I was having.
I am pretty sure you already know this but just in case.
This post by Misa is pretty much the last word on biomes. It could do nicely to fill that particular hole.
This worked until 1.7 came out. After that it changed, but I might add it in the biomes as a pre-1.7 biome colormap description. Thanks
I'm currently getting ready for my Senior Finals and jobs not helping me have a lot of free time to do other stuff. I'm basically either studying, filling college stuff out, at high school, at work, or sleeping. RARELY do I have time to get MinecraftForums. I'm not giving up on updating this guide(I'll still be updating this thread). I just will not be able to edit/finish updating this thread for the next few weeks. I might be able to get on and edit something something small, but I will not be able to do big sections.
BUT I will NOT stop updating this page. I will finish this page! I just am currently busy with more important matters at hands.
Files in /models/block contain these lines:
Files in /models/block/meshes define models and contain these lines
edit: Or you could link to the post below
Putting the CENDENT back in transcendent!
Considering this a guide to texturing, and this is a huge topic on its own, could you link to my guide on the topic? I know it still needs some work, but I've waited on that because the model format still isn't done yet, specifically texture specification which should make things much easier/better.
EDIT: Also, noticed a couple of issues with the language section.
You need to mention that the existing languages can be edited by including a file with that name, and that language files don't need to include every line, but just what they edit. The game will happily use the rest of the lines from the default version of the language.
For instance, as with your example, if you made a text file with
in it, and renamed that en_US.lang then put it in the lang folder of your pack, it would just rename the emerald. To override it in all English versions, you also need this file copy+paste+renamed as en_GB.lang, en_AU.lang, and en_CA.lang
"I'm an outsider by choice, but not truly.
It’s the unpleasantness of the system that keeps me out.
I’d rather be in, in a good system. That’s where my discontent comes from:
being forced to choose to stay outside.
My advice: Just keep movin’ straight ahead.
Every now and then you find yourself in a different place."
-George Carlin