So uhh, anything ever come of Alvoria's rant? Especially with the whole "Voice of the Artists" thing?
Working on it still? Not sure if I said it already or if I emphasized it, but if so I will again:
I think the small stuff should be focused on. Some really out-of-the-way implementations could make packs much better without too much game impact. Examples from some of my wants:
ability to change hotkeys of F3 keys. Specifically the ability to change F3+t to just t, making refreshing packs easier. Even if you had to edit using options.txt this would be nice
the ability to see the stitched atlases again (this feature is enabled and disabled every so often). Could be enabled only when the game is running, or once again enabled via options.txt
finished shaders would be nice (full GLSL, unlimited custom shaders, including stacking w/ pack defaults and a dedicated menu), or even just the ability for a pack to have a "default" shader. Nether/end/underwater/underlava shaders maybe wouldn't be too crazy IMO
a "readme.txt" reader with JSON support (just like a book? Maybe even literally use the CODE for books?). 2 measly lines where we can barely put our name and what version it was made for isn't fun. A way to give some actual INFO about the pack, including linking to where it can be updated would be awesome
More control over how search (creative mode) is handled when using a language pack. I want things to be unique but that doesn't mean I want to make it hard for people to find things. This could probably be done either through pack.mcmeta or the lang file itself
unknown_pack.png (that worked in 1.2.5) is still broken
maybe even a "resource pack developer" menu to control certain options above, or other future changes. Again, could be enabled through options.txt, if not through hotkey like f3+h mode.
the ability to add "lore text" (though normal, not italics unless specifically made so) to any item via language packs would improve both packs and adventure maps (this would also help with searching).... or any map really especially if it relies on harvested resources (which.... would be tedious if block drops had to be replaced via commands to add lore text)
the achievement screen doesn't render some block models properly (the enchantment glint renders improperly, too)
animated textures don't work in the achievement screen or the statistics screen
I'm sure there is more to be added to this. Maybe even just some way (like Jira) to specifically suggests additions/changes of graphical features for artists?
Maybe if we can get stuff like this it might "get our foot in the door" (so to speak) for larger changes (like technical/artistic differences) later.
Liiiike dangit, this isn't "Minecraft-y":
It has less poly than a 16x16 sword extruded using Minecraft's item code. It's only 8 elements, if it were done as an actual solid mesh it'd only use 23 faces. Yeah, the top is messed up, but still leaves me feeling "WHY IS THIS A THING" with the "can't rotate on more than 1 axis" limitation. Seems like a knee-jerk reaction (to what people did with the unrestricted model format) on Mojang's part yet people are still making stuff like this:
I mean thanks, make it so people can't make good looking low-poly stuff, but "cubeworld" designs are just fine.
"I'm an outsider by choice, but not truly.
It’s the unpleasantness of the system that keeps me out.
I’d rather be in, in a good system. That’s where my discontent comes from:
being forced to choose to stay outside.
My advice: Just keep movin’ straight ahead.
Every now and then you find yourself in a different place."
-George Carlin
Totally off topic, I know, but I would like to see what this group of fine artist have to say about my artwork on my Deviant Art page. I love any type of feedback from good to bad. Don't sugar coat anything, tell my what you guys think of my artwork.
(No, I'm not trying to promote my art. I just want to know what you guys think).
Deviant Art page: Clicky Click Here
Wow, I see a few resource pack artists on there... coolz. I have a DA account that I've only reccently started using to help me bookmark art tutorials on there.
Well, I can give some feedback on your work if ya want, and I won't sugarcoat it.
Both the 'doorway to another world' and the 'power of the mind' ones look a bit odd with everything but the purple parts heavily desaturated. For the doorway one, the rimlighting on the figure is both too blurred and a bit too strong, given the intensity of the lightsource. The lighting wouldn't really be blurred like that unless the figure's clothing was sorta transparent or something. The top part of the archway probably should've been covered with a hard-edge tool, because it looks a bit too smudged and "photoshopped".
That little bit of lensflare on power of the mind is really annoying...
The text on 'wanted criminal' should have a bit larger margin on the sides, so it's not so tight. And I think you meant "sight", not "site", right?
I really don't care for 'space is a massive place'... it looks tacky, like the sort of graphics you'd see on a 90's science program, or a book cover, or something. The colors are eye-searingly vibrant, and I don't really get the impression of light being emitted from any of the objects, even though there should logically be some sort of glow from them, and the blue planets should be bathed in orange light from the central sun thingy. The weird spiral thing in the BG is kinda cool, though.
That's my thoughts. Don't be offended or anything, it's just honest feedback.
I want to post a ton of my crap to DA now. and I would appreciate some of your guy's feedback on my future work as well. Me and a friend are planning on creating a comic book series, and it's pretty uncharted territory for both of us, art-wise. Wouldn't want to derail the TAU with stuff like that, though, is there a way we could set up a TAU group on Deviantart? That'd be cool.
Wow, I see a few resource pack artists on there... coolz. I have a DA account that I've only reccently started using to help me bookmark art tutorials on there.
Well, I can give some feedback on your work if ya want, and I won't sugarcoat it.
Both the 'doorway to another world' and the 'power of the mind' ones look a bit odd with everything but the purple parts heavily desaturated. For the doorway one, the rimlighting on the figure is both too blurred and a bit too strong, given the intensity of the lightsource. The lighting wouldn't really be blurred like that unless the figure's clothing was sorta transparent or something. The top part of the archway probably should've been covered with a hard-edge tool, because it looks a bit too smudged and "photoshopped".
That little bit of lensflare on power of the mind is really annoying...
The text on 'wanted criminal' should have a bit larger margin on the sides, so it's not so tight. And I think you meant "sight", not "site", right?
I really don't care for 'space is a massive place'... it looks tacky, like the sort of graphics you'd see on a 90's science program, or a book cover, or something. The colors are eye-searingly vibrant, and I don't really get the impression of light being emitted from any of the objects, even though there should logically be some sort of glow from them, and the blue planets should be bathed in orange light from the central sun thingy. The weird spiral thing in the BG is kinda cool, though.
That's my thoughts. Don't be offended or anything, it's just honest feedback.
I want to post a ton of my crap to DA now. and I would appreciate some of your guy's feedback on my future work as well. Me and a friend are planning on creating a comic book series, and it's pretty uncharted territory for both of us, art-wise. Wouldn't want to derail the TAU with stuff like that, though, is there a way we could set up a TAU group on Deviantart? That'd be cool.
I love the feedback. Some of the pictures are just me trying to test some techniques. But the space pictures are for my planet testing. I will make them a lot vibrant & do the other notes that you have listed. When I finished the Power of the Mind picture, I did feel a little bothered by the lens flare. But I already uploaded it so I had to deal with it & I didn't want to redo the picture. I didn't like the doorway lighting too, but I was already spending to much time on it & didn't want to be too OCD about it. I thought to myself that it could do for now. Also the lighting "highlights" I found out that I was using about a 25% hardness brush (maybe a bit lower), & I already finished it, so I was like "**** it". I will take note on the Wanted Criminal picture (was wandering why it didn't look at good as I wanted it too).
Also the weird spiral think in some of the space pictures is suppose to be a Portal Frame. The point where 2 dimensions, universes, or whatever, connect. It was something that I have been doing for a long time now.
Also the Wanted Criminal picture, I did meant "sight" & not "site". *sighs* I hate making mistakes like that. -.-
On the Power of the Mind, I was trying to make the hand look like it was being lit from the Psychic Energy Ball. I don't know how I good I did it, but I thought it was... ok... that it might work for now. I don't know if I should improve it next time or not.
Also I don't feel offended by the feedback. As long as it's what you truly think about the artwork, then I'm fine. I don't like people sugarcoat their feedback, because it helps me improve my techniques & tells me what I need to work on.
And then you have people like me with one-hit-wonder packs who like to hang out here and throw whatever worth their two cents have in.
Don't forget people like me, who have worked on packs that people loved, then stopped, and end up with one for probably coming up on 2 years now with little progress because they keep redoing the same textures because WHY ISN'T IT BETTER LOOK THIS ONE IS.
And only occasionally post because they don't feel the little one line posts are worth posting.
Probably because I never finish my packs enough to release them.
My texturing experience in a nutshell.
Also: More GUI work. Going back and reworking the older stuff to fit with the look I showed off earlier. Having trouble coming up with button textures that work well. Thoughts on the thing so far?
Would anybody participate if I created a challenge for creating tutorials related to texturing, models, or something of the sort?
@Alvoria, is your title a moderator only thing? I'm talking about the one under your avatar. I've never seen it before though it seems to fit you pretty well.
Would anybody participate if I created a challenge for creating tutorials related to texturing, models, or something of the sort?
@Alvoria, is your title a moderator only thing? I'm talking about the one under your avatar. I've never seen it before though it seems to fit you pretty well.
I mean I do have a Guide for that, but I do need help for some sections & do need to update a few sections just a slight bit
Well yeah, but what I meant was maybe tutorials for different styles of texturing. Maybe a tutorial on how to make a good paletes for different types of art.
Well yeah, but what I meant was maybe tutorials for different styles of texturing. Maybe a tutorial on how to make a good paletes for different types of art.
OH OK! Yeah that is something that my guide is missing. That would be great if you made a tutorial for that. My guide is just a basic overview of how to create a basic resource pack. Your idea would be GREAT & help a lot of people on how to actually make their pack look good.
I noticed how Ruxel failed; and concluded that I was restricting myself too much with colors, didn't take so much time in choosing them, and had a total lack of antialias. So I tried making a little plank with 7 colors, using more antialias and everything. Still kinda looks like light came from below instead of looking like the planks are somehow diagonal.
edit: slightly edited the texture, desaturated it and some little tweaks
Okay, now it looks diagonal. Fixed it, I'm done with it
I edited this post over 4 times.
Boom, 5. Just noticed why it looks like it's near a fire; it's the blue-yellow combination. The blues make it look like it's a dark / night environment, and the yellows make it look like it's near a fire combinated with blues.
Probably gonna change the blues for reds / oranges, even though that means less variation.
OH OK! Yeah that is something that my guide is missing. That would be great if you made a tutorial for that. My guide is just a basic overview of how to create a basic resource pack. Your idea would be GREAT & help a lot of people on how to actually make their pack look good.
I've been meaning to make a tutorial on how to make triton-style textures. It's a bit particular as far as styles go, but maybe it could be useful?
I noticed how Ruxel failed; and concluded that I was restricting myself too much with colors, didn't take so much time in choosing them, and had a total lack of antialias. So I tried making a little plank with 7 colors, using more antialias and everything. Still kinda looks like light came from below instead of looking like the planks are somehow diagonal.
edit: slightly edited the texture, desaturated it and some little tweaks
Okay, now it looks diagonal. Fixed it, I'm done with it
All these people coming out of the woodwork. Cray cray!
Welcome back though, probably just in time for new textures from 1.9 to start showing up.
Oh long till new 1.9 textures appear now that will need doing!?
I completed my leather armor finally
So uhh, anything ever come of Alvoria's rant? Especially with the whole "Voice of the Artists" thing?
Working on it still? Not sure if I said it already or if I emphasized it, but if so I will again:
I think the small stuff should be focused on. Some really out-of-the-way implementations could make packs much better without too much game impact. Examples from some of my wants:
I'm sure there is more to be added to this. Maybe even just some way (like Jira) to specifically suggests additions/changes of graphical features for artists?
Maybe if we can get stuff like this it might "get our foot in the door" (so to speak) for larger changes (like technical/artistic differences) later.
Liiiike dangit, this isn't "Minecraft-y":
It has less poly than a 16x16 sword extruded using Minecraft's item code. It's only 8 elements, if it were done as an actual solid mesh it'd only use 23 faces. Yeah, the top is messed up, but still leaves me feeling "WHY IS THIS A THING" with the "can't rotate on more than 1 axis" limitation. Seems like a knee-jerk reaction (to what people did with the unrestricted model format) on Mojang's part yet people are still making stuff like this:
I mean thanks, make it so people can't make good looking low-poly stuff, but "cubeworld" designs are just fine.
"I'm an outsider by choice, but not truly.
It’s the unpleasantness of the system that keeps me out.
I’d rather be in, in a good system. That’s where my discontent comes from:
being forced to choose to stay outside.
My advice: Just keep movin’ straight ahead.
Every now and then you find yourself in a different place."
-George Carlin
Wow, I see a few resource pack artists on there... coolz. I have a DA account that I've only reccently started using to help me bookmark art tutorials on there. Well, I can give some feedback on your work if ya want, and I won't sugarcoat it.
That little bit of lensflare on power of the mind is really annoying...
The text on 'wanted criminal' should have a bit larger margin on the sides, so it's not so tight. And I think you meant "sight", not "site", right?
I really don't care for 'space is a massive place'... it looks tacky, like the sort of graphics you'd see on a 90's science program, or a book cover, or something. The colors are eye-searingly vibrant, and I don't really get the impression of light being emitted from any of the objects, even though there should logically be some sort of glow from them, and the blue planets should be bathed in orange light from the central sun thingy. The weird spiral thing in the BG is kinda cool, though.
That's my thoughts. Don't be offended or anything, it's just honest feedback.
I love the feedback. Some of the pictures are just me trying to test some techniques. But the space pictures are for my planet testing. I will make them a lot vibrant & do the other notes that you have listed. When I finished the Power of the Mind picture, I did feel a little bothered by the lens flare. But I already uploaded it so I had to deal with it & I didn't want to redo the picture. I didn't like the doorway lighting too, but I was already spending to much time on it & didn't want to be too OCD about it. I thought to myself that it could do for now. Also the lighting "highlights" I found out that I was using about a 25% hardness brush (maybe a bit lower), & I already finished it, so I was like "**** it". I will take note on the Wanted Criminal picture (was wandering why it didn't look at good as I wanted it too).
Also the weird spiral think in some of the space pictures is suppose to be a Portal Frame. The point where 2 dimensions, universes, or whatever, connect. It was something that I have been doing for a long time now.
Also the Wanted Criminal picture, I did meant "sight" & not "site". *sighs* I hate making mistakes like that. -.-
On the Power of the Mind, I was trying to make the hand look like it was being lit from the Psychic Energy Ball. I don't know how I good I did it, but I thought it was... ok... that it might work for now. I don't know if I should improve it next time or not.
Also I don't feel offended by the feedback. As long as it's what you truly think about the artwork, then I'm fine. I don't like people sugarcoat their feedback, because it helps me improve my techniques & tells me what I need to work on.
Thanks for the feedback.
What's up these days? Anything changed? Also it seems like a lot of people don't know me.
... I don't...
But then again, I only posting in this thread for about a year now. So yeah.
And then you have people like me with one-hit-wonder packs who like to hang out here and throw whatever worth their two cents have in.
I've been here for a loooooooooong time.
Don't forget people like me, who have worked on packs that people loved, then stopped, and end up with one for probably coming up on 2 years now with little progress because they keep redoing the same textures because WHY ISN'T IT BETTER LOOK THIS ONE IS.
And only occasionally post because they don't feel the little one line posts are worth posting.
I came rather late to the texturing party. With 'Playercraft, the OcD ripoff pack that everyone liked'.
MAYBE it's because you didn't make a guide to texturing... I'm only assuming...
jokes aside, I don't know why that is
Probably because I never finish my packs enough to release them.
My texturing experience in a nutshell.
Also: More GUI work. Going back and reworking the older stuff to fit with the look I showed off earlier. Having trouble coming up with button textures that work well. Thoughts on the thing so far?
Would anybody participate if I created a challenge for creating tutorials related to texturing, models, or something of the sort?
@Alvoria, is your title a moderator only thing? I'm talking about the one under your avatar. I've never seen it before though it seems to fit you pretty well.
I mean I do have a Guide for that, but I do need help for some sections & do need to update a few sections just a slight bit
Well yeah, but what I meant was maybe tutorials for different styles of texturing. Maybe a tutorial on how to make a good paletes for different types of art.
OH OK! Yeah that is something that my guide is missing. That would be great if you made a tutorial for that. My guide is just a basic overview of how to create a basic resource pack. Your idea would be GREAT & help a lot of people on how to actually make their pack look good.
I noticed how Ruxel failed; and concluded that I was restricting myself too much with colors, didn't take so much time in choosing them, and had a total lack of antialias. So I tried making a little plank with 7 colors, using more antialias and everything. Still kinda looks like light came from below instead of looking like the planks are somehow diagonal.
edit: slightly edited the texture, desaturated it and some little tweaksOkay, now it looks diagonal. Fixed it, I'm done with it
I edited this post over 4 times.
Boom, 5. Just noticed why it looks like it's near a fire; it's the blue-yellow combination. The blues make it look like it's a dark / night environment, and the yellows make it look like it's near a fire combinated with blues.
Probably gonna change the blues for reds / oranges, even though that means less variation.
I've been meaning to make a tutorial on how to make triton-style textures. It's a bit particular as far as styles go, but maybe it could be useful?
Looks great!