I've been meaning to do this kind of thread for ages now.
The idea is that I seem to be clinically incapable of finishing a texture pack, but I do make a lot of miscellaneous textures. Be it mod support, requests or just purely random things whenever the mood strikes me.
And they just sit there. Unused. Wasted.
So - I just want to put them up somewhere hoping someone might find a use for them.
This is going to be very chaotic and disorganized at first, before I figure out a good system to catalog all of this. More textures will be added as I go.
Disclaimer 1: The textures are provided As-Is. That means that I'm not going to be working on that particular texture until someone directly asks me nicely to fix it up.
Disclaimer 2:
My textures are shared under the Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence
This means you are allowed to use and modify my textures AS LONG as You: 1) Notify me of it (No need to ask, just leave a post saying that you did. I'd like to keep track of everything's used) 2) Credit me and link to this thread 3) DO NOT, under any circumstances use Adf.ly, donations, or any kind of money making off my stuff. I repeat - If you decide to use my textures, you ARE NOT allowed to make any money of it. This is not up for discussion.
Disclaimer 3: These are not all of the textures I've made.
All of the files are hosted on my Dropbox so we don't have to worry about Imgur deleting them or anything.
I will try to provide an explanation to each texture, but sometimes the file name should be self-evident enough.
And now the part that You're been waiting for:
Mod support and miscellaneous textures:
Default-style armor shapes: This is intended as a modder's resource of sorts. After playing Divine RPG for a while, I got annoyed by the fact that every single item looked like the horrid rag from vanilla. This lead me to gather up some of my different vanilla-esque armors into one place to provide some different shapes to draw from.
For posteriority's sake, these armors were originally (left to right):
Leather, Chain, Iron, Diamond, Gold, Random blue armor, IC2 Nano armor, IC2 Bronze armor, Steel, Ender, Diamond/Iron variant, Leather variant and IC2 alloy vest. *includes some of the colored versions.
Individual textures:
Terraria Armors: Pretty self-explanatory. I lost interest in this after a while. Known Issues: They look a bit strange because I originally intended them to have only 4 colors. Bit of an exercise.
TF2 stock weapons: Made by request for a mod. The creator never responded with the progress. Known issues: Contrast is too low. It looks fine on the sheet, but it's too smooth ingame.
32x Guns: Some of You might notice that half of these are from Mass Effect 3. I wanted to make all ME guns, but i lost interest as I had nothing to do with them. Other textures include an SMG of my own idea, a Pulse Pistol inspired by a IRL item, a mining laser for IC2, and a flamethrower made by reqeust. The yellow things are Omnitools.
Individual textures:
16x Guns: Includes a few guns done by request. I did the musket with the goal of giving it to anyone who wants it, as it is a commonly requested texture. In the end, however, I wasn't satisfied with how it turned out.
Individual textures:
LOTR Mod Items: These were made for a Lord Of The Rings mod, but i quit after a while. I doubt the guy finished the mod, so here you are. Known Issues: Contrast too low, as usual.
16x Limestone: Not much to say here. I just figured it would be fun to attempt a limestone texture. Upper row is smooth limestone, cobbles, bricks, while lower row is brick item (Like the vanilla red bricks), and 2 chunk variants, much like ore nuggets.
32x Primitive tools: Some of you may remember these from the Weekly Texture Challenge. The .rar includes the challenge textures, and some additional bone tools that I made on a dare. Also includes some 16x versions.
Individual Textures:
Swords Plus: See, now these ones are veeery old. I'm not even sure why I made these, as I never even played the mod, but yeah. Known Issues: Low contrast, again. Poor shading.
Individual Textures:
Random 16x Blocks: I mostly keep blocks on my terrain.png, but there are a few miscellaneous blocks that I never pasted into a sheet. I don't feel that comfortable with doing terrain in general. There's just something about making a texture that is supposed to repeat over and over again look right that scares me away.
Individual Textures:
Assorted Gemstones: Made a very long time ago for a mod suggestion thread. The guy wasn't very happy with them because they weren't "rough" enough for him. As far as I know, the mod never launched.
Individual Textures:
Farming Mod Concept: These are the textures I made for LunariusH and his farming expansion mod concept. He's currently fishing for coders, so if you want to help him out, or or see ingame screenshots of my textures you could check his thread.
Individual Textures:
Defaultesque Tools: Since a lot of people seem to be hell-bent on using vanilla, I sometimes strive to make some textures to go with it. Some of these are done as requests, while others were just for fun. Like the default armors, this .rar will be updated as I keep making those.
Individual Textures:
32x Randomness: Uncategorised items and blocks. Some are for mod concepts, others for requests, and... you get the idea.
These are all the TP outtakes I've made to date, in chronological order. 1. [16x] Egypt:
Creation time:Circa February 2012 Goal: To fill the niche for an Egyptian themed pack, since and old one I had has been long since discontinued, and I felt it wrong to simply update it. Reason for scrapping: Not enough skill to pull it off, particularly in the terrain department. My blocks looked too cold and humid rather than warm and arid. Additional Info: It was intended to be used with a language file. So that Iron would be Copper, Diamond would be Orichalcum, and apples would be pomegrenates.
Creation time:June 2012 Goal: Realistic 32x pack utilizing my own style Reason for scrapping: Loss of motivation after discovering that every single item's contrast is too low ingame; General vehemence towards making block textures. Additional Info: Features a good deal of IC2 items. For some reason that's what I started with.
Creation time: August 2012 Goal: Extension of a 4-color-per-texture challenge. Using an exotic resolution for added difficulty. Reason for scrapping: Game-breaking technical difficulties stemming from the resolution (Mostly resolved in subsequent Minecraft versions). Loss of motivation after receiving feedback (It turned out there are too many things to fix to keep me interested) Additional Info: This is the closest that I've been to completing a pack. In fact, it's as good as done, but I never felt it ready enough to publish. It features partial Tekkit Classic support (EE2, IC2, Nether Ores, Redpower) Screenshots:
4. [16x] Untitled:
Creation time: February 2013 Goal: Made for a 3-color-per-texture challenge. Reason for scrapping: Loss of interest. Using only 3 colors felt like overkill, especially after having worked on B14 for so long. Additional Info:[Screenshot]
Creation time: March 2013 Goal: Made for the 240 Hours Challenge (Only 1 hour of work per block allowed) Reason for scrapping Lack of time. Grew bored. Additional Info: I actually had a lot of fun doing this. Might finish it someday, if enough people like it.
6. [16x] Default Edit:
Creation time: May 2013 Goal: An attempt to salvage default while keeping the style more or less the same. Reason for scrapping: Abandoned after realising that no matter how good I make this, it'll still be unpopular for being a default edit. Additional Info: None
7. [16x] DB32 Challenge:
Creation time: June 2013 Goal: An attempt to use a ready-made palette in my textures. Reason for scrapping: Realising that I detest said palette way too much to enjoy myself Additional Info: The items are actually part of a different challenge. I just decided to use the palette for it
Since I've abandoned this place, any requests should be sent via PM.
Pretty good! =) Always wondered somewhat what your textures look like, never seen any of them before. I think you need to work on your shapes of items and shading style more than anything. Examples, with the ingots, the shapes of them seem really awkward and wonky. And look at the shovels in the last picture, looks like you just took a direction for the light to come from and shaded that way. Would there not be an indent in the shovel to make it more interesting? =)
Keep in mind that these textures come from different time periods. The LOTR stuff was from October, for instance.
Not sure what you mean about the shovels though... I only uploaded one!
But yeah, I do have a problem with shading stuff right. I either overdo it, or make it too little. Contrast seems to be an awful issue with most of my textures in retrospect.
Darn shame you don't have the initiative to complete a full pack. at least as far as items go you seem to have talent. I mean you can't do any worse then the myriad of kids trying to flog their bucket fill packs or their badly done default edits.
Darn shame you don't have the initiative to complete a full pack. at least as far as items go you seem to have talent. I mean you can't do any worse then the myriad of kids trying to flog their bucket fill packs or their badly done default edits.
Thank You for the kind words.
I'm always discouraged from making texture packs because of the amount of stuff there is to do. 1.5 was the final straw for me, as it crippled my work flow way too much. But it's not just Mojang's fault mind you Every time i attempt a TP, i have a certain theme in mind. Unfortunately, I quickly realize that I'm just not skilled enough to pull it off*
These days I don't even have that kind of time on my hands anymore. Not everyone has to make a popular TP I suppose
* - With one exception... I did pretty much finish one texture pack, but it's plagued by unfixable technical issues, and from the feedback I've already received, I'd have to fix too many things to make it fun enough for me.
Oh, not sure if anyone noticed, but I update the OP with textures without warning, so stay tuned.
I'm always discouraged from making texture packs because of the amount of stuff there is to do. 1.5 was the final straw for me, as it crippled my work flow way too much. But it's not just Mojang's fault mind you Every time i attempt a TP, i have a certain theme in mind. Unfortunately, I quickly realize that I'm just not skilled enough to pull it off*
These days I don't even have that kind of time on my hands anymore. Not everyone has to make a popular TP I suppose
* - With one exception... I did pretty much finish one texture pack, but it's plagued by unfixable technical issues, and from the feedback I've already received, I'd have to fix too many things to make it fun enough for me.
Oh, not sure if anyone noticed, but I update the OP with textures without warning, so stay tuned.
I don't think it has anything to do with skill, but merely motivation and probably interest.
Very nice that that you're letting people modify them!
Like I've said several times - I hate it when something goes to waste. And I dislike seeing fun mods with terrible textures I just hope someone does use them at some point, but the thread might get buried before thatUnless I keep bumping with content, haw haw haw >:3
Pretty nice textures you have here. I'm especially fond of the LOTR ones you did.
It always make me smile to see well done 16x stuff.
Thanks. It's too bad that the guy who ran the mod turned out to be near-autistic when it comes to team communication. At least I learned to spot the warning signs before signing up for a mod team
I also posted a poll, you guys might want to check it out
Mods seems to always have bad textures! Some dont, but i know what you mean! That is why i dont ask people to make my mods textures, because it normally isnt something good or what i want.
Yeah, and it's starting to get to me, especially when there are so many texture artist here just waiting for something to do who could improve it in a flash
Never join a mod team, there is always one person who thinks he/she is the leader and gets too bossy. Two people making a mod is better then 10 honestly.
It wasn't about him being bossy. He was just 'the idea guy' who did diddly squat and was downright incomprehensible at all times.
I've added a few textures that I did by request for LunariusH, be sure to check them out.
Once I get some free time, I'll add more. But for now - work work
Since the poll ended up being 6:1 in favor of showing my texture pack outtakes, they are now added to the OP.
The usual section has also been updated with default-styled tools and other such handheld implements of transmitting harm uppon your fellow man.
-Random 32x textures
-Updated 32x guns with a VSS Vintorez and a magic gun concept.
I've been also thinking - Should i upload the individual pictures and put them behind a spoiler tag so that everyone can see it without having to download first?
*Dons flame shield*
I've been meaning to do this kind of thread for ages now.
The idea is that I seem to be clinically incapable of finishing a texture pack, but I do make a lot of miscellaneous textures. Be it mod support, requests or just purely random things whenever the mood strikes me.
And they just sit there. Unused. Wasted.
So - I just want to put them up somewhere hoping someone might find a use for them.
This is going to be very chaotic and disorganized at first, before I figure out a good system to catalog all of this. More textures will be added as I go.
Disclaimer 1: The textures are provided As-Is. That means that I'm not going to be working on that particular texture until someone directly asks me nicely to fix it up.
Disclaimer 2:
My textures are shared under the
Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence
This means you are allowed to use and modify my textures AS LONG as You:
1) Notify me of it (No need to ask, just leave a post saying that you did. I'd like to keep track of everything's used)
2) Credit me and link to this thread
3) DO NOT, under any circumstances use Adf.ly, donations, or any kind of money making off my stuff. I repeat - If you decide to use my textures, you ARE NOT allowed to make any money of it. This is not up for discussion.
Disclaimer 3: These are not all of the textures I've made.
All of the files are hosted on my Dropbox so we don't have to worry about Imgur deleting them or anything.
I will try to provide an explanation to each texture, but sometimes the file name should be self-evident enough.
And now the part that You're been waiting for:
Mod support and miscellaneous textures:
Default-style armor shapes:
This is intended as a modder's resource of sorts. After playing Divine RPG for a while, I got annoyed by the fact that every single item looked like the horrid rag from vanilla. This lead me to gather up some of my different vanilla-esque armors into one place to provide some different shapes to draw from.
For posteriority's sake, these armors were originally (left to right):
Leather, Chain, Iron, Diamond, Gold, Random blue armor, IC2 Nano armor, IC2 Bronze armor, Steel, Ender, Diamond/Iron variant, Leather variant and IC2 alloy vest. *includes some of the colored versions.
Individual textures:
Terraria Armors:
Pretty self-explanatory. I lost interest in this after a while.
Known Issues: They look a bit strange because I originally intended them to have only 4 colors. Bit of an exercise.
TF2 stock weapons:
Made by request for a mod. The creator never responded with the progress.
Known issues: Contrast is too low. It looks fine on the sheet, but it's too smooth ingame.
32x Guns:
Some of You might notice that half of these are from Mass Effect 3. I wanted to make all ME guns, but i lost interest as I had nothing to do with them. Other textures include an SMG of my own idea, a Pulse Pistol inspired by a IRL item, a mining laser for IC2, and a flamethrower made by reqeust. The yellow things are Omnitools.
Individual textures:
16x Guns:
Includes a few guns done by request. I did the musket with the goal of giving it to anyone who wants it, as it is a commonly requested texture. In the end, however, I wasn't satisfied with how it turned out.
Individual textures:
LOTR Mod Items:
These were made for a Lord Of The Rings mod, but i quit after a while. I doubt the guy finished the mod, so here you are.
Known Issues: Contrast too low, as usual.
16x Limestone:
Not much to say here. I just figured it would be fun to attempt a limestone texture. Upper row is smooth limestone, cobbles, bricks, while lower row is brick item (Like the vanilla red bricks), and 2 chunk variants, much like ore nuggets.
32x Primitive tools:
Some of you may remember these from the Weekly Texture Challenge. The .rar includes the challenge textures, and some additional bone tools that I made on a dare.
Also includes some 16x versions.
Individual Textures:
Swords Plus:
See, now these ones are veeery old. I'm not even sure why I made these, as I never even played the mod, but yeah.
Known Issues: Low contrast, again. Poor shading.
Individual Textures:
Random 16x Blocks:
I mostly keep blocks on my terrain.png, but there are a few miscellaneous blocks that I never pasted into a sheet. I don't feel that comfortable with doing terrain in general. There's just something about making a texture that is supposed to repeat over and over again look right that scares me away.
Individual Textures:
Assorted Gemstones:
Made a very long time ago for a mod suggestion thread. The guy wasn't very happy with them because they weren't "rough" enough for him. As far as I know, the mod never launched.
Individual Textures:
Farming Mod Concept:
These are the textures I made for LunariusH and his farming expansion mod concept. He's currently fishing for coders, so if you want to help him out, or or see ingame screenshots of my textures you could check his thread.
Individual Textures:
Defaultesque Tools:
Since a lot of people seem to be hell-bent on using vanilla, I sometimes strive to make some textures to go with it. Some of these are done as requests, while others were just for fun. Like the default armors, this .rar will be updated as I keep making those.
Individual Textures:
32x Randomness:
Uncategorised items and blocks. Some are for mod concepts, others for requests, and... you get the idea.
Individual Textures:
16x Randomness:
Same as above, except in 16x.
Individual Textures:
Texture Pack Graveyard:
These are all the TP outtakes I've made to date, in chronological order.
1. [16x] Egypt:
Creation time: Circa February 2012
Goal: To fill the niche for an Egyptian themed pack, since and old one I had has been long since discontinued, and I felt it wrong to simply update it.
Reason for scrapping: Not enough skill to pull it off, particularly in the terrain department. My blocks looked too cold and humid rather than warm and arid.
Additional Info: It was intended to be used with a language file. So that Iron would be Copper, Diamond would be Orichalcum, and apples would be pomegrenates.
2. [32x] Untitled:
Creation time: June 2012
Goal: Realistic 32x pack utilizing my own style
Reason for scrapping: Loss of motivation after discovering that every single item's contrast is too low ingame; General vehemence towards making block textures.
Additional Info: Features a good deal of IC2 items. For some reason that's what I started with.
3. [10x] B14:
Creation time: August 2012
Goal: Extension of a 4-color-per-texture challenge. Using an exotic resolution for added difficulty.
Reason for scrapping: Game-breaking technical difficulties stemming from the resolution (Mostly resolved in subsequent Minecraft versions). Loss of motivation after receiving feedback (It turned out there are too many things to fix to keep me interested)
Additional Info: This is the closest that I've been to completing a pack. In fact, it's as good as done, but I never felt it ready enough to publish. It features partial Tekkit Classic support (EE2, IC2, Nether Ores, Redpower)
4. [16x] Untitled:
Creation time: February 2013
Goal: Made for a 3-color-per-texture challenge.
Reason for scrapping: Loss of interest. Using only 3 colors felt like overkill, especially after having worked on B14 for so long.
Additional Info: [Screenshot]
5. [8x] 240 Hours Challenge:
Creation time: March 2013
Goal: Made for the 240 Hours Challenge (Only 1 hour of work per block allowed)
Reason for scrapping Lack of time. Grew bored.
Additional Info: I actually had a lot of fun doing this. Might finish it someday, if enough people like it.
6. [16x] Default Edit:
Creation time: May 2013
Goal: An attempt to salvage default while keeping the style more or less the same.
Reason for scrapping: Abandoned after realising that no matter how good I make this, it'll still be unpopular for being a default edit.
Additional Info: None
7. [16x] DB32 Challenge:
Creation time: June 2013
Goal: An attempt to use a ready-made palette in my textures.
Reason for scrapping: Realising that I detest said palette way too much to enjoy myself
Additional Info: The items are actually part of a different challenge. I just decided to use the palette for it
Since I've abandoned this place, any requests should be sent via PM.
Also of interest:
How to (properly) request textures
Most of my Skin-folio (If you want a skin, they're 5$ each)
...But that's just my opinion.
My DeviantART, requests welcome.
B14 - My Texture Pack!
Need textures for your mod? Inquire within, just read the rules.
...But that's just my opinion.
My DeviantART, requests welcome.
B14 - My Texture Pack!
Need textures for your mod? Inquire within, just read the rules.
Not sure what you mean about the shovels though... I only uploaded one!
But yeah, I do have a problem with shading stuff right. I either overdo it, or make it too little. Contrast seems to be an awful issue with most of my textures in retrospect.
...But that's just my opinion.
My DeviantART, requests welcome.
B14 - My Texture Pack!
Need textures for your mod? Inquire within, just read the rules.
Or do I?
Thank You for the kind words.
I'm always discouraged from making texture packs because of the amount of stuff there is to do. 1.5 was the final straw for me, as it crippled my work flow way too much. But it's not just Mojang's fault mind you Every time i attempt a TP, i have a certain theme in mind. Unfortunately, I quickly realize that I'm just not skilled enough to pull it off*
These days I don't even have that kind of time on my hands anymore. Not everyone has to make a popular TP I suppose
* - With one exception... I did pretty much finish one texture pack, but it's plagued by unfixable technical issues, and from the feedback I've already received, I'd have to fix too many things to make it fun enough for me.
Oh, not sure if anyone noticed, but I update the OP with textures without warning, so stay tuned.
...But that's just my opinion.
My DeviantART, requests welcome.
B14 - My Texture Pack!
Need textures for your mod? Inquire within, just read the rules.
I don't think it has anything to do with skill, but merely motivation and probably interest.
...But that's just my opinion.
My DeviantART, requests welcome.
B14 - My Texture Pack!
Need textures for your mod? Inquire within, just read the rules.
Very nice that that you're letting people modify them!
Like I've said several times - I hate it when something goes to waste. And I dislike seeing fun mods with terrible textures I just hope someone does use them at some point, but the thread might get buried before that Unless I keep bumping with content, haw haw haw >:3
...But that's just my opinion.
My DeviantART, requests welcome.
B14 - My Texture Pack!
Need textures for your mod? Inquire within, just read the rules.
It always make me smile to see well done 16x stuff.
I also posted a poll, you guys might want to check it out
...But that's just my opinion.
My DeviantART, requests welcome.
B14 - My Texture Pack!
Need textures for your mod? Inquire within, just read the rules.
Yeah, and it's starting to get to me, especially when there are so many texture artist here just waiting for something to do who could improve it in a flash
It wasn't about him being bossy. He was just 'the idea guy' who did diddly squat and was downright incomprehensible at all times.
...But that's just my opinion.
My DeviantART, requests welcome.
B14 - My Texture Pack!
Need textures for your mod? Inquire within, just read the rules.
Once I get some free time, I'll add more. But for now - work work
...But that's just my opinion.
My DeviantART, requests welcome.
B14 - My Texture Pack!
Need textures for your mod? Inquire within, just read the rules.
The usual section has also been updated with default-styled tools and other such handheld implements of transmitting harm uppon your fellow man.
...But that's just my opinion.
My DeviantART, requests welcome.
B14 - My Texture Pack!
Need textures for your mod? Inquire within, just read the rules.
-Random 32x textures
-Updated 32x guns with a VSS Vintorez and a magic gun concept.
I've been also thinking - Should i upload the individual pictures and put them behind a spoiler tag so that everyone can see it without having to download first?
...But that's just my opinion.
My DeviantART, requests welcome.
B14 - My Texture Pack!
Need textures for your mod? Inquire within, just read the rules.
I'm a pixel artist who makes pixel things and maps! I also do line art occasionally.
I have two work in progress resource packs!
This is the second one!
And of course, by "work-in-progress" I mean "will never, ever be completed".
As I've said, Egypt was one of the first things I've did I added it here just to satisfy everyone's curiosity.
I also added some screenshots of B14 in action, in case anyone was wondering
...But that's just my opinion.
My DeviantART, requests welcome.
B14 - My Texture Pack!
Need textures for your mod? Inquire within, just read the rules.