Mod Support
You know i am really fan of realistic.. and you got me exciting when i saw that picture.. hahaha. its amazing, what you did.. so your hard work have paid off. so Keep up the work!
I have not enough PBR files to make a release for the moment.
I prefer to finish the POM and after that see how I can make the reflections on the blocks.
The PBR files on the screenshot (netherrack) was just made for a showcase, but dont worry I will upload PBR files. I don't think I will be able to upload anything this month however, sorry about that.
I also really like realistic things in Minecraft and POM, PBR look so nice.
Thank you, I will try to continue this project and add more resource packs.
I have the same problem, it looks like it is related with the R3D Craft pack itself (we have to wait for an update I think). Try the [1.8] version, it works well, I am sorry about that, but I can't do much.
No problem
I will not be able to release anything during 2 weeks. But I am working on R3D Craft
Awesome pack!
Thank you, but this is a collection of addons for different resource packs
The Pictures sections only shows S&K Photo Realism with POM and PBR. I am not the maker of the textures but only addons.
For the moment, I am not able to test my addons with SEUS V11.0.
However there are no reasons that it does not work with SEUS V11.0, the POM can only maybe be a bit flat.
If you find any bugs, you can report them.
I am glad you like it. Unfortunatly, Faithfull is a 32x and I do not plan to add 32x resource packs for the moment, maybe in the future if a lot of people ask me to do it.
i hope you dont mind me asking this: is there other resource packs you may be considering making a shader support for? I am quite curious?
Yes of course, I have to finish R3D Craft before. You will know more about this soon
Oh boy, it's been a long time since I last visited these forums.
Anyway for curiosities sake I was wondering what program you use to create the Normal, Specular, and Height maps for the textures (I'm assuming something like the Quixel plugin for Photoshop, or maybe one of Allegorithmic's products.
I was also wondering how having a PBR lighting model could be more performance demanding, as the only real difference between a PBR lighting model and a Blinn/Phong lighting model is the arithmetic used in the lighting calculations (PBR uses calculation that are representative of the real world and Blinn/Phong does not)
A Blinn/Phong shader uses around 40 to 50 shader instructions to the GPU and PBR is about the same, the only time the instruction count will increase is if the use of an HDRI is present, however I have my doubts that such a feature is present in these Minecraft shaders.
Also as a side note I am aware that this may not be the best place to ask some of these questions, but I thought I would try anyway. (Since I can’t seem to get a straight answer from any of the other shader creators
I use Bitmap2Material (Allegorithmic), however it is not a "real" PBR map (with a metallic map). Continuum Shader support PBR (PBR version), it is simply a RGB specular map with 3 channels to make the difference between insulators and conductors.
The Continuum team will give you more answer on how their PBR shader work. Try on their Facebook page or email, they have the only one shaderpack in Minecraft that support PBR. I only know that their PBR shader is not optimized.
Ya ill probably have to give that a try.
On a side note Sonic Ether's shaders also have support for PBR, however due to a lack of information on his end there hasn't been any Resource packs that utilize it (at least as far as i know).
You can find the little blurb about it on his Facebook page (You can see him talking about it in the second comment)
EDIT: for whatever reason that link didn't work, but it's working now
PBR supported by SEUS is on predefined block (gold, iron). With Continuum you can choose if a block (or a part) is metal or not for any block.
Do not hesitate to give your opinion and/or post screenshots