Mod Support
I want a Flows HD addon
For the moment I have no plans for a specific resource pack. I will finish R3D Craft first.
I will test to see how Flows HD looks like with shaders and maybe make an addon after this, but for the moment I am working on R3D Craft addons.
I suggest putting up a poll asking what resource pack people want you to work on, of course, finish R3D craft first, lol.

Also, maybe Faithful would be a nice resource pack you could work on after you finish R3D. or maybe Glimmar's Steampunk. All up to you though.
I have think of that.
And also about Faithful, but I can not find if this pack is up to date or not and the link to the updated official thread.
Update : R3D Craft Smooth Realism 512x BM-POM Preview1 added.
Oh, that is odd. I remember that was a very popular resource pack back in 2015. Maybe it died or something.
I really don't know.
I have used the tutorials of Continuum to fit their shader (no glitch with POM, and the channel used by PBR, they are great but you have to know a bit more about the softwares and how all of theses maps works). I am not good at making video and I am french, so I don't think I will do any video.
But come in PM and I can help you if your maps do not work.
ok now this is ridiculously! i never seen such a realistic rock.. as this one.. well a round rock.. in a block.
LOL... one thing for sure, it left me speechless and it is amazed that there are more and more resource pack being developed for a Shader support. obviously, i am a fan of a realistic resource pack..
Edit: i have to ask, where is the POM_Depth at? i am not sure where to find it
You will like the brick I think.
I have started this thread because of the lack of high quality packs with full shaders support, so here there are
Go to Video Settings/Shaders/Shader Settings/POMnSpec and then POM_Depth
I will maybe add that in the instructions.
yeah that would be helpful for anyone who dont know where POM_depth is at. especially myself.
edit: is it in minecraft or folder?? video settings... in minecraft.. i can't find it.. the shader settings. 0_o
You have to download Optifine and install a compatible shader (Continuum Non-PBR to change the POM_Depth). Then in Minecraft Menu, you go in option and follow my previous post.
yeah i have optifine 1.9.4 installed. i also went in shader setting. but what i mean is that i can't find POM_Depth.
EDIT; sorry for confusing. let me clear it up.. I did went in Shader setting, which is an option after you went in Video setting.. and when i am in Shader option, i dont see "shader setting" anywhere.. thats what i mean by "i can't find shader setting" and that included POM_Depth.
It is in the bottom right, in the Shader Menu.
I will post screeshoots.
UPDATE : 512x R3D Craft Smooth Realism BM-POM Preview2 added.
Dear god, that looks gorgeous!
excuse my foul language....that surprised me..Edit: i just took my time looking at the picture.. now thats way too better than the previous picture that i praised or admired...thats almost a realistic bricks!
I will take that as a compliment
Minecraft gets some real bricks
Thank you, this one was not easy (because of the constrast and other things).
Glad you like it !