Mod Support
Same here
No matter what I try, my computer says the ad.fly links are malware is there any other way to get the downloads?
which one should i download for a low spec pc
I can't download the PBR because when i go to the adfly site and click allow nothing happens ive tried reloading the page and i turned off adblock.
What do I do?
lowest one
probably 64x
Why don't the downloads work anymore?
Could someone please post a mirror or something? I am trying to download but it does not work.
Hey i would love playing with this but for some reason the Ad.fly links are not working for me! Any fixes?
Au secour il y a un gros problème sur les liens adfly pom et pbr car les liens ne marches plus ;-; help please
When I try to download POM or PBR support, it takes me to AdF.ly. When I press skip, it takes me to a site that forces me to press "Allow Notifications". How to fix?
The site it takes me is https://www1a.michellehardin.pro.
Obviously a scam phishing site or redirect scam.
Don't go to there.
Try mirror link if you can find it. usually those dont have adfly or any such. and are directly links.
would try this out but I can't get past the ad.fly links, totally botched up, and definitely needs an alternate link for downloading, but since there is none I am giving up now and will go get sliders or something else instead,
hello hello, IS their any help ? i have the original s@K photo realism 512x512 Resource pack BUT I WANT the 3d function but your just linking scammer post that dont actually bring you to the download page. is their any way you can do me a solid and let me get it ?